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Dragon Warrior Rise
2023-03-25 08:29:08
Complete sentences

1. Not every effort will yield, but every effort must yield, which is an unfair and irreversible proposition.

2. A game, a rule. Can afford to play, continue; Can't afford to play, out.

3. It's really difficult to be friends because of different thoughts, experiences and senses. Just like I said that the sea is beautiful, you said that many people drowned.

4. Time is like water, always silent; If you are well, it will be sunny.

5. It is a great blessing to find a loved one in the vast sea of people. Maybe it is not as good as you think, and it should not be so bad. So you should know how to cherish the good fortune, say more care and less blame.

6. I waited for you for a long time that night, and now I understand that feelings do not last overnight.

7. Nothing is more painful than waiting, when you don't even know what you are waiting for. (Source: WwW. ZUOWENba. neT)

8. What kind of person you are, what kind of person you will meet. You will become what your friends are. What kind of person your lover is, what kind of life you will lead. If we protect them well, we can help ourselves.

9. Avoid ambition, jealousy, anger and pride. These are the enemies that undermine your harmonious coexistence with others. It is said that if human beings eliminate these emotions, the world will always be peaceful. Of course, this statement is not easy to implement.

10. Remember that those who have helped you should not take everything for granted. When you have the ability, you should also remember to help others as much as possible. Don't think it is irrelevant. This is a principle of life.

11. The past time is like flowing water, but the feelings in my heart are still the same. Flowers bloom and fall, and time flows. The wind can take away residual clouds, and clouds can cover the moon. However, some things can never go back. The lost youth and lost love in the fleeting years will never come back.

12. In the moment when my thoughts are flying, you are in a trance far away. You walk towards me with light steps, look back and smile, and I am intoxicated by your affectionate eyes.

13. You can't marry just to be responsible. We must know that it is the most irresponsible not to love each other but to marry each other. Even if it made the other person sad at that time, it was better than making him sad for several years or even all his life.

14. On the way of life, we should learn to be kind to others as well as to ourselves. Being kind to others can make life go further; Be kind to yourself, you can make your life moist. No matter who is being kind to, in fact, warmth is flowing, love is delaying, and finally, it benefits others and itself.

15. The floating life is as prosperous as ever, and the flowing water is merciless and flowers are intentional. After waking up, my heart was broken and silent. Do you know? Do you know?

16. A number of involuntary camouflage, perhaps dealing with the impermanence of the world; An insincere mouth may be a stumbling strong one. It is difficult to be a man, and more difficult to be a man; It's hard to be a man, and more difficult to be a man. Tears, can not help but also have to bear; Pain, can not swallow must swallow; If you can't put it down, you have to put it down.

17. To live one day is to be blessed and cherish it. When I cry, I have no shoes to wear, and I find that someone has no feet.

18. Finally, I would like to break my heart gently in the dripping, and splash the fragrant rhinoceros in the smoke and rain - even if it is still beautiful. True fear, the years will make the memory endless rags, so that you can not see through the misty rain to see the secrets of my heart, let me dance alone in your world like dust, not into your song.

19. When others treat you well, you should try to win and be able to repay in the future; If others treat you badly, you should be more aggressive. I hope you will be proud one day.

20. There is a kind of meeting. In the dream, you are ecstatic, but when you wake up, you are disappointed. Between gain and loss, between encounter and departure, waiting seems too light.

21. Enjoy the comfort of life, feel the calmness of life, and realize the insipidity of life. Happiness is around you. Cherish the good times.

22. If you say that we can get together by taking a hundred steps, I will take a hundred and one steps. Even if I retreat, I will also face your direction.

23. Is there a place where you have never been before, but when you first meet it, you feel that you have left for years. Every plant, every dust and every soil there is presented in a dream, with a strange and familiar feeling.

24. The world is so small that I can meet you everywhere. Destiny said that it was fate.

25. For the sake of face, I dare not look for you, for fear that you think I can't let you go, for fear that you will laugh at me.