Depressing the feeling of holding back grievances Say the sentences that hint at their grievances (48 sentences)
Brilliance in the sun
2023-03-09 22:22:04
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1. We laugh in other people's stories, why we cry in our own stories.

2. Accompany you to walk this section of the road, I also become the road you passed, from then on, never return.

3. A person to you, you will waste, a person to you, you will cherish.

4. At that time, we always thought that life only had to meet, but we didn't expect to miss it, regret it, and it was too late.

5. It is clean even if it is good enough. It is always smiling but seldom happy. Occasionally, it will cry when blowing and get drunk when drinking.

6. Never mind the feelings of others, I will be most happy in the future.

7. The grievance that can be spoken out is not grievance; Those who can leave are not lovers.

8. People who treat you coldly will also feel wronged by others like you. The wind and water will turn around. No one can always win in the end.

9. I cried wildly that day. I almost wanted to die. How hard it was to hide, how long it took to wait.

10. You leave with my pride, unable to cry or swallow, and will not part for a long time.

11. I really love you. I closed my eyes and thought I could forget, but the tears I shed didn't deceive me.

12. Don't think I'm strong, just don't want you to see my weak side.

13. Others may be able to see your scar, but they can't feel your pain after all.

14. I got on a train that did not return. What I passed outside the window was not the scenery along the road, but what I had given up.

15. Some stories are written yesterday before they can really start; Some people become passers-by before they fall in love.

16. Don't torture me any more. My heart has been cut. It's not the blood that drains, it's the fault of loving you.

17. The past can only belong to the past. In fact, there is no reunion in love.

18. The sudden grievance, even with a stiff smile.

19. It is because you smile so heartlessly that no one will find you sad.

20. Sometimes when we forgive someone, we don't really forgive, but only pretend to forgive because we don't want to lose her.

21. If I am tired of seeing the scenery and walking on the road. Are you willing to turn into a colorful stone? Let me rely on it for the rest of my life.

22. People's hearts are changeable, time is merciless, and a clear conscience is good.

23. Thank you for your unfeeling, let me learn to give up.

24. My acting skills must be so good that no one even knows when I am sad.

25. The word "grow up" doesn't even exist. It's lonely.

26. In order to meet you, I spent all my good fortune in this life, and finally lost you.

27. Enthusiasm is actually very fragile. When patience is exhausted and disappointment is accumulated, only fatigue and indifference remain.

28. From having nothing at the beginning of the year to having no money at the end of the year, do not forget your original intention, and you will be busy in vain.

29. Some words were buried in my heart for a long time, and I didn't have a chance to say them. When I had a chance to say them, I couldn't say them.

30. It was you who said we were together at first, but it was me who was reluctant to part with us in the end.

31. There are always people who break into your life. I have taught you something, and I will leave without hesitation.

32. Don't be afraid of being alone. How about being alone and brave? You can cry all the way, but you can't encourage.

33. Some people can't help but pay attention when they say they don't care.

34. Don't settle down when you are alone, and don't talk to strangers.

35. No relationship is a waste of time. If it doesn't give you what you want, it teaches you what you don't want.

36. I'm glad I met you, but I'm sorry I only met you.

37. One's one-way journey, one's day and night, and one's youth.

38. Some people, I can't let go, but I have no choice but to pretend to be strong and smile and say it doesn't matter. The happier I laugh, the more painful I feel.

39. One day you can go to my heart, and you will see that it is all your sorrow.

40. I am totally committed to you, but I am completely defeated by you.

41. There is always a person who thinks about smiling, laughing and crying.

42. You have changed, and I have also changed. The tenderness that cannot be returned, the tears that flow like a spring, and the familiar ones that become the most painful to me.

43. You suddenly woke me up. Our acquaintance can be counted by years. You found what you love, while I was still wandering.

44. I never thought that I could love you so lowly. The lowly are happy just because of your words.

45. It's good that you left. Otherwise, I always worried that you would leave. After parting, I continued to love you for a long time without telling everyone.

46. In everyone's heart, there is a person you will never mention or forget.

47. The truth is that if you don't understand me, it will always be me who is wrong. Don't be surprised. Even the explanation is superfluous.

48. I can't see each other anymore, even if you are safe.