Sunrise at sea
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2023-09-12 04:48:11
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Sunrise is not only a common sight in life, but also an intoxicating sight. In memory, the sunrise at sea is particularly magnificent. That day, in order to see the sunrise at sea, I got up early. When I came to the seaside, I stood motionless on the beach, staring at the water and the sky.

In the roar of the sea breeze in the distance, and in the frolic of the sea tide at the foot, the blue sea suddenly became a little red.
The white fish belly in the east gradually disappeared, and was replaced by a few light reds in the sky after being tinged by the rising sun.

I know that the sky is about to break, the sun is about to rise, and the darkness is about to disappear. I repressed my excitement, stared at the sky and tried to capture the wonderful moment. At this time, the sun jumped out of the sea. Red is true red, but it is slightly dim, without a ray of light.
The sun is like a red faced child, trying to show itself childishly. After a while, the color of the clouds around the sun had a fantastic change. Some of them are red, some are yellow, and some are purple. Finally, the sun made a great effort to jump out of the sea completely, with deep red color. However, the naughty one hid in a dark cloud, which was immediately inlaid with Phnom Penh. Moments later, the sun broke away from the dark clouds and scattered the sun on the sea again.
The broad sea surface immediately becomes "golden wave" sparkling, reflecting thousands of shining golden lights. I can't help sighing: "The sunrise on the sea is beautiful!" The famous sculptor Luo Dan said: "Life is not lack of beauty, but lack of eyes to find beauty." Have you found such a beautiful sunrise on the sea?