Motto destiny 43 sentences
beyond dreams
2023-07-17 06:53:51

1、 Wisdom is the conqueror of fate.

2、 Everyone is the portrayer of his own destiny.

3、 To change your destiny, first change yourself.

4、 Habit forms character, and character determines fate.

5、 A strong man can struggle in the storm of fate.

6、 Mind decides fate, attitude decides height.

7、 Every man is the architect of his own destiny.

8、 Sweat irrigates hope, and struggle decides fate.

9、 Knowledge changes destiny, and learning makes the future.

10、 The friends you choose decide your destiny.

11、 Destiny is like glass, which is easily broken when it is most brilliant.

12、 Those who quarrel with fate can never understand themselves.

13、 The destiny cannot be changed, and the original intention is easily forgotten.

14、 Destiny always comes to those who are prepared.

15、 If anyone is separated from the collective, his destiny will be sad.

16、 Having knowledge changes fate, and having ideals changes attitude.

17、 What's the use of shouting at fate? Fate is deaf.

18、 Destiny is like glass, the brighter, the more glittering, the more easily broken.

19、 We should share the same fate, work together in the same boat, work together and create prosperity.

20、 If you are not prepared to fight against fate, it will show its power.

21、 Water will run off, fire will go out, but love can compete with fate.

22、 Destiny is the birth mother to some people, but the stepmother to others.

23、 Destiny has given me a low point in my life, and I will use it to create the peak.

24、 For those who are above fate, confidence is the master of fate.

25、 I want to seize the throat of fate, it will never be my complete surrender.

26、 Wherever we wander, fate always leads the way.

27、 Destiny is somewhat feminine. The more you woo her, the farther away she will be from you.

28、 The fate of the earth is in the hands of people. If you are not careful, it will be destroyed.

29、 Man's life has been predestined by God. No matter how hard you try, you can't change your destiny.

30、 When fate hands me an acid lemon, let's try to make it into sweet lemon juice.

31、 Sowing behavior, harvesting habits; Sowing habits, harvesting character; Sow character, reap destiny.

32、 Destiny always likes to play tricks on the person who challenges it, but the process of playing tricks also makes this person more tenacious.

33、 I can't tell which book affected my pursuit and destiny. I can only be grateful for every book I read at that time.

34、 There is no destiny that can be conquered without contempt, endurance and struggle. Don't worry about the future without a bosom friend. No one in the world knows you.

35、 Destiny is a blind, moody foster mother, who often gives freely and generously to her children without choice.

36、 There is more than one red line of fate. Really, they start from the tip of your little finger and extend forward radially.

37、 I want to seize the throat of fate. Its delusion makes me yield, which is absolutely impossible. Life is so beautiful, live it for a thousand years!

38、 Although everyone wants a lot, what they need is very little. Because life is short, people's destiny is limited.

39、 The so-called fate means that this human drama needs all kinds of roles, and you can only be one of them, and can't be changed at will.

40、 Even on a flat road, there are bound to be trips. The same is true of human destiny. Because, except for the divinity, no one knows what the truth is.

41、 I believe in fate. I think my life has been arranged. I just want to do my best. I won't get yours any more.

42、 In the dark days, don't let the cruel fate rejoice. Since the fate has insulted us, we should retaliate with a calm attitude.

43、 Maybe the fate is sometimes unfair, but as long as we work hard and keep the word "struggle" in mind, we can seize the throat of the fate and rewrite it.