Yang Jiang's Quotations of Celebrities
See money as dirt
2023-05-27 14:28:08

1. Cultivating oneself is the most fundamental requirement of being a man.

2. People around the city want to escape, and those standing outside the city want to rush in. The desire for life comes from marriage and career.

3. Love is involuntary, easy to get, easy to see, not get, or can not get, just feel rare and precious.

4. After different degrees of exercise, a person can obtain different degrees of cultivation and benefits.

5. We were so eager for the recognition of the outside world that we finally learned that the world is our own and has nothing to do with others.

6. The world is like a melting pot, burning out a batch of souls with different quality and different quality from the original.

7. Mr. Ruan Mian is a Catholic. Maybe he went to church because he wanted to marry her? Catholics are not allowed to marry, but divorcees must also be allowed to go to church.

8. Fame, living may be useful to oneself, but after death, it can only be used by others.

9. Reciting new words and doing exercises all day long, because learning a language, if you don't advance, you will fall back.

10. Your problem is that you don't read much but think too much.

11. If the moon is full, it will be lost. If the water is full, it will overflow. Our love will be OK here. I don't want it to overflow.

12. Everyone has a spiritual conscience. It is self-cultivation to restrain oneself often according to spiritual conscience.

13. We learn wisdom from suffering, and virtue from suffering.

14. People can condense into a stone, hide and see the bottom, and let time rush by like water. They only know that they are in the water, not the current.

15. On the road of life, if you are obsessed with pursuing fame, wealth, power and position, you have no time to consider others.

16. I wish to turn into a stone and watch the boat I can't see.

17. There is no simple happiness in the world. Happiness is always mixed with worries and worries. There is no forever in the world.

18. Several years later, I gradually understand that it is a shame of a lucky person to an unfortunate person.

19. He swore: From now on, we will have to die, not to leave again.

20. Although people are small and life is short, they can learn, cultivate themselves, and improve themselves. The value of people lies in themselves.