Model Essay on Guasha
be fearless
2023-11-16 12:05:12

I seldom watch movies, but I prefer to follow TV dramas. But slowly, I found that both movies and TV plays present the audience with a story, but TV plays take more time and describe in more detail, while movies condense a story into an hour. They can lead us to observe reality, find some ordinary but extraordinary things in life, and then trigger us to think, To understand life. Due to the problem of time, I think I will prefer films or micro films in the future. Maybe when I get old or retire, I will fall in love with TV again when I have enough time. Like my mother now, after dinner, she would wait in front of the TV to kill time. A few days ago, I took the time to watch the film recommended by my psychology teacher. It was a long time ago, starring Liang Jiahui and Jiang Liwen. Although the plot is simple, the climax can touch people's hearts and make people think deeply.

Guasha starts with the ordinary events that happened in an ordinary family of Xu Datong, a Chinese American, his wife Jianning, his son Dennis, and his father, who has a profound Chinese tradition. The main story is that Datong's father was detained in the police station due to the accidental death of his old friend. Datong inadvertently left the sleeping child at home alone, and hurried to the police station to pick up his father. A phone call from his wife woke the child up. The child was very afraid in the dark. At the moment when Datong opened the door, Dennis ran quickly to meet him, but because of the darkness, he was caught carelessly, and his head was broken and bleeding. When the doctor examined Dan, he accidentally found blood stasis on the child's back. He suspected that the child was subjected to long-term corporal punishment and abuse, and immediately contacted the Child Welfare Bureau. As a result, a lawsuit dispute unfolded, and the cultural conflict between East and West became more and more intense. In fact, the child's bruises were caused by the traditional Chinese treatment - scraping. Because there was no such record in western medicine, coupled with the fact that Westerners generally did not have a deep understanding of Chinese tradition and culture, and even distorted Chinese culture, Datong eventually separated from his wife and children. Later, the innocence of Datong was proved by the personal test of Datong's friends. On Christmas Day, the Datong family finally reunited.

I wanted to think about the complete details of this movie to deeply appreciate some of them, but I found that sometimes what can be retained in the deep memory is only the simplest framework, that is, the touching emotion in Guasha. The initial details, perhaps ignored, let the memory show the perfection of the film. The first piece that can remind me should be the argument in the court. Needless to say, I think this is the most powerful moment of conflict in the film. Centering on the conflict between the feelings between father and son and the rationality in culture, I feel that Liang Jiahui's acting skills have been sublimated to a certain extent. The prosecution lawyer used some tricks to make Xu Datong lose his reason and his last chance. In the face of the son in the trusteeship, people who must be parents can not help but sigh with grief.

Yes, the concept of loyalty and filial piety of the Chinese people is so strange to foreigners. In front of our elderly father, we Chinese people always use a heart of no return to repay their parents' love, so that in the most painful moments, we can not let our father know his pain and the pressure he bears. When Xu Datong went to help his father upstairs, Jiang Wenli's wife said, "This is the filial piety of Chinese people to their father." This not only made the American boss moved, but also made us moved. Our love, no return. Therefore, although the wife was also suffering, she firmly stood by her husband. Although she was shaken by her mother's love, she wanted to tell her father-in-law what she had done, but put it in perspective, maybe it was her own pain at the moment, and her husband would support and tolerate her.

To be honest, I really appreciate the way the United States protects young children. The introduction of a series of laws, systems and policies on child protection is a real way to make the future of our country grow up in a safe and non violent environment. It is illegal to leave a child alone at home or in a public place. I think this provision is worth learning from Chinese laws and the attention of parents! Because a series of accidents happened to children recently, most of them were caused by the parents' carelessness and negligence. Like the case of the stolen baby car in Changchun, it's really heartbreaking. The two month old baby was strangled alive by the criminal and buried in the snow. The criminal was totally devoid of conscience, completely buried his conscience, childlike innocence, morality and humanity completely disappeared, which can be described as not human, even worse than animals! Leaving aside criminals for the time being, further thinking, the accidental death of infants is largely due to parents leaving their children alone in the car. If it is illegal according to American law, it is justifiable. If the parent takes the child into the store and does not want to take the chance to put the child in his sight, what the parent loses is only the money of a car, not his own flesh and blood just born, let alone the pain of losing a child! We all know that money is external to us.

But my own child, who was born in October, has just been immersed in the joy of the newborn's birth, and has not yet experienced the experience of being a parent, and has not yet witnessed the process of the child's growth step by step. Because of my own negligence and carelessness, I have bought today's tragedy. Is it worth the price? The "Little Yueyue" incident earlier was a living example. The child ran into the street to play while his parents were not paying attention, and was run over to death by a car. Is a "Little Yueyue" not enough to make a splash? Isn't it impressive enough? Is it not enough to learn from it? As viewers and media, we all blame outsiders for all the responsibility, but did you think that parents' responsibility is the biggest. Or maybe it is because of this, it is not enough to attract parents' attention and ponder, leading to repeated tragedies! I sincerely hope that such tragedies will disappear as soon as possible and that children will grow up happily and healthily! I also hope that those cruel and abusive parents do not exist, and the country can also improve the child related protection regulations!

Children are the flowers of the motherland in the future; As parents, they have the responsibility and obligation to let their children grow up in the greenhouse! I sincerely hope that every child can grow up healthily and happily!