Sentences encouraging children to take the middle school entrance exam in Grade Three
Simplicity is happiness
2023-06-22 11:32:42
Complete sentences

1. I am talented in life. I will win in the future. I will take the oath for a hundred days and win in one fell swoop.

2. Along the way, the future will be honed, and half a year of shared happiness and suffering will make it brilliant.

3. If you work harder than others, you will get more achievements; If you have more ambition than others, you will be more promising; If you insist more than others, you will win; If you are more persistent than others, you will create miracles.

4. Think hard, go all out, come on! I believe that your three years have not been wasted, and you will overcome all difficulties and continue to move forward as before!

5. I will fight against the clock with the highest morale, the most hardworking spirit, the most prudent attitude, and go all out to win the glory I am determined to win!

6. The high school entrance examination is really a harvest, which contains too much connotation. No matter how you do in the high school entrance examination, your growth and maturity is a fact that no one can change. After three years of hard work, you have gained too much.

7. The grand pass passes all the way, who will fight for courage; I am the champion of the fiery bear furnace.

8. Many times it is not impossible, but I have not tried my best.

9. Desire to enhance enthusiasm, perseverance to smooth mountains.

10. You are sure to succeed. Take a good exam! wish you success!

11. It is not that success is too far away from us, but that we insist too little.

12. Be kind to yourself, not to be influenced by others, nor to others, confident and elegant.

13. What kind of tomorrow you want, what kind of effort you have to make today.

14. If we stop striving, the river will become a backwater.

15. Don't ask how to choose to finish homework when there are many homework. You know how to choose when you can't finish homework even though you are really working hard.

16. No pains, no gains; Walk steadily and do what you should do.

17. Hardly sharpen a sword to show your majesty, and like to see the three mountains to show your ambition.

18. There is a long way to go. I will search up and down.

19. The sun will not shine forever, there is no unchangeable happiness, suffering may be a gift from God to test our will, if so, let us face life with a smile.

20. If you don't force yourself, you don't know how good you are.

21. Life is a journey. There are ups and downs. I don't care whether my destination is the top of the slope or the bottom of the valley. I only care about the beautiful and vibrant scenery along the road!

22. Work hard, just like not demanding returns; Love sincerely, as if you have never been hurt; Dance like no one is watching you. Such a life can certainly bring you happiness.

23. Success comes from persistence. Persistence creates miracles.

24. The second important challenge, maybe you have anxiety, fear and excitement, but I want to say, please don't forget all the people who care about you, we are your strong backing. I wish you success in passing the exam and everything will come true.

25. Even if you are nostalgic for the blooming narcissus in the water, don't forget that the wild lily has its own spring in the lonely corner of the valley!

26. Being indifferent to fame and wealth and introspecting quietly, this is a beautiful scenery of life. It embellishes the brilliant life state of spring all the year round. With it, we have a home of life soul that is worth relying on in our life.

27. At this time of the year, we should be energetic, fight hard in the examination room, relax, deal with calmly, be confident, and get good results. I wish the students in the middle school entrance exam good health and academic success.

28. Nothing can stop you from yearning for freedom. Young people should become stronger! We made a brilliant achievement in the high school entrance examination.

29. The value of life is not measured by time, but by depth.

30. Dreams come true and welcome the New Year's horn with dreams; Striving for self-improvement shows that youth is full of bitter sweat.

31. Since we have chosen the road we want to take, we will persevere in our efforts. We believe that as long as we have confidence and courage, we must be able to grasp our own future and destiny and become a real 'strong man'.

32. Self confidence is half of success; Plain is a successful post station; Hard work is the accumulation of success; Blessing is a prerequisite for success. Confident you, with my blessing, will win the laurel in the high school entrance exam. Work hard, child.

33. Be kind to your preferences. Don't let them make way for learning. Let them do things for learning.

34. The hardworking people will live up to the day. They will endure hardships and hardships. Three thousand Yuejia people can swallow Wu.

35. After sticking to it for so long, there are only the last two weeks left. Continue to work hard. I believe you will succeed. You will be admitted to the ideal successfully. Victory will always belong to you!

36. The happiest thing in life is hard work, not success. The most painful thing in life is laziness, not failure.

37. Remember your value. It will not depreciate because of your indecency. It is the day when gold will shine.

38. If you want to pick roses, you must first break the thorny branches; If you want to take a smooth road, you must cut down the thorns; If you want to see the dawn, you must brave the night silence; If you want to take the exam of high school, you must work harder: be virtuous and hardworking, and wish the high school entrance exam a success!

39. Youth is like fire, transcending oneself, flying dreams and creating brilliance.

40. Good habits are always a magic weapon for one's success.

41. Improve your high school entrance exam, win the exam and change your life.

42. Now that you are facing the high school entrance examination, you can choose the best opportunity for yourself and pave the way for your future life if you can achieve good results.

43. Only by working harder and earlier than others can we taste the taste of success.

44. Because there is regret, we wear the stars and the moon. Because there is a dream, we are desperate.

45. The "auspicious wind" blows gently, and the "phoenix flowers" are colorful, dear students. Shake hands again, and tomorrow we will go west and east, but don't forget each other's agreement: "Successful high school entrance exam"! "Big picture"!

46. Grasp today and look forward to the future. There are always some landscapes that will be missed on the road of life. Sometimes, we miss those landscapes just to see more beautiful scenery.