Beautiful autumn sentences (58 sentences)
Wandering Heart
2023-02-18 18:32:18
Complete sentences

1. Autumn is coming, and the fruit is ripe. Yellow is pear, red is apple, and shiny is grape.

2. Standing on the high slope of the mountain, you can see the autumn wind and leaves falling one after another, and see the clouds rising and surging like passers-by in the world of life.

3. In contrast to the prosperity of spring, the pomp of summer, and the stillness of winter, autumn is a middle-aged man who is not yet old, but has a deep understanding of the world.

4. Your arrival in autumn has brought years of laughter to people. I hope you can stay more days to deepen our friendship!

5. The golden autumn is coming. The sky is like a sapphire covering the earth. It has been wiped clean and beautiful by the autumn wind.

6. Where the autumn wind passes, the grains smell sweet. From a distance, the crops look like thousands of waves rolling; At a close look, Daogu bent over with a smile, Sorghum blushed, and Maize was happy.

7. The breeze cleans your heart, and the sounds of nature touch your heart. A stream of water, a string of bamboo, you know, you should go to see autumn.

8. Or the early morning light, or the evening light in the mountain street, sitting alone in autumn, the sky is high, the clouds are light, the mountains are far away, the trees are near, the birds are singing, and a distant symphony of nature rises in your heart.

9. Autumn is often said to be golden, isn't it? Indeed, she has brought rich fruits to nature, and has rewarded numerous living things, including people, with food that can sustain life.

10. As soon as September arrived, there was a sense of autumn, which crept in at a foggy dawn and disappeared in the hot afternoon. It tiptoed across the top of the tree, dyed several leaves red, and then flew across the valley in a cluster to leave.

11. The red leaves of thousands of trees, the deeper the autumn, the more red, from afar, like the rolling flame.

12. Autumn is painting, colorful clouds, flowing clouds, maturity and harvest. Let's praise autumn, the prospect of harvest, the gorgeous autumn style, and cherish the good time of "middle-aged".

13. In the morning, the glistening dew will play games with the grass and roll around. Take a drop with your hand. If you are not careful, the dew will fall to the ground and disappear. It seems that you are playing games with me!

14. In autumn, leaves fall one by one, and with little regret, they throw themselves into the arms of Mother Earth. They jump, spin, dance, fly and fall.

15. Walking into the fields is like being in the golden ocean. Under the sunshine, the sky and the earth are also integrated, and everywhere is golden.

16. Autumn is coming, and the fruit is ripe. The yellow ones are pears, the red ones are apples, and the bright ones are grapes. A cool wind blows, and the fruit nods, sending out an attractive fragrance.

17. Autumn always comes unknowingly. Unlike spring, it surprises us for the roadside and a wild flower, nor does winter let us play in the snow. In the hot summer, we should enjoy the cool autumn.

18. The yellow rice ears hang heavily, and the cotton peach is like a small tree, bursting with egg like tidbits. Ah, not rice fields, but the sea of gold; It is not a cotton field, but a silver world.

19. In the rice field, a piece of yellow rice rippled with the autumn wind. In the green vegetable field, the fat and tender leaves were shining with crystal dew.

20. The autumn wind is cool, blowing flowers and trees, like a warm mother gently humming a lullaby to send her children to sweet dreams.

21. Autumn is coming, and chrysanthemums are blooming. There are red ones, yellow ones, purple ones, and white ones. They are very beautiful!

22. The sunshine in golden autumn is warm and quiet, the autumn wind in Dong Township is warm and gentle, and the blue sky and white clouds are elegant and melodious.

23. The sunshine in golden autumn is warm and quiet, the breeze in golden autumn is warm and gentle, the blue sky and white clouds in golden autumn are elegant, and the fields in golden autumn are golden everywhere.

24. Autumn is the season of hard work and golden yellow -- as beloved as spring, as warm as summer, and as attractive as winter.

25. Fallen leaves her mother and travels alone to experience the colorful life. She will use her last strength to interpret the most colorful movement and the most wonderful song in life.

26. Are the leaves rustling and composing their own music? The voice varies from high to low.

27. In autumn, the bright red apples look out from the green leaves; Small red lanterns like dates hung all over the branches; Grapes like purple agate are hanging under the grape trellis in clusters. How charming!

28. Golden butterfly, would you like to make friends with me? Come on! Fly into my textbook and walk into the bright classroom with me.

