An ancient motto on self encouragement
Half way guest dream
2023-05-16 02:27:18

1. He who has strong ambition is the master of fame. [ Jin] Ge Hong

2. Poverty is not enough to shame, but shame is poverty without ambition. [ Ming Dynasty Lu Kun

3. Those who are always at ease will not have broad aspirations. 〔 Spring and Autumn Period Kongqiu

4. If there is no ambition, there is no clarity; Those who do not breathe have no outstanding achievements. 〔 Warring States Period] Xun Kuang

5. Without ambition, nothing can be achieved in the world. [ Ming Dynasty Wang Shouren

6. Heroes are ambitious, have good plans, have the opportunity to hide the universe, and swallow the aspirations of heaven and earth. Romance of the Three Kingdoms

7. Life, death and poverty are not easy to achieve. [ Song Dynasty] Su Shi

8. Fu Zhi is also handsome in spirit. [ Warring States Period] Meng Ke

9. The body can be humiliated, but the ambition cannot be taken away. [ Tang Dynasty Wang Bo

10. Men aspire to three steps: family, country and world. [ Ming Dynasty Tang Yin

11. Where there is a will, there is a way. One hundred and two Qinguan Pass will belong to Chu. All the hardworking people will suffer. Three thousand people can swallow Wu if they go through hardships. [ Qing Dynasty Pu Songling

12. People should be determined, and if they are determined, they will be successful. People all over the world, from ancient to modern times, did not make contributions without ambition. 〔 Ming Dynasty Zhu Di

13. Scholars who want to get rid of the disease of faintness and laziness must first aim. 〔 Song Dynasty] Zhen Dexiu

14. The difficulty of ambition lies not in winning others, but in winning oneself. [ The Warring States Period] Han Fei

15. Keep your ambition firm, suffer your heart, and work hard. Nothing is big or small, and you will achieve something. [ Qing Dynasty Zeng Guofan

16. Therefore, the aspirant is also the heart of learning; To be a scholar is to aspire. [ Ming Dynasty Wang Shouren

17. You can't lose your ambition by being frustrated. [ Ming Dynasty Feng Menglong

18. In ancient times, people who made great achievements not only had extraordinary talents, but also had perseverance and perseverance. [ Song Dynasty] Su Shi

19. If you persist in your ambition, you will not be able to achieve great success. 〔 Jin] Ge Hong

20. How can the bird know the ambition of a swan Han] Sima Qian

21. No one can do anything without ambition. [ Ming Dynasty Qi Jiguang

22. If people have no ambition, they are like animals. [ Warring States Period] Meng Ke

23. Don't remember books, but memorize after reading; If the meaning is not refined, it can be refined after careful consideration. If you have no ambition, you will have no strength. [ Song Dynasty Zhu Xi

24. But speaking modestly is not like saying ambition first. [ Qing Dynasty] Chen Zhen