Arafat's famous sayings about population (Selected 16 sentences)
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2023-04-24 22:36:40
A complete list of famous sayings

1. This reward does not belong to me. It belongs to my people. They have suffered too much. They can bravely achieve peace for our martyrs, our prisoners, our children and the future.

2. This is my motherland, no one can kick me away.

3. The fight for peace is the hardest battle in our life. It is worth our efforts, because the land of peace, the land of peace aspires to comprehensive peace.

4. I swear to God that I will see the establishment of the Palestinian State, whether I am a martyr or alive. Let Allah give me the honor of being a martyr for the purpose of recapturing Jerusalem.

5. The struggle will continue until all Palestinians are liberated.

6. I hold a gun in my left hand and an olive branch in my right. The Palestinians pursue peace, but please don't force me to use a gun.

7. I came here with olive branch and freedom fighter's gun. Please don't let the olive branch fall from my hands.

8. What can I give the people? A missile? An explosive? I don't have these things. A biological weapon? My God? The only missile I can give the people is your unity, your unity, your unity.

9. There is always light at the end of the tunnel.

10. I will die in Palestine and never leave here.

11. Our new generation is tired of waiting. Rather than wait for a slow and painful death in a desert tent, it is better to die with the enemy.

12. We are one on the road to Jerusalem. No matter who likes Jerusalem or not, and no matter who can go there to drink sea water, Jerusalem is the capital of the Palestinian State.

13. Who are we at peace with? We will make peace with the enemy. We do not work for war, we should work for peace, peace.

14. From me, from top to bottom, no one can make mistakes. Even the prophets make mistakes.

15. I am a mortal, and I want to have a wife and children very much. But I know I will face a long-term struggle. I think it is unfair to ask any woman to share the hardships with me.

16. It is my right to hang the Palestinian flag on Jerusalem, on the walls of Jerusalem, on the minarets of Jerusalem, and on the churches of Jerusalem.