Attendance during the 2022 epidemic period Warm hearted sentences during the 2022 epidemic
Ordinary mind
2023-06-28 03:33:30
Complete sentences

1. Pay attention to protection, don't panic and don't spread rumors.

2. If you don't wear masks, viruses will love you.

3. We will resolutely win the fight against pneumonia.

4. We work together to prevent the epidemic.

5. Go out less, gather less, wash hands more, and ventilate more.

6. If you have symptoms, go to the doctor early, don't panic, and don't spread rumors.

7. Scientific prevention and control, legal prevention and control, joint prevention and control.

8. Please reduce activities to crowded places.

9. The world kisses me with pain and asks me to repay it with songs.

10. Mobilize the whole people to jointly prevent and control virus infection.

11. Peace is a blessing, and we wish the epidemic would end soon.

12. Talent means virtue, and virtue means talent.

13. The epidemic situation is serious, and time is even more pressing.

14. We have nothing to fear but fear itself.

15. Wash your hands diligently: disinfect and sterilize, and drive away the virus!

16. Do not visit at New Year's Eve, only visit your own home!

17. Wearing masks: scientific discard, no virus transmission!

18. Strong protection. Don't panic, believe in science. Don't spread rumors.

19. Visitors and returnees are invited to accept the inspection consciously.

20. God, save them, and may all of them be at peace!

21. The hands are not clean when riding on the street. Rubbing eyes and picking nose is easy to spread diseases.

22. No eating, no gathering, and no blame from relatives and friends.

23. It is important to understand common sense and avoid viruses.

24. Don't join in the fun when there are many people. Remember to wear a mask when you go out.

25. People all over the country play chess, and the virus will be far away.

26. Put on the mask when you go out. It's good for everyone.

27. Frequent hand washing and disinfection can keep away from bad viruses.

28. See the fever symptoms as soon as possible, and isolate them at home without infection.

29. See the fever symptoms as early as possible to ensure good health.

30. Don't run around when you come back from other places. You can't catch pneumonia.

31. With an indomitable ambition, you will never return.

32. Innovation is required for weddings and funerals, and no banquet or reception.

33. Selfish and selfish, lose watermelons and pick up sesame seeds.

34. To prevent virus infection, everyone is for me!

35. We hope to get better soon and overcome the epidemic at an early date.

36. We hope to defeat the virus as soon as possible and usher in the real spring.

37. Panic is futile and cannot solve any problem.

38. Reduce the number of people visiting the door. See the screen like a face. Greetings!

39. Honor life, heal the wounded and save the dying, be willing to sacrifice, and have boundless love!

40. Thoroughly arrange and gather all forces to participate in epidemic prevention and control.

41. Wear a mask and enjoy good fortune. If you don't visit, you will be blessed.

42. The ground was covered with sixpence, but he looked up and saw the moon.

43. Take active action to strengthen the health defense line of medical staff.

44. I hope the epidemic will disappear as soon as possible. I hope the mountains and rivers are safe and the world is safe!

45. Refuse to gather together: instead of trying to be busy for a while, we want to be safe and healthy!

46. Considering the overall situation, actively cooperate with the quarantine and public security departments.

47. Wear a mask to talk about hygiene. After sneezing, cover your mouth and nose, and sneeze, rub your eyes carefully.

48. Although we have never met, you must be safe.

49. We at home must pray for heroes and patients.

50. Prevent and control the epidemic situation, and unite as one; Firm confidence and wait for flowers to bloom.

51. Let's like the rebels! Come on, heroes in my heart!

52. The world has been reminding us to cherish in various ways.

53. People who cannot listen to reason will naturally knock their kneecaps.

54. Unite and unite as one. Overcome the epidemic as soon as possible. Come on, China!

55. Show your demeanor and work harder to win success.

56. The mountains and rivers are different from each other. The wind and the moon are in the same sky. How can you say that you have no clothes and wear the same clothes as your son.

