Sentences about love and happiness. There is no way to eliminate this feeling. Only when you look down, you are in love
Flowers in full bloom
2023-04-29 19:28:04
Complete sentences

1. If you finish what others do in minutes, you will have twice the life of others.

2. There is no way to eliminate this situation. I just frown, but my heart is on.

3. This song is intended to be passed on by no one. I would like to send Yanran along with the spring breeze.

4. When the beautiful leaves fall down, the veins of life can be seen clearly. Is it our love that can be as clear as the branches in northern winter when the frost dyes the green silk and time passes by. brave. firm. We have all been drunk in the water town.

5. The water flows even more when the water is cut off.

6. Power is more important than capacity; Direction is more important than method; Being a man is more important than doing things; Telling stories is more important than reasoning; Honing oneself is more important than brave words; Changing yourself is more important than changing others!

7. Whether the shoes of love are tough or warm, there is no room for outsiders to interpose.

8. Love is heartache. You can like many people, but there is only one who really loves you.

9. Single is the seed of spring, full of hope; Being single is the scorching sun in summer, with enthusiasm and brilliance; Singleness is the autumn leaves, free; Being single is the snowflake in winter, which is very romantic.

10. Don't imagine what he should be like. What we really love is often far from what we thought we would love.

11. When you find the person you love, you will find that the world is more beautiful than you think. When you find that the person you love also loves you, you will find that boiled water has become agar. When you feel that there is an infinite future, you will find the root of life.

12. The greatest act of secret love is accomplishment. You don't love me, but I help you. The real secret love is a lifelong career, not to give up because he is far away from you. Without this sentiment, don't talk about secret love.

13. It may only take a second to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

14. This situation can be recalled, but it was lost at that time.

15. From a beautiful encounter to an infatuated love, from the romance of love at first sight to the agreement of life and death, the five days that passed in a hurry made a couple seem to have experienced years of love transformation.

16. The person who indulges in the past and memories is a very cowardly person, because she (he) dare not face the reality bravely. What is the reality? Reality is change. No constant feelings, no constant people.

17. Don't say forever. Who can promise the future? What we can grasp is nothing but the local feelings at that time. But in a lifetime, it is also composed of innumerable now. If you work hard to make every moment better, you will be forever.

18. When you really like a person, the whole world does not exist in your eyes except him.

19. Don't be afraid that love will hurt you. Believe that it hurts only love, not you.