85 Most Dominant Poems in Ancient Times
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2023-04-01 21:09:43
Complete Poems

1、 How can the Huns be home before they die out.

2、 When will Feng Tang be sent to hold the festival.

3、 Passing through the flowers, the leaves will not touch you.

4、 Not for Liancheng Bi, but for a killing sword.

5、 The sense of life, the spirit, the fame, who will review!

6、 The frost blade has never been tested after ten years of sharpening.

7、 Ten years of sharpening a sword, frost and cold never tried.

8、 How many things, ancient and modern, all pay to laugh.

9、 The gentleman killed his bosom friend and brought his sword out of Yanjing.

10、 When he returned, he was drunk and sang wildly in front of the five willows.

11、 Ji Bu has no two promises, Hou Ying repeated his words.

12、 Better be a real villain than a hypocrite.

13、 The mountains follow the plains, and the river flows into the wilderness.

14、 I am a madman in Chu, and Fengge laughs at Kongqiu.

15、 Vibrate the clothes to climb the mountain and wash the feet to flow thousands of miles.

16、 The stars hang down on the plain and the fields are wide, and the moon flows in the river.

17、 The sea laughs, surging on both sides.

18、 Life is a hero, death is a ghost.

19、 Lie on the knee of beauty when drunk, and wake up to kill.

20、 What does it look like? The world is like a sand gull.

21、 Instead, I shrink, although thousands of people have gone.

22、 The tassel is in hand today. When will it bind the black dragon.

23、 When I read about the leisurely world, I cried sadly.

24、 When I was drunk, I looked at the sword with a lamp on my head.

25、 Looking at the door, stop thinking about Zhang Jian and wait for Dugen.

26、 When I leave Zitai to connect with Shuo Desert, I leave Qingzhong to dusk alone.

27、 He fought for three thousand li, and his sword once blocked millions of divisions.

28、 Thirty achievements, fame, dust and earth, eight thousand miles, cloud and moon.

29、 Three feet of the green front conceives the world, and rides a white horse to open Wu.

30、 Unexpectedly, Han Xin was disobedient, and 100000 troops came down to Licheng.

31、 I don't know who Jiang Yue is, but the Yangtze River sends water.

32、 There is no tomb of heroes in the Five Tombs, no flowers and no wine.

33、 I am the first born man, but I live with heaven.

34、 Seventy two people went down to Qi City in the east to command Chu and Han like Xuan Peng.

35、 Ripples pierce the air, waves dash the shore, and thousands of piles of snow roll up.

36、 Who has never died since ancient times? Keep your loyalty to history.

37、 Go out with a big laugh. We are not Penghao people.

38、 Fubo only wishes to return the shroud. Dingyuan doesn't need to enter the pass.

39、 Can draw a carved bow like a full moon, look northwest and shoot Sirius.

40、 However, it is not called Huma crossing the Hell Mountain to make the dragon city fly in.

41、 The beginner did not worship Cheng's eloquence, and the two women stopped to follow the wind.

42、 He dies before he finishes his apprenticeship, which makes the hero full of tears!

43、 Others laugh at me for being crazy. I laugh at others for being impenetrable.

44、 Thousands of grinds and thousands of blows are still strong. The wind is blowing from southeast to northwest.

45、 After all the experience of the Jabbo brothers, they will laugh and die.

46、 Cleave the road of life and death with both hands, and cut the root of right and wrong with one knife.

47、 Turn the waves of the world with your feet, and carry all the worries of the past and present with your shoulder.

48、 We are not the things in the pool. Once we encounter the wind and clouds, we will turn into dragons.

49、 Hungry to eat the meat of Hu Lu, laughing and thirsty for Hun blood.

50、 The roc rose with the wind one day and soared to 90000 li!

51. When the wind blows out of our generation, the time will be destroyed once we enter the Jianghu.

52. All things are born to support people, and people have no virtue to repay the sky.

Fifty three. Zigui still cries blood at midnight, and does not believe that the east wind cannot call back.

Fifty-four. In those days, we were invincible.

Fifty-five, i smile to the sky from the broadsword, and leave the liver and gallbladder Kunlun.

56. Stimulate the long strategy to control the inner world, and pursue simplicity to shock the world.

Fifty seven. On the West Lake, the first peak of Wushan Mountain was immediately raised.

58. Boundless falling trees and endless rolling Yangtze River.

59. Look at the pines in the dusk, and the clouds are still flying leisurely.

60. More like the thousands of miles of snow in Minshan, and the three armies will be happy after that!

61. Go to Huangquan to recruit the old department, and kill the hell with flags.

62. Yushu Song ends with Wang Qi, and Jingyang soldiers gather to guard the building empty.

63. Why don't men take Wu Gou and collect 50 states of Guanshan?

Sixty-four, the emperor is talking and laughing in his arrogance, and will be drunk tonight!

65. The dish market is far from being full of flavor, and the poor people in drinking wine only have old fermented grains.

66. The spirit of meeting is to drink for you, and it is beside the weeping willows on the Ma Tower.

Sixty seven. The mountains and valleys go to Jingmen, where Lin Biao still has a village.

Sixty eight, God will obey me and God will oppose me and call it dead!

Sixty nine, the south and the north of the house are all spring waters, but I see a flock of gulls coming every day.

Seventy, the flower path has never been swept by visitors, and now the Pengmen has been opened for you.

Seventy one, don't send only the reincarnation cave, but still leave an arrow in Tianshan Mountain.

Seventy two, the sunset and the lone duck fly together, and the autumn water grows in the same color.

Seventy three, we should know that weapons are vicious weapons, and saints have no choice but to use them.

Seventy four. There is a long way to go. I will go up and down to seek.

Seventy five. Don't laugh when you are drunk on the battlefield. In ancient times, several people have gone back to fight.

Seventy six. Yellow sand wears gold armour for every battle. If you don't break the Loulan, you will never return it.

Seventy seven, the king of Qi was so angry that he caught the drunkard Fu Ding to cook.

Seventy eight, the wind is rustling, the water is cold, and the heroes will never return!

Seventy nine. Can An Neng beat the brows and bend the waist to become a powerful person? It makes me unhappy.

Eighty, you can't see the water of the Yangtze River coming up from the sky, rushing to the sea and never returning.

Eighty one, five flower horse, thousand golden fur. Hu'er will exchange for good wine, and we will share the eternal sorrow.

Eighty two, it is strong as it is strong, the gentle wind blows the mountain, it is horizontal as it is horizontal, and the moon shines on the river.

Eighty three, generously pass Yanshi, calmly become a prisoner of Chu, lead a knife into a fast, and live up to the youth!

Eighty four, there are so many beautiful mountains and rivers that countless heroes are competing to bow down. All the past, a few celebrities, but also look at the present.

Eighty five. By September 8 of the next year, I will be killed by all kinds of flowers after they bloom. The fragrance array will spread through Chang'an, and the city will be covered with golden armour.