57. Let the epidemic pass quickly and you will return to your warm home as soon as possible.

58. I firmly believe that the epidemic will soon pass and everything will be fine.

59. Nothing is more important than life, and nothing is better than living.

60. There are no bystanders in front of the epidemic, and no outsiders in the prevention and control of the epidemic.

61. Keep watch and help each other. Hand in hand is the correct posture to deal with the epidemic.

62. When the epidemic spot returns home, it will be observed at home for 14 days. Symptoms should be reported!

63. Your burdens will become gifts, and your sufferings will light your way.

64. Please remember those who treat you well, because they could have done otherwise.

65. Reduce visiting: relationship is not alienated due to distance. Greetings are welcome!

66. Wear a mask, adjust your mind, exercise well and maintain good hygiene.

67. Wait, let's go again and have a bowl of hot Hebei food.

68. The sunshine has been good recently, and spring is coming. I hope the epidemic will end soon!

69. It is the most immoral behavior to occupy a position you are not competent for.

70. The sunshine has been good recently, and spring is coming. I hope the epidemic will end soon.

71. The epidemic is merciless. There is love in the world! Let's overcome difficulties together!

72. The roc's movement is not the lightness of a feather; The speed of a steed is not the power of one foot.

73. If you eat less, your family will not be weak; Drink less wine and you will still have a long relationship.

74. I believe that with the joint efforts of everyone, the epidemic will be overcome soon!

75. There is no way to avoid the epidemic; To overcome the epidemic, responsibility cannot be absent.

76. Come on, Hebei! We will not let go, I believe tomorrow will be better!

77. Believe in the interpretation and judgment of national authoritative experts, and do not believe in the dissemination of false information on the Internet.

78. Seek medical advice scientifically: If you feel unwell, seek medical advice as soon as possible. Be calm and follow the doctor's advice!

79. May this epidemic, like this snow, soon turn into nothing and bring peace to the world.

80. The whole province mobilized and the whole people took action to focus on winning the battle of epidemic prevention and control.

81. For those who have no ambition, the journey is far; For those without money, the town seems far away.

82. If you want others to take care of your feelings, don't indulge others' feelings in everything.

83. The epidemic situation is like a demon mirror, showing many ghosts and monsters. Natural disasters can still be forgiven, and man-made disasters can not be forgiven!

84. In the spirit of being highly responsible to the people, we will go all out to prevent and control the epidemic scientifically and effectively.

85. You are safe and I am fine. This is the best wish this year! We would like to be healthy and safe through the epidemic.

86. They can't hug, they can only kiss across the glass. The epidemic has separated them from each other, but not from love.

87. We wish the motherland and the people an early victory over the epidemic, and we look forward to the early realization of a healthy China for all in the future.

88. Who is right and who is wrong? What is the dispute between right and wrong? Time tests the heart, and the truth will not be buried.

89. Best wishes and respect to the workers who participated in the prevention, control and treatment of the COVID-19 epidemic!

90. Wash your hands diligently, wear more masks, get close to people less, open windows for ventilation, do not touch game, seek medical advice in time, and do not panic.

91. We hope to overcome the epidemic and return to normal life as soon as possible. I hope my family and friends can be safe and healthy.

92. Spring is coming, and everything is renewed! In addition to paying attention to the current epidemic situation, we still have a life. We should do our best to keep a happy mood and smile at life.

93. In the face of the epidemic, no one is an island. Even though there are many thorns in front, we should also ride the wind and waves to the front! A new day, cheer up together.

94. Stop comparing yourself with others. Success is just a battle between you and yourself; No longer think about taking the road with the least resistance. The satisfaction of harvest lies in the process of struggle.

95. Carefully organize to reduce the coronavirus infection rate to the minimum. The warm sentences and attendance during the 2022 epidemic brought to you by the American editor are welcome to share.

96. God bless China, work together to overcome difficulties! There must be a rainbow after the storm! Common resistance to coronavirus, China refueling! We face the disaster together and bear it together! We are sure to win this war without gunsmoke!

97. An epidemic situation, which is indifferent to the gains and losses, belongs to you forever. It is not. It will never stay. Get, don't get complacent, lose, don't cry bitterly, face with an ordinary heart, gain calmly, lose calmly.