44 beautiful sentences that are a little homesick
Happy Family
2023-06-20 10:05:06
Homesick sentences

1. It's almost New Year's Eve, and I want to find a partner to call them parents!

2. To isolate the country, but long sorrow—— Li Bai's A Thousand Li Si

3. Brush the feather with the waves, and return home at one stroke—— Shen Yue's Ode to Wild Goose in the Lake

4. Raging flows away and weakens the algae, and gathers the calamus with the remaining frost—— Shen Yue's Ode to Wild Goose in the Lake

5. I lost my hometown road at the end of the world, and I am old Huafa outside the river—— Li Bai's "Spring in Jiangnan"

6. The flying was not able to get down, and the disorderly rising did not form a line—— Shen Yue's Ode to Wild Goose in the Lake

7. The wind of the new moon is falling, and Xingzi is worried about returning—— Li Bai's Yingmen Autumn

8. When you grow old and want to study the country, you should first return to the king alone—— Send Monk Back to the South

9. Jicheng is connected to the north of the desert, leaving my hometown ten thousand miles away—— Li Qi's Song of the Ancient Fortress

10. It is the first place to stay in Gansu, and the dream of hometown is flowing—— Qi Ji's Farewell to the Frontier

11. Somehow homesick, inexplicably want to cry, inexplicably began to miss.

12. Scramble the peach trees and turn the willow trees lightly—— Zhou Bangyan's Six Clowns, Falling Flowers

13. The water culvert is empty, and the mountain shines in the city—— Su Shi's "More Leaky Son, Send Sun Juyuan Away"

14. My hometown is far away. When will I go—— Zhou Bangyan's "Su Curtain Covering, Burning Incense"

15. During the days away from home, the kite in my heart was broken, and my missing was evaporating day by day.

16. Pity the plum blossom this evening—— Sijiake · Guimao New Year's Eve by Wu Wenying

17. All these years, I have been walking on my way home, always thinking about going home but never going home.

18. There is no strong desire to go home, just because the person who is waiting for me to go home is gone.

19. In fact, everyone is a dreamer, but when they wake up, they just want to "home".

20. The more you grow, the more you love your family. For the first time in three years, I miss my family so much that I want to go home and miss my mother.

21. Whether you have reached the peak of your career or have nothing, your family and relatives will be waiting for you.

22. I can't help feeling homesick. I think my parents, my sister and my grandpa have nursed me. I knew I wouldn't come so far.

23. Because of love, I deeply understand the difficulty of home! Because of love, I miss home, so I love it and miss it forever when I leave home.

24. Looking at the picturesque scenery outside the window, I think that the distance between my heart and home is shrinking, and the feeling of a long lost wanderer in my heart will arise spontaneously.

25. Looking out of the window, the drizzle is still lingering. The sultry autumn rain has once again disordered my heart and inadvertently touched the sensitive string - homesickness!

26. It is said that home is the harbor of the soul, the shelter of life, and the synonym of warmth. Really? When a person's psychology is extremely fragile, the only thing he thinks of is home.

27. homesickness is a habit, a mood and a growth. If you are homesick, call home; Even a few casual words can dispel the chill in winter.

28. Home is not only a house, but also a haven for drifters and a post station for the soul. In short, it is also a way of life that truly belongs to me, my family and my home.

29. People who go out all have the idea of thinking about home. There is no city in the valley; There is no rush of traffic in the city, only the tranquility and peace of Tie Ning in Oh, Snow.

30. The night is getting deeper and deeper, and the yearning is still drifting endlessly, vaguely like seeing the shadow of home. It is stretched into a continuous line by my yearning, which affects my heart, makes me depend on it, and makes me love it.

31. The frequency of going home is decreasing, but the weak figure of the kind parents is becoming clearer in my heart. I'm really homesick and miss my parents! I miss the familiar plants and trees in my hometown

32. Home is the place to carry love. Love makes home! Home is not just a house, nor is it just a room with Simmons... The space piled up by materials is not the real meaning of home.

33. Every time I call home, I am reluctant to hang up the phone. There are always endless words. Concern has become a habit of me. I can think of you when I overhear others' words.

34. Suddenly, a thread of thought appeared, longing for homesickness. Do not know why, is a very strong desire! How I want to lie at home now, even if I can't sleep, it seems that there is a kind of dependence and safety!

35. Going home is not only the end of life, but also the beginning of life, the beginning of a new life. The way home is not far away at the foot, as long as you can put aside secular concerns, swagger back to the warm home.

36. Home is such a heavy topic that I don't want to think about it or think about it. I often choose to escape and hide, but it is still heavy in my heart and cannot be abandoned.

37. When I feel homesick, I feel depressed. When I feel homesick, I can hardly sleep at night. Since I came to Xinxiang Kindergarten Normal School, every night in the dead of night, I can't help but want to start.

38. Home is a harbor. If you go far away, you will naturally return to it; Home is to rely on. When you are tired, you will lie in the soft bed and get drunk deeply. Home is the permanent habitat of people.

39. When listening to Pang Long's The Taste of Home, his wife was serving dinner. In the lyrical melody of the song and Pang Long's affectionate interpretation, a long lost warmth rises from the bottom of my heart, my nose is a bit sour, and my thoughts have already floated to my hometown.

40. Everyone will miss home. Especially in the dead of night, you will miss home more. You will miss your father, mother, brother, and my eighty year old grandmother who loves me. Thinking, thinking, you will feel like falling asleep.

41. When I saw my mother's call, tears poured into my eyes. I held back my tears and answered the phone. When I heard my mother's voice choking, I tried to speak normally. It was really sad. I was very sensitive and homesick on my birthday.

42. Home, I was born and raised in Si. Home, the gas station of my life. Home is the heaven of my soul. Every hotel window always makes you want to start, a place where you can keep leaving and returning.

43. Returning is like an arrow. I believe everyone should have experienced this experience. In fact, returning is more than just like an arrow. I wish I could become a beam of light. A thousand miles away is just around the corner. The more I want to get home, the stronger the feeling will be. It will not fade away until I step into my house.

44. Go home. A return is an expression of life, a leap of life. The winding road home stretches in front of me through the historical clouds. I can see the ancient and modern people walking alone on this road, rolling and crawling. In their eyes, the way home is harder than the Shu Road.