Impressions of small shoes
Half step vicissitudes
2023-10-29 03:48:04
impressions of after reading

Impressions on the Indian film Little Shoes
This is an Indian film, which records the bitter life of Indian underprivileged people in a documentary manner.
The hero is a primary school student, who lost his sister's small shoes due to a mistake. He didn't dare to tell his parents. So the sisters put on their brother's shoes together. The younger sister goes to class first, runs back quickly after school, takes off her shoes, and the elder brother puts them on before going to school (strange, why not have classes at the same time?). In this way, my brother is late every day, often afraid of the teacher's training.
One day, the school sent representatives to participate in a running competition. Moreover, the prizes were generous. The third prize was a pair of small shoes. He promised his teacher that he would run well and win honor for the school. He impressed the teacher and qualified to participate in the competition. He excitedly told his sister that I would definitely win the third place, get the prize and give her the shoes.
On the competition field, he ran desperately and finally took the lead after several twists and turns. But what he needed was not the first place, but a pair of small shoes. He gave up the first place and retired to the third place. Unexpectedly, he was deliberately tripped by the rush. With tears in his eyes, he got up and ran all the way to get the first place.
When everyone congratulated him happily, he was like a defeated cock without any joy, because he won not the third place, he lost his small shoes, and his own small shoes were worn out.
The film is very plain, as if it happened around me, but I was sad to see it. In fact, they don't want much, but it is so difficult to get it. The hardships and helplessness of the little people are moving.
This is a simple film.
Comments on the movie "Little Shoes"
A film that has benefited me a lot - Little Shoes. The protagonists of this film - Ali and Sara, they have a strong sibling relationship.
The main content of the film is that Ali, a nine year old boy, accidentally lost his sister Sara's new shoes. In order to comply with the school rules, Ali and Sara had to exchange a pair of sneakers every day after class. In order to earn a pair of sneakers for his sister, Ali took part in the five kilometer race and won the championship. When we saw Ali fall down, we cheered him on and encouraged him to get up and continue running. When he was pulled behind, we sweated for him again, but we could do nothing but cheer him on in our hearts.
After watching this movie, I think Ali is a sensible and responsible person, and my sister is also a considerate child. Ali won the championship, but he didn't win the shoes because only the third runner up could get the shoes. We are all depressed about him. If this happened to me, I would be depressed and helpless, and would hate myself. Why didn't I win the shoes.
No one comforted him, which made Ali even more depressed. But fortunately, the goldfish seem to understand Ali's mind, kiss him and comfort him, which is strange and wonderful!
The Little Shoes ended in this way, but the moral of this story is deeply impressed in our hearts and will never fade.
Small Shoes: A Paradise for the Soul
Heard the teacher said to play a movie called "Little Shoes", I felt a little sad, because I had heard that this is a very touching film before, I think it is probably a movie that arouses people's sympathy in a conventional way! However, after reading it, I felt that my feeling was not only on pity and sympathy, but also on the level of moving and happiness.
At the beginning of the story, there was a close-up shot of the shoe mender shuttling back and forth in a pair of worn pink shoes. The picture made me feel entangled just like a needle and thread, because such a situation was far away from my life, and just one shot explained the background of the story. A poor family, a pair of broken small shoes were still being mended repeatedly
The story goes on. Harry accidentally lost his sister's small shoes, which are the only small shoes for her. His brother felt guilty, but in order not to upset his sister and his parents, he made a lot of efforts to find shoes. He even lent his sneakers to his sister. When his sister finished school and returned to the alley, he changed his shoes and hurried to school, Be late and be blamed. In the content of sharing shoes, there are many details reflecting the inner activities and nature of many characters. For example, Ha Guai said some emphatic words because his sister ran too slowly and made him late. But later, he ran home happily, stopped his sister, and gave her a new pen with a smile. The smile on her face was so naive. Such a small detail has maintained the relationship between the two children and kept their little secret. It's so pure and beautiful. Harry loves his sister, and her sister also trusts and likes her brother. It's so gratifying that the truth between the two people is gained from the loss of the small shoes and the beauty of becoming mature in growing up. For another example, when sister ran back to the alley, her shoes accidentally fell into the ditch. She chased the shoes along the current, making her anxious and sad. The processing of the pictures was quick and flexible, which made the audience especially worried about the fate of the two children. Will the shoes be lost? Can my sister get it back? Finally, the shoes got stuck, and the sister couldn't get them out herself, so she cried sadly aside. The tears of her sister were a sign of the helplessness of children. She took these shoes seriously, not only because they were the only shoes, but also because they were a commitment of her brother and her. I still remember when my sister was anxiously looking at the watch on the teacher's wrist during the exam. How the child was waiting for his brother! The two children of a poor family take care of each other and show mutual understanding and love. What a beautiful relationship!
The story also has a particularly undulating design. My sister found her little pink shoes in school. After school, she followed the girl to her home. The second time, she and her brother came to the girl's house and quietly observed the movement from behind the corner. I think they should be going back to the little shoes, But when we saw the little girl following the blind father out of the house, the brother and sister both lowered their heads and turned around to walk back reluctantly. At this moment, we can feel how bright the two children have in common! They are kind and innocent, and they will sympathize and understand when they see that other people's families are more difficult than their families.
At the end of the story, the elder brother tried to participate in the long-distance race in order to win a pair of shoes for his younger sister. From the time he cried and begged the teacher to give him a place to participate in the competition, to the time when he firmly believed in the competition and never gave up, we can see the simple and pure soul beauty of this child. During the long-distance run, the camera processing was silent and slow, with only gasps and expectations. The screen switched in memories. Harry kept thinking about his promise to his sister. Even if someone pulled him down, he did not give up his goal. In this persistent move forward, Harry did not use the despicable means of pushing him down to win the game, but thought about his own belief and crossed the finish line! When everyone held him in their hands and cheered, he went to ask breathlessly, "Is it the third place?" What a worrisome sentence! I can't stop crying when I see here. What a simple and unswerving belief! The failure to achieve, although it is beyond, is what a pity! Standing on the podium, Harry's face was full of tears. Others did not know that it was his disillusionment. Only he knew in his heart that he and his sister had not kept their promises!
This is a beautiful film, because there are such kind and simple children as Harry and his sister, because there are countless good people, honest Harry father who comes from humble origins but works hard, good uncles who help his sister pick up shoes, teachers who intercede with Harry's headmaster, and little girls who see his sister accidentally lose her new pen but take the initiative to return it to her, There are simple urban rich boys, and many more... We can see the brilliance of these beautiful things in this film.