The most popular sentence in 2022 (72 sentences)
follow Lei Feng's example
2023-04-02 21:30:44
Complete sentences

1. We will withstand the blow again and again, and we will be revived again and again with full blood.

2. Don't worry about getting old. You must be lovely when you are old.

3. It doesn't matter. Love you so long. I am willing to do it. So it doesn't matter.

4. It is not terrible not to get it, but to lose it after having it.

5. There is a person living in everyone's heart, either nostalgia, secret love, or miss. I'm not waiting for you, just waiting for myself to give up.

6. Every chat, every good night, every gossip, every nonsense, just for one day in the wedding hall, I love you too.

7. Some words, we stop at the lip, because the mind is not to everyone can say; Sometimes we pretend to be happy, because tears can't fall on everyone.

8. Don't daydream about things that don't come, and don't daydream about people who don't belong to you. It is enough to live in the present and cherish what you have in front of you.

9. I once chose to escape because I loved you, but this kind of taste is really uncomfortable. Today, I finally got up the courage to express my love to you. I hope you can forgive me and accept me.

10. No matter how hard life is, you should treat it as a dream, because dreams will wake up.

11. Growing up means not only suffering, but also getting used to being lonely.

12. People's two eyes are parallel, but they can't see people equally. People's ears are divided on both sides, but they always listen to one side of the story. People have only one mouth, but they can always speak two sides.

13. As the night goes deeper and deeper, the heart slowly settles, and a person feels more and more lonely, just like standing on the rails, looking at the long, endless loneliness.

14. It has not been a few months since you fell in love, and you want to spend your whole life making friends just to be nice. No wonder you have so much resentment and sorrow, which is the price of innocence.

15. All beings are bitter, but you are sweet strawberry.

16. You try your best, maybe not as easy as others.

17. If you are tired, the world will give you a hug, but remember to wake up and face everything.

18. If you try to do your best, you might as well be fooled by others.

19. I can smile when I mention you in others' words, but I can't be calm when I think of you alone.

20. I have drunk a lot of wine, loved many people, and advised many people to remember you.

21. Ambiguity is that when he mentions his other half, you will pierce your heart with a thousand arrows.

22. It's none of my business to be nice. If I'm not good enough, it's nobody else's business.

23. See you tomorrow, make the whole tomorrow super sweet.

24. Who wants me to wear a green hat? I want my family to wear a white hat.

25. The real despair is not that the world is drowned, but that when you are drowning, you see people around you can breathe freely.

26. Dependence on others is the most insecure thing in the world.

27. I hope that I can make you unforgettable and worried.

28. It's better to use the time of being alone to make yourself better, surprise the people coming, and give yourself a good explanation.

29. I don't like money. I like freedom and dignity, but money can bring freedom and dignity.

30. All your efforts are not to make others think you are great.

31. Struggle is the way. There is no way in the world. Many people walk on it, and it becomes the way. Life needs struggle. Go and open up a new route that belongs to you!

32. I have love words in my mouth, sunshine on my body, love in my mind, confusion in my soul, and you in my heart.

33. If I have what you want, I will give it to you. What are you doing outside? Stay with me honestly.

34. If one day, I become heartless. Please remember, I was kind.

35. Happiness is a meteor, and happiness is a star; Happiness is fireworks, and happiness is a beacon; Happiness is an emotion that can lead the body to laugh, while happiness is a soothing feeling that can soothe the soul.

36. Boys may not know that girls don't like you because of your routine. It is because I like you that I accept your routine.

37. People who really like you can't be friends. Even if you look at them more, you still want to have them. I never give up loving you, just from strong to silent.

38. If only I could melt into water in summer and flow into your thirsty mouth.

39. Feelings make me sad, and life has not spared me.

40. I know that love is very dangerous, and I have to be brave to love.

41. Since then, no one has spoken to me about you, and no one knows how much I want to hear about you.

42. Husband, I have decided to follow you in this life. I believe you will treat me well and love me forever.

43. What cannot be retained is not only time and years, but also friendship and love; What cannot be abandoned is not only honesty and integrity, but also yearning and longing.

44. Come to the place where you live and find your footprints. It turns out that I don't know when you have gradually become my belief to accompany and support me to the present.

45. You should save your energy, care for your kindness, and become brave. When the world is getting worse, I just hope you can get better.

46. Life is not hard, because there are too many desires. Life is not tired, but tired is too much.

47. People should be crazy once in their life, whether for a person, a relationship, a journey or a dream.

48. I prepared a thousand words, but in the end I only told them to myself.

49. As I hurried along the street, every step on the ground was a loud kiss.

50. No matter what you have done or how you feel about me, I may leave you, but I will never belittle you for it.

51. It's a poor girl who unintentionally offended you. You can let me offend you all my life.

52. Time is an excellent thing. Forgive the unforgivable, the past can not go through. Maybe I want to go back to the previous time occasionally, but I know that people should always learn to look forward.

53. Don't say everything you know and believe everything you hear. In this way, life will be peaceful.

54. The first thing I do when I get home is to rub my face and try to smile every day. I really feel aggrieved.

55. Only when drunk can we know how strong the wine is. Only when you have loved can you know how important it is.

56. You should be a knowledgeable person, not embarrassing others or yourself.

57. The heart, because there is no one, is in chaos.

58. Don't say I don't care about you, but you never know me, and it's like seeing my care.

59. Life is too short. When you meet someone you like, you should like them seriously.

60. It's a bright afternoon, but your back, who resolutely left against the sun, seems like a silhouette from the dark night, strange to unreal.

61. Paying does not necessarily lead to gains; Do not pay, but there will be no harvest, do not expect miracles.

62. Life is full of regrets and surprises, which are often delayed.

63. Wandering in ambiguity, let me come back with a body injury.

64. Facts have proved that every depressed person will not feel sad for no reason.

65. The reason for estrangement is probably that when I need you, you are just not there.

66. For those destined to be together, it really doesn't matter if they are late. I hope you can meet your destiny in the vast sea of people, and the person you love will become your lover in the end.

67. I'm still young and dare to shout at the top of the waves of time. Will you be willing to wander with me when I'm buried alone.

68. In this life, the best written word is your name, and the best heard word is your voice.

69. We are all great. Don't lose on feelings.

70. No matter who you meet in the future, life starts from meeting yourself.

71. There is no reason for love, because the heart palpitates, love, no excuse, because thousands of times of looking back.

72. Don't tell me that you need to be drunk when you have wine. When wine comes into your heart, you will feel more sorrowful.