29. The sky becomes so quiet, high and blue. The white clouds are like sheep. If you look closely, they are like cotton candy. The sky seems washed by the sea, as light as a feather.

30. In autumn, the sky is particularly clear, and white clouds also smile. The tall poplar trees are clapping loudly, and the wind is quietly sending good news.

31. Autumn comes quietly, with light steps and harvest hopes and joy.

32. Autumn is like a beautiful fairy in a golden dress. The fairy covers the heat of the summer sun with her light and cool sleeves. Blow the cool breeze to the earth.

33. When the crisp autumn wind gently caresses your faces, and the breeze splashes the paint brought by itself on the leaves, the leaf composer wrote the beautiful and beautiful "Rhyme of Autumn", he knew that autumn was coming.

34. Autumn may be hidden in the golden rice ears, in the persimmons with fire, or in the green rape fields.

35. The beauty of autumn is mature. It is not as shy as spring, as open in summer, and as introverted in winter.

36. Autumn is a poem, a picture, a song, and a beautiful dream. Autumn is beautiful, beautiful in a clear.

37. The second half of the night after autumn. The moon went down, but the sun had not yet come out, leaving only a dark blue sky; Everything is asleep except for the night tour.

38. The golden butterfly! Who are you dancing for? The flowers have no smile, and the grass has no luster. Oh, I see, you are blinking for the little daisy in the garden.

39. In autumn, the poplar leaves are yellow, hanging on the tree like yellow flowers; Falling in the air, like yellow butterflies; It fell in the river beside the tree, like a golden boat.

40. There are half a foot deep dead leaves in the woods. When the wind blows, they spin and fly up and spread evenly, covering the path that slants and circles to the top of the mountain.

41. The autumn light is gorgeous, the golden wind is refreshing, the sea like sorghum raises the torch, and the boundless soybeans ring the bronze bell.

42. The sky is like a sapphire covering the earth when autumn comes. The small pond outside the village is staring at the beautiful sky with clear eyes. A pair of little white geese leaned their heads to admire their shadows reflected in the water.

43. The sky is very high in autumn, as if Pangu is still supporting the sky and the earth; The sky was so blue that it seemed that a painter had painted blue paint in the sky.

44. I don't know when you landed gently on my bright red sweater. Do you also regard me as a flower?

45. Autumn is noisy, and only in this season can we enjoy the joy of every harvest.

46. The beauty of autumn is rational. It is not as charming as spring, hot in summer, and implicit in winter.

47. Autumn is like a magician. It brings a harvest to nature, fresh and delicious fruits and vegetables, and a colorful world to us.

48. Autumn is the harvest season. The golden season is as lovely as spring, as warm as summer, and as charming as winter.

49. In autumn, you are more prosperous than in spring, and you are more colorful than in spring.

50. The fallen leaves began to hold the "Dance Forest Conference". They were dressed in bright yellow, dark red and light purple gauze clothes. They whirled like dozens of butterflies, dancing.

51. Autumn, the beautiful season, the harvest season, the golden season, is as desirable as the spring when flowers are in full bloom, as enthusiastic as the hot summer, and as charming as the snowy winter.

52. Autumn is a sweet wine, a magnificent poem and a moving song. If the four seasons in the cycle of the sun and the moon are a drama with ups and downs, then autumn is the climax of the drama.

53. Although it has been a long time since autumn, the feeling of soaking in sweat all day in the hot summer this year is unforgettable. It seems that the afterglow of summer is still lingering.

54. In late autumn, the leaves withered and yellowed, falling on the ground like a layer of yellow carpet. Only cockscomb could not bear to wither, which was quite like an independent cold autumn.

55. Uphill, ears of sorghum stand proudly. When the autumn wind blows, they are like torches of victory, shaking happily.

56. The autumn wind is bleak, and the trees are all stained with gold; Walking in the dense forest under the sun has a different taste.

57. Autumn is amorous because she has so many babies. The seeds sown in spring are harvested in autumn! The bright and clean autumn moon is even more sentimental. The beautiful and clean moon spreads the beautiful afterglow and puts a layer of gauze on the earth, revealing a warm, quiet and dreamlike beauty.

58. The autumn grass is sentimental and withering; Huanghua has no intention of leading Nanshan to overlook. Crossing the paths and curling the smoke from the kitchen are endless poems in autumn.