Birthday blessing language Birthday prompt language (selected 37 sentences)
Long Street Old Friends
2023-05-05 11:37:09
Blessing words

1. May this day that belongs to you bring you happiness, and may the days ahead be even better! Happy birthday!

2. There are 3 days left for my coming of age. Wish me happiness! Happy birthday!

3. I don't want to lose all the memory of spring breeze, summer rain, autumn frost and winter snow, nor will I forget our funny words on the way of life! Happy birthday!

4. At this incomparably warm moment, I would like to propose a cup of wine to you from afar, together with my heartfelt blessing, which is not expensive and precious. Wish you a sweet, warm and happy birthday!

5. Well, tomorrow is my birthday. Wish me a happy birthday in advance, because I know that no one will know my birthday except myself!

6. Let the golden light shine into your heart and disperse the haze. Use white clouds to weave your happiness and let joy emerge. Spread the beautiful rainbow in your peaceful sky, and make your health eternal. Happy birthday to you!

7. Thank you for your family, lover and son. They are all true love in this life! Happy 30th birthday!

8. Is there anyone like me who thinks of some people and things every night and tears involuntarily. During the day, I continued to be the smiling child, but I smiled a little lonely! Happy birthday!

9. You can lose everything, but you can't lose face; Everything can come again, but life can't come again; Anything can be accepted, only asking for trouble can not be accepted; Everything can be thrown away, but friendship cannot be thrown away. Good luck! Happy birthday!

10. Friend, it's your birthday! May you have endless happiness, endless blessings, endless gifts and endless happiness today! At this beautiful moment, I wish you a happy birthday!

11. Wine: Pour it into a cup like water, drink it into your stomach and be haunted, trip your legs when walking, quarrel when coming home, climb into bed impotent, and regret the next day. Did you drink it at night? Happy birthday!

12. Tomorrow is my birthday. Wish me a happy birthday!

13. Since I have you, my world has become extremely beautiful. I no longer feel lonely and lonely. If there is one, it is only because Typhoon Vader has interrupted our contact. Happy birthday to my dear husband!

14. Happy day by day, painful day by day, there is no need to face life. It's enough to be angry for a while! Happy birthday!

15. The flies in the spoon make a living. Happy birthday to you!

16. I hope that in the days to come, the sun will shine in my eyes, the smile will be full of candor, and all the tears will be tears of joy! Happy birthday!

17. Dear self, don't care too much about some people, too much about some things, let nature take its course, and face everything with the best attitude, because the world is like this, often in front of the things we care about, we will appear worthless! Happy birthday!

18. Little, little, I'll order a happy song, give you the most beautiful melody, let you dance happily, little, little, I'll order a cup of coffee time, give you the most beautiful flavor, let you taste happily, happy birthday!

19. Hello, leader, today is your 18th birthday, and I would like to send my wishes to him like a bowl of sweet long-lived noodles. Chewing noodles are my long wishes, and delicious soup is my blessing for your happiness, happiness and sweetness!

20. Send my gift and my heart, and I firmly believe that you will be very happy. Happy birthday!

21. No matter how much alcohol you drink, the problem that should be solved after waking up still hasn't been solved. No matter how much you toss your stomach, your heart will not feel better. So, face everything bravely! Happy birthday!

22. Happy birthday! May my next life be like a fish, living in shallow water all my life, I don't know, I don't remember!

23. The gentle wind winds my deep thoughts and turns them into true blessings. Float and float and gently fall down beside you. You should listen to the sound of the wind quietly and feel the coziness with your heart. That's my wish for your happy birthday!

24. Love is in the lonely night, when yearning comes like a tide, with a book in hand, but I can't read it. I wonder whether he is still working overtime, eating or not having dinner, and whether he is thinking about himself as he thinks about him! Happy birthday to my husband!

25. Happiness comes from your birthday. I turn my sincere blessing into a beautiful mystery and bring it to your birthday party for you to guess!

26. From today on, the Juvenile Protection Law will not apply! Happy birthday!

27. Give your sincerity and love that belong to you every day, and send your voice to bless your family. Dear mother, I wish you a happy birthday and happiness forever!

28. When I woke up in the morning, I asked the white dove to take my blessing to you. Although we are far away, our friendship is the power of the white dove to fly. When you see it, please put it in your ear and listen to it say: Happy birthday!

29. Who can remember that today is my birthday!

30. Today is your birthday, my love. In the morning, I send you a group of blessings. Happy birthday! Please remember that someone loves you and needs you forever. I wish you a happy birthday with my wholehearted love!

31. Dear, I am very happy to meet you, to love you, to be loved by you, and to be with you all my life! Happy birthday to my husband!

32. The meteor across the sky is because he wants to kiss the earth, and the white clouds are floating in the sky. It is because he is reluctant to part with the sky. I am very enthusiastic about you, and it is because I want to say to you: Happy birthday to my husband!

33. Today is my birthday. My sisters wish me a happy birthday, OK?

34. A fine horse runs out, and a strong soldier fights out. Today is my birthday, I wish myself happy!

35. Your excuse makes me cold! Happy birthday!

36. Have a safe, smooth and healthy journey! Happy birthday!

37. Thirty years in a row. Let this ephemeral youth be more energetic and colorful! Happy birthday!