3000 words after reading Notre Dame de Paris
Listen to happiness
2023-09-20 00:03:41

Notre Dame de Paris is Hugo's first large-scale romantic novel. It tells a story that happened in France in the 15th century in a strange and contrastive way: Claude, the archbishop of Notre Dame in Paris, is sanctimonious, kind-hearted, loves first and hates later, persecutes the gypsy girl Esmeralda, while Quasimodo, the ugly and kind-hearted bell ringer, gives himself up to help Esmeralda. The novel exposes the hypocrisy of religion, praises the goodness, fraternity and self sacrifice of the lower working people, and reflects Hugo's humanitarian thought. Its plot twists and turns, character more conflict, is a dramatic work.

In 1482, Paris under the rule of Louis XI of France was immersed in the carnival atmosphere of "April Fool's Day". On the square in front of Notre Dame in Paris, Esmeralda, a gypsy girl from Egypt, won warm applause with her moving beauty and graceful dancing. She gave the money that people gave her to the poor children, and said to them, "Take all this money, and you can go to the festival!" The children asked her, "What will you do?" She said, "Leave me alone, I spend the festival every day." - Yes, this is her Esmeralda

However, the god of destiny has fixed everything at this time. Among the audience, a middle-aged man with a pale face, dressed in a black robe, hid behind the glass window, and was also peeping at Esmeralda dancing. He was Claude Fullou, the associate bishop of Notre Dame in Paris and alchemist. When he saw a gypsy girl with both color and art singing and dancing, her light dance steps and wonderful dance movements suddenly awakened his desire that had been buried in his heart for more than ten years. He could not control himself and drive away the devil who had captured his soul. In order to relieve his boredom, he went to the square to drive away the vendors who were hawking and said that he was not allowed to play around in front of the church. And all this is just for his selfless psychology These peddlers didn't pay attention to him and attacked him in groups. Just then, a tall, powerful, ugly man rushed out of the church. He pushed the crowd away and saved the priest. He is Quasimodo. It turned out that he was a deformed child abandoned by his parents in front of Notre Dame in Paris. Flolou brought him up out of pity and was deafened by ringing the bell all day long. For (dedication), it is not his fault. The happy people are looking for the "Fool Pope". Esmeralda takes a look at the deaf and ugly bell tower monster Quasimodo. People put a crown on him, put a robe on him, and gave him a whistle to march along the street on a high sedan chair. Quasimodo was whistling happily when he saw Fuluolou standing in front of the car with a gloomy face. The priest knocked off his crown and pulled him back to Notre Dame. Why? Maybe just for the unbearable lowliness!

Is it my fault that she is so beautiful? Is it my fault that she dances so well? Is it my fault that she can drive people crazy? " He couldn't help himself. "Go!" However, this command changed her fate... Quasimodo, "Go and catch her!" The Bell Tower Monster ran quickly to Esmeralda, picked her up and ran to Notre Dame... an inextricable fate

"Help", let her wander in the "Miracle Dynasty". At that time, in the "kingdom of slang" under the rule of the "Miracle Dynasty", the king of beggars, Klauban, was trying Ganguo, a poor poet who did not understand the cut and mistakenly entered the "kingdom territory". According to the rules of the dynasty, he had only two choices: to pair with a rope or to marry a woman in the kingdom. But several old women thought he was too thin, and no one wanted him. In this way, Ganguo can only be hanged. At this critical moment, Esmeralda stepped forward and shouted "I want him". In this way, the two married on the spot. The kind-hearted girl agreed to marry him, just to save his life, she took him home for food and lodging, but did not sleep with him. At this point, if it is us, how many people are willing to do so? How many people have such courage and courage?

When we saw that Quasimodo, who had committed the crime of robbing women, was brought to the square to flog in public after being summarily tried. The bell tower strange man who kneels in the scorching sun and has suffered for generations is thirsty. He shouts for water to the soldiers and the crowd around him, but the answer is all teasing and insulting. At this time, beautiful Esmeralda pushed the crowd aside and sent water to Quasimodo's mouth. Filled with gratitude, Quasimodo burst into tears and kept saying, "Beautiful... beautiful... beautiful." At this moment, he made a lifelong promise.

See here, I should be happy or sad?

