Reflections on Zhu Ziqing
No big deal
2023-11-01 23:45:18
high school
reaction to a book or an article

A piece of prose wakes us up like a dream, and makes those who have read it feel the sincere and mellow beauty of human relationship between father and son; A prose, let us feel the passing of time through the scene in front of us, the reality of things, with a faint question to express the helplessness that cannot be retained; A piece of prose makes us feel the pure beauty of purity and tranquility as if we were in the scene where the moonlight is light, the lotus fragrance is dim, and the light and shadow are like dreams.
Zhu Ziqing is the creator of these essays. He is a modern Chinese essayist, poet, and scholar. His poems and essays are fresh, charming, and rich in meaning. Among them, his essays are famous around the world. His essays are known as the model of modern Chinese prose. He uses literature to write life and articles to express his meaning. His rich language and perfect style are hard to describe. Mr. Zhu Ziqing has left us countless pearl and jade prose classics.
A piece of "Back" has caused many people's heaviness and sadness, and every word reveals the author's sigh of the world, his perception of life and his infinite feelings of the past. When I saw the sentence "When his back is mixed with people coming and going, I will come in and sit down. My tears are coming again", my eyes could not help but warm. This essay intercepts a fragment of life. A son leaves his father at the station. He misses his father. The most unforgettable thing is his father's "back". The segment is based on the careful care of my father before seeing him off, focuses on my father's back when he climbed the railway to buy oranges, and concludes with my father's back in tears. The scene is harmonious and the lasting appeal is long. When I saw this, I couldn't help thinking of my father. My thoughts drifted away. My father's back seemed to appear in front of me. It was through the bus glass, the back of the micro bow carrying heavy tools on the construction site, the back of the busy field, and the back that stood in front of me from beginning to end, sheltering me from the wind and rain, making me extremely relieved. Father's love is like a mountain, standing proudly.
Most of Mr. Zhu Ziqing's works are based on life, and can be roughly divided into two types: one is to describe personal and family life, full of strong emotional color; The other is to describe the natural scenery and scenery mainly to express his personal feelings. In the book, there are both simple and moving "Back" and dim and elegant "Moonlight over the Lotus Pond". "Moonlight is like flowing water, flowing quietly on the leaves and flowers. A thin blue mist floats in the lotus pond. The leaves and flowers seem to have been washed in milk; they are also like dreams with gauze." The pavilions of green lotus leaves, beautiful lotus flowers, and dim moonlight, The misty lotus pond has a refreshing fragrance. Leaves, flowers, shape, color and taste are all in one, making people intoxicated and reluctant to return. There is also a lively picture in Spring, the passage of time shown by the swallows gone, willows withered, and peach blossoms withered in Hurry. In addition, I have endless memories of the chapters in On the Appreciation of Elegance and Popularity, To the Dead Woman, and so on. His prose has no flowery words, no excessive rhetoric, no soul stirring content and plot, but only the true feelings and elegant and meaningful writing between the lines, deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Mr. Zhu Ziqing conveyed his national spirit, national integrity and sincere feelings through his prose, inspiring us from generation to generation.
Chuang Tzu once said that "between the heaven and earth of life, if a white horse passes a gap, suddenly it comes". Time really passes by inadvertently. When talking with people, time slips away from words. When playing in class, time passes from laughter. When reading quietly, time disappears from lines. Ask yourself, how did my time pass? What have I gained in the passage of time? Is it living a mediocre life every day, or doing repetitive and mechanical things every day. Mr. Zhu Ziqing's prose inspired me. The inspiration came from life, social reality and his own personality.
Yesterday has become the past, good and bad, sad and happy are irretrievable, and the future is filled with all unknowns, only now is what we can grasp. Time is in a hurry, time is in a hurry, everything is in your own hands, you can't doubt, don't hesitate, and don't leave regrets.