25 personification sentences
Precious old friends
2023-07-13 10:52:01
Anthropomorphic sentence

1. Sunday is very punctual, and I come here every week as scheduled.

2. Autumn breaks the rumors of summer with a dancing posture.

3. The little black dog wagged its tail and walked proudly like nobody else!

4. The verdant pine trees guard their homes like sentries.

5. The gorgeous rose showed a smile, which was so charming.

6. The fish are playing happily in the water, and the whole river is full of joy.

7. There was a haze outside the window, like a worried person's face.

8. Spring is coming, and the flowers in the garden are smiling. It's really beautiful.

9. The old ox stood quietly on the grass like an elegant artist.

10. The red sorghum on the ground looks like groups of graceful girls.

11. In summer, the lotus in the pond has blossomed into a beautiful pink smile.

12. Larks chirped on the branches as if they were greeting us.

13. The willows are waving in the wind like grass ropes, as if they resent something.

14. In the morning, the birds happily stood on the branches, singing and dancing.

15. In spring, the ice in the river melted helplessly, and the winter jasmine quietly opened its smiling face.

16. Butterflies and bees are dancing happily in the flowers, and birds are singing on willows.

17. At night, the sky was dark, and the stars were asleep, no longer blinking.

18. Autumn wind is a kind mother. She blows gently, like combing green hair with a comb.

19. The sun shining on the lake is as beautiful as a lake girl wearing a silver princess skirt.

20. Autumn is coming, and the rice is ripe! Autumn has come, and the rice is ripe like a little fat man whose face has been swollen.

21. The Yangtze River Bridge lies across the river like a beautiful rainbow, connecting everyone on both sides.

22. Winter Rain is more like a miserly moneyman, who always keeps rain miserably and does not want to let the earth accept the baptism of rain.

23. The autumn rain is so soft and slow. Oh, it is a gentle mother who brings blessings to her children.

24. In the morning, a group of white pigeons walked on the roof with their heads held high and their shoulders held high, chirping, as if a group of small generals were rehearsing.

25. In winter, willows gradually become "bald" without leaves, which makes them less attractive and few people come here to play.