Heart stabbing mood copy of the circle of friends
Pure old man
2023-06-22 11:30:39
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. If one day, I become a program that you control casually, I will no longer be me, but your shadow.

2. Static, you can embroider with needles, and dynamic, you can use swords and sticks to calm the world.

3. The furthest distance in the world is not the distance between life and death. It is not that I stand in front of you and you don't know that I love you.

4. Fundamentally speaking, only when we think independently can we truly have truth and life. Because they are the only things that we understand repeatedly. The thoughts of others are like adding others to the table, like clothes removed by strangers.

5. Years ago, people around you would treat you according to your parents' income. Ten years later, people around you will treat your parents and children according to your income! This is human nature and life. You have no choice but to work hard.

6. A person's heart can tolerate and bear numerous scars repeatedly. However, I forgot that people are tired.

7. Many things cannot be controlled by oneself. Even if you are lonely again, you still have to go on. Don't stop or turn back.

8. There are trees in the mountain and trees and branches in the mountain. You are happy, but you don't know.

9. Some people just don't put the pain on their face. If you don't understand them, you can still poke their hearts and laugh that they have no scars.

10. The meaning of life is to exert oneself to please God. Man is created by God. Since God created him, the purpose of the creation is to please the creator. For those who cannot please the creator, life must be a tragedy.

11. No matter how reluctantly, how overestimated, how shameless, we should use our own hands to protect the most precious things.

12. There are always invisible rules in life. Even love seems to have shackles. When men and women are together, men should spoil others, and women should not do it. Many couples split up because of these reasons. But isn't a good love just a comfortable way for two people to get along?

13. God spread wisdom to the world, and I held an umbrella

14. The person who really loves you will not let you be wronged. If it is not the other person's problem when two people quarrel, they will take the initiative to find you for reconciliation. How can you leave your lonely back and leave you alone?

15. Love life with those who like you, and see the world with those who don't.

16. If you want to define a good life, it is cozy. If you want to give a definition of coziness, it is three or five bosom friends, talking and laughing happily.

17. Time is imperceptible, we know it later. As time goes by, my heart aches silently.

18. Whenever I get hurt, I will always squat down and touch my shadow, and follow me to make you feel wronged.

19. The person who has you in his heart is not as important as you. Even if he is busy, he will find time to find you because he knows your concern. Even if I'm bored again, I want to talk to you from the bottom of my heart, because I feel I have to rely on you.

20. Life only sells one-way tickets, and the past is gone. Don't look back frequently. Where it exists, it blooms. To be a man, one should be quiet in his heart, slow in his urgency, and humble in his embarrassment.

21. Don't throw candy on passers-by. The gun is aimed at family members. Those who can stand your temper are those who love you. Our biggest mistake is to give the worst temper and the worst side to those closest to us.

22. The most sorry thing in my life is my heart. You let it hurt again and again. Sometimes, the hardest thing to let go is something you never really had.

23. It's good to be lucky twice in life. One time I met you in my best years; Once, you accompanied me to the end until my hair was grey.

24. Most things don't matter until you think about them, but only when you think about them suddenly.

25. Choice is more important than effort, and vision is more important than ability; Breakthrough is more important than hard work, and change is more important than hard work; Attitude is more important than profession, character is more important than talent!

26. The falling of leaves is not the tree's refusal to retain them, but the pursuit of the wind. You can't retain those who are destined to leave, and you don't have to demand those who don't belong to you.

27. The greatest happiness in life is not possession, but the process of pursuit. Heartbreak, wake up, once hurt just a life experience. The ends of the earth, things have changed, everything has passed.

28. What makes women want to remember is feelings, and what makes men want to remember is feelings. Feelings precipitate with time, and feelings disappear with time. In the end, it is a different species, so who can understand whose deep love, who can understand whose departure.

29. Life is a journey, in which we walk with the dust of the four seasons and the unknown scenery. We practice hard on the journey of life.

30. I am afraid of the dark, but I fall in love with the night; Fear of pain, but make their own scars.

31. The key to all problems is whether your choice is with your heart and will not tear you apart or even collapse with it. Only when you find the answer to this question can you understand what you can never abandon and what you can never afford.

32. Frustration will come and pass, fall and rise again, fail and try again, always believe that no matter how ordinary you are, you will have your own happiness.

33. If a person chooses to keep silent, it means that disappointment has replaced all love. Silence is her last confession to this relationship, and it also indicates that she will definitely leave.

34. When there is competition, there must be pressure. As long as you choose to live, you are doomed to bear all kinds of pressures brought about by survival. But only if we face up to the pressure and bear the pressure, can we remain invincible in the increasingly fierce and even cruel competition for survival. No matter what happens, don't give up. Keep going, there will be unexpected scenery.

35. There are two kinds of things that should be done as little as possible. One is to interfere with others' lives with one's own mouth, and the other is to think about one's own life with others' brains.

36. A certain person, a certain sentence, a certain scene, and a certain song can easily tear your emotions.