Impressions of the movie Avatar
A tree of crabapple
2023-07-31 05:01:54

In general, Avatar's setting of the plot conflict is a simple opposition between good and evil, either black or white; In each camp, there is also a lack of diversity. It seems that two iron plates collide with each other there. There is a masculine atmosphere, but a little silly. In addition, the biggest negative consequence of such a simple antagonistic relationship is the single role image. At first, I thought that there should be different opinions on the human mercenary side, especially between military commanders and executive heads. There should be subtle differences in their ideas. That would make stories and characters more three-dimensional, but unfortunately not. As a whole, human beings seem to be bad people, Navi people are good people, and the behavior of good people (the protagonist and his friends) among the bad people is also a common model; Moreover, every character group has a single idea... In this way, this story is also an honest and well behaved "Raphster"; Let's think about it: if you are honest and strong, can you defeat Weiyangsheng's handsome and romantic? The so-called "divine works" must not be honest (for those who do not know the name of "right to be honest" or "Weiyang student", please call the primary school language teacher to urge them to make up lessons).

The hat of "Shenzuo" is very big, but very simple. It is difficult to draw a conclusion without breaking it apart. All of the above are "necessary conditions", without which "divine works" cannot be achieved; But on the contrary, even if all the necessary conditions are met, it still depends on how the film as a whole and all aspects of the implementation can be fully concluded.

As far as the movie story is concerned, we must all know that the story of Avatar is relatively simple and not profound at all. To put it bluntly, the plot of the film is a space version of the colonial and anti colonial struggle on a large scale, and a cross racial love story on an individual level, which is nothing new. However, this kind of setting is "Radisset" for the film - in other words - enough to support the film narrative needs. Intuitively speaking, the story of "Radish Stuart" gives people two feelings: first, it is reliable and not far fetched. The plot setting of Avatar basically doesn't make people feel absurd or puzzled, like the situation that "danger always follows the main character, but always lags behind" that is common in other blockbusters. I have always admired Cameron's ability to play with the bridge. He always manages to make the audience feel that "it should be like this", which is the true meaning of "Radisset"; In addition, whether the film story "Raphstein" is true or not can also be seen from the sincerity and efforts behind the editing and directing of the plot. Generally speaking, the quality of the film is not reliable from the perspective of "sincerity", because no film maker will emphasize his "lack of sincerity" in the propaganda. The key here is to see "people". The core of the film production "people" is the director. The director is really heavy, and the story of the film is "empty". Cameron, who has always advocated "do it yourself and have plenty of food and clothing", is definitely one of the most "real" directors in Hollywood. With ten years of polishing, including the setting of the whole Pandora world, he has accumulated such rich "nutrition" that it is difficult for "Avatar" to be strong.

However, a "strong" child who can afford the whole film structure may not be a charming child who looks forward to life; In personal dictionary, "charisma" is a necessary and sufficient condition for a movie story to reach the level of "masterpiece". The story of Avatar, especially the presentation of the landscape ecology of Pandora and the indigenous civilization of Navi in the middle part, perfectly makes up for the boring defects in the second act of the usual blockbuster film, making the whole film feel very compact, and the nearly three hour length seems to pass quickly; However, this story is still routine in the end. Because of the predictable turns and results, it lacks surprises and can not bring people fresh feelings.