In the square, the poor poet helped Esmeralda perform the program of goat recognition. In a pile of Latin letters, the goat took out the name of Phoebus, the sun god. At this time, Phoebe is flattering the queen and her daughter in the palace near the square. Princess Lily asked Phoebe to go to the square and drive Esmeralda away to prove his love for her. Phoebe rode to the square, chased the performers loudly, and booked a tryst with the girl in the old place tonight. However, who knows that this tryst brings her endless darkness

When Fuluolou heard that Gan Guoa and the girl were married, he was very angry. When he learned that they were just married in name, he turned to joy. He met the drunken bodyguard captain Phoebe on the street. Hearing that he was going to have a tryst with the girl, he immediately discouraged her, saying that she was married. But Phoebe retorted, "Why do you confuse love with marriage?" Who should persuade who? Is selfishness really the soul of human beings? Evil? dark? The gear is still turning quietly

What for? Quasimodo hid the girl in his house and slept at the door like a guardian god? When Esmeralda suddenly woke up and saw Quasimodo's face, she was frightened. Quasimodo hurriedly ran away, ran to the clock tower and hit the clock with his head desperately. The deep bell sounded like crying. Esmeralda came to him, and Quasimodo covered his face with his hands and murmured, "My face is ugly and always frightening." In order to comfort him, the girl danced for him in a happy rhythm. Excited, Quasimodo sounded the bell of Notre Dame with his body weight like a swing. His hearty laughter filled the clock tower. Quasimodo flies around the clock tower with a rope to pick flowers for Esmeralda. Love in the season of ice.

Suddenly the girl found the captain of the guard in the square. She called him by name, but he didn't look up at her. She asked Quasimodo to find him, but in order to get the rich dowry of the princess and the territory in Sao Paulo, he ignored the girl's request and rode away. The kind-hearted Quasimodo found that he had insulted the girl's mission. And deep remorse

With hatred for Fuluolou, who failed to seize the girl by force, he knelt down to the king and asked how to solve the problem of the right of asylum in the church. After consulting an old scholar who was still in prison, the king finally decided to ignore the right of asylum and forcibly enter Notre Dame to catch the witch. Quasimodo shut the church door tightly while Flollo was out. That kind of transcendental love breaks through the shackles of darkness, but it also locks its own gatekeeper.

When Klauban, the king of beggars, heard that the right of refuge in the church was about to end, he led thousands of Parisian vagrants and beggars to attack Notre Dame in Paris and rescue the sisters in distress. It can be seen how beautiful and kind she is! Otherwise, who will save her? But how can Quasimodo allow these people to rush into the church? He still drops huge stones from the roof, overturns the hot metal liquid, and tries to disperse people. The kind of protection that transcends oneself is compelling! The brave beggar finally broke through the gate and saved Esmeralda. Unexpectedly, the king's soldiers who were ready for battle had entered the church through the back door, and raindrops of arrows were pointing at Esmeralda and the wandering khans. The Beggar King was also killed in the scuffle. The blood is flowing, as if it were a bloody heaven Quasimodo stood on the roof of the building, watching his beloved girl being hanged on the gallows again, and he was in agony. When he found Fuluolou smiling grimly at Esmeralda on the clock tower, he raised the dignified beast above his head and threw it down. A crazy act, a transcendent love, marking eternity

The body of Esmeralda, which was released from the gallows, was placed in the Monfugon tomb. After finding her, Quasimodo lay quietly beside her. Why doesn't a rainstorm come down in the sky Why? Why? Why?

Two years later, two skeletons were found holding tightly together. When people tried to separate them, the bones turned to dust.

Esmeralda not only has amazing beauty, but also has a noble and pure heart. The combination of beauty and goodness in her is so perfect that she has a dazzling charm. Because of her amazing charm, she attracted the desire of evil people. Because of her purity and innocence, she fell into a disastrous love tragedy. She should be the favorite of God, but she was hanged, which made me feel the cruelty of those in power. Nevertheless, she is lucky because she has a person who will always accompany her and will never be lonely.

Quasimodo, a unique church bell ringer in the history of literature. He has one eye, hunchback, hoop legs, and is deaf, which can be said to be extremely ugly. However, he has a kind heart. He is willing to become his servant because of the kindness of the vice bishop for his upbringing. In order to repay Esmeralda's kindness, he would rather go head to head. Although he had a strong love for Esmeralda, he just guarded her like a guardian god and did not desecrate her. When he saw his beloved being hanged mercilessly, he was helpless and desperate, and finally went to the cemetery to bury with her. His ugliness has reached the extreme of human beings, and the profound beauty of human nature shown in him has made him the most unique and impressive artistic image in the history of literature. His spiritual beauty has completely covered up the defects of his appearance, and has become a model of kindness in people's minds. How many people are like this in our reality?

Claude Fullow, as a priest, he must suppress his own desires. It is this repression that distorts his human nature. Eros and jealousy eventually cause his reason to lose control, become a slave of his own desires, and become a devil from a priest. Isn't this just the demise of feudalism?

The bodyguard captain Phoebe is handsome but a snob. He is fickle and disinterested. He would cheat and desecrate the love of a pure girl for power and wealth. He makes me feel shameful, hateful, hateful, hateful

The beauty and ugliness, the good and evil, no longer need us to argue... and the only one is us?