How does Xiaoxue's circle of friends send out in the 2022 24 solar terms (18 sentences)
Old look of empty city
2023-03-08 00:20:49
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1. Close the door, close the window, turn off the light, turn off the mobile phone, lie on the sofa, listen to the snow. Don't think about anything, don't move anything, relax your mind, and listen to the sounds of nature. Turn on your mobile phone, send messages, it's snowing, pay attention to cold and warm clothes!

2. It's time to write the names of people you like on the glass!

3. The snow is fluttering about, the north wind is talking about missing, the cold weather is not the heart, the warm is the feeling is not the body. Season changes, no matter how cold, may happiness warm you; No matter how far your life is, I wish you a bright future!

4. When the light snow arrives, the north wind blows cold, preventing colds, keeping warm first; Business and family, health first; Friendly, bless first. Wish you a light snow festival, happiness first.

5. The snowflakes flying all over the sky, the snow covered branches, the snow covered earth, the men and women together, what a romantic winter! Although I can't depend on you now, it's my real hope!

6. A bowl of sunny noodles with white snow; Love, snow and moon, sing a beautiful song for you; Ice and snow are smart. May your beloved be always with you; I wish you a warm heart, a warm body and a smiling face!

7. The snow is romantic and brings my white blessing. The snow is elegant and takes away your disturbing troubles. The snow is crystal clear, reflecting your journey forward. The snow is warm and warms your wet heart.

8. It's snowing heavily. Did it snow in your world? The four seasons of life cannot be without winter. No winter, no warmth; No winter, no watch. In the cold winter, may my blessing accompany you in the snow and spend it together.

9. When the cold wind blows to the snowflakes, you can walk slowly in the cold weather. If you drive on snowy days, your eyesight will be affected. The cold wind is chilly, and you should have a padded jacket on your body. Safe travel is the first, and the whole family is healthy and happy.

10. Snowflakes dance happily, praising people's rich, happy and beautiful life, warning people to wear cotton clothes in cold weather and play chess and card games around the stove. When Xiaoxue arrives, I hope my friends can enjoy the delicious food and drink spicy food and keep healthy!

11. Snow is a dream outside the window, snow is a paradise outside the window, in the heavy snow season, open your heart window, the world is bright for you, open your heart window, the world is happy for you, snow, bless you have no trouble, full of power.

12. When you look up and see the long snowflakes floating, and when you look down and see the white snow road lined with trees, such a beautiful scene and a smile on your face will make things more beautiful. Little snow, beautiful snowflakes and beautiful you, happy snowflakes and happy you.

13. The snowflakes glisten with my sweet greetings; Snowflakes walk around, dancing with my sincere concern; The fragrance of snowflakes is blooming my pure yearning; In the light snow season, I wish you happiness like snow, happiness like flowers, and good luck floating all over the sky.

14. It's too cold in winter, I will be frozen, but I will melt when you hug me

15. Pines and cypresses are green, the cold is strong, and the snowflakes are floating with thousands of thoughts; I miss you deeply and have no place to place my trust. May your life be peaceful forever; When the light snow season comes, the blessing will also be sent. Add clothes to prevent colds. May your mood be always good!

16. I hope I can be better when the first snow falls this year

17. As the end of the year approaches, we pay tribute to Winter Sui. Boil wine and warm tea, and drink this cup full. As the heavy snow is coming, everything will win.

18. The falling snowflakes are like the fragrant petals shed by the Heavenly Maiden, giving the world good luck and happiness, and people are happy to wave with enthusiasm. It's snowy and cold, and the temperature drops sharply. I wish my wife would wear warm clothes and eat well to maintain her health, happiness and happiness every day!