Reflections on The Day After Tomorrow
Elegant and indifferent
2023-10-29 03:47:37
high school
impressions of after reading

"The day after tomorrow" is a shocking film, which is worth seeing again, whether from the visual reality or the thick family feelings conveyed by the film.
As human destruction of the environment has caused the greenhouse effect, leading to the melting of the Arctic icebergs, the entire northern hemisphere is in danger. Let's not mention the discussion on environmental protection. When shooting the tsunami, the film first looked from the height of ordinary people, and saw the high wall of water slowly coming from afar. Because of the distance, it felt like a hungry and clumsy bear, approaching step by step, and the chilly chill was reflected from the picture, It makes people fear. Then, the camera gradually pulls up and back, rising to the top of the tsunami. At this time, we can see that on the boundless sea, the rising sea water and the sea level form a huge drop. This huge water tap is endless, and it roars towards Manhattan angrily. Usually, there are many skyscrapers, At this time, it was just a small building block on the children's table. In a moment, the streets and alleys were flooded by the tsunami, and the waves were billowing. People running on the streets were like ants, struggling hopelessly. At this moment, people sitting in front of the screen must have infinite awe of nature in their hearts. In ancient times, people treated nature like gods; Now, the arrogance of "man conquers nature" has finally made mankind taste the bitter fruit of its own brewing.
However, what I like most is the film's perfect expression of kinship. This is another way to remind us that in the busy life, we should not hesitate to spend time with our families. The father in the film is a climatologist, because the work he is engaged in is very important, and the longest time to get along with children is because of a ship accident. This is the story of the son trapped in the library. His eyes show his nostalgia for the accident. When the pay phone was about to be flooded, the father told the child on the phone: "Wait where you are, try to keep warm, and I will go to save you!" This promise was made by a father and a real man. Then, the temperature suddenly dropped, and the northern half of the United States became extremely cold in the Arctic. People who did not listen to the boy's advice were frozen to death on the escape road. With the help of his two good friends, Dad broke through many obstacles and finally found the child huddled up by the fireplace of the library. At the moment when father and son embraced each other, I burst into tears. It was love that led my father to the child; It is boundless trust, encouraging the children to persist until the moment of reunion! In this world, there is no feeling that is as pure and lasting as that between father and son, mother and son.