About Lin Yutang's famous words and sentences (Lin Yutang's My Wish classic sentences)
Remaining tenderness
2023-03-24 07:36:46
A complete list of famous sayings

1. Leisure life always needs a pleasant and quiet heart, a cheerful and broad-minded concept and a mind to enjoy nature.

2. Beijing has finally been saved from large-scale killing and looting, and order is gradually being restored, which depends on Sai Jinhua.

3. We can take a more relaxed and casual attitude towards life: we are not permanent tenants of this world, but passing passengers.

4. Wisdom thinks it is right, conscience thinks it is not, then it is not; Wisdom thinks it is impossible, conscience thinks it is possible. Conscience is the main thing, and intelligence is the slave, so one must be loyal; Conscience is a slave. Wisdom is the master.

5. Men only know life philosophy, but women know life.

6. People with pipe in their mouth are happy, and happiness is the greatest of all moral efficacy.

7. The most important thing to enjoy is the mood.

8. There are not two big cheats in life, but three: fame, profit and power.

9. Two feet on East and West culture, one mind on the universe article.

10. Life reads almost like a poem. It has its own rhythm and rhythm, as well as its internal cycle of growth and decay.

11. Life is like four years in the world, and we must pass through this period of maturity... Note that the scenery in autumn is more gorgeous and amazing, and the happiness in autumn is ten thousand times more magnificent, amazing and gorgeous.

12. A true traveler must be a vagrant, who experiences the happiness, temptation and exploration will of vagrants. Travel must be vagrant, otherwise it will not be a travel.

13. Of course, it is much cheaper to enjoy leisure life than luxury life. To enjoy a leisurely life, it is only an artist's temperament to spend an idle afternoon in a completely leisurely mood.

14. Wise people read books and experience life.

15. The ideal person who is most suitable for enjoying life is a sincere, leisurely and fearless person.

16. Northerners are basically conquerors, while southerners are basically businessmen.

17. The degree of a person's thorough understanding is just equal to the depth of his suffering.

18. We must adjust our life style so that the golden age can be hidden in the future old age, not in the past youth and innocence.

19. Art should be a kind of satire literature, a warning to our numb feelings, dead thoughts, and unnatural life. It teaches us to keep simple and sincere in the world of affectation.

20. Ordinary people can't appreciate the joy of this earthly life because they don't love life deeply and make life ordinary, rigid and boring.

21. The first meaning of reading is that reading cannot be forced, and forced reading will be ineffective, but harmful.

22. In life, when I was young, I thought I knew nothing. When I was in college, I knew why I knew everything. After graduation, I knew nothing. When I was middle-aged, I knew why I knew everything. Later in life, I realized that I didn't know anything.

23. Civilization can change the way of love, but it can never kill love.

24. Life is really a dream. Human beings are like a passenger, riding on a boat and sailing along the eternal river of time. Get on the boat at one place and land at another place, so that passengers waiting for boarding can wait at other rivers.

25. A happy philosophy is a truly profound philosophy; I don't think those serious western philosophical theories have ever begun to understand the true meaning of life. In my opinion, the only effect of philosophy is to make us have a more relaxed and happy attitude towards life than ordinary businessmen.

26. An ancient book makes the reader face to face with the ancient people who have been sleeping for a long time. When he reads it, he will imagine what kind of form and what kind of person the ancient writer is. Both Mencius and Sima Qian, a great historian, expressed this opinion.

27. It never needs money to enjoy a leisurely life. The rich class will not really appreciate the pleasure of leisure life.

28. People without humor will become hypocritical in their culture, deceptive in their life, pedantic in their thinking, dry up in their literature, and stubborn in their hearts.

29. Only happy philosophy is truly profound philosophy; I don't think those serious western philosophical theories have ever begun to understand the true meaning of life. In my opinion, the only effect of philosophy is to make us have a more relaxed and happy attitude towards life than ordinary businessmen.

30. The Chinese people's habit of passive seclusion is like the British people taking umbrellas when they go out, because the political climate is not normal for those who try to do something risky.

31. People with pipe in their mouth are the most agreeable people. They are kind, sincere and frank, and most of them are good at talking. I always feel that I can make friends with such people.

32. A writer's pen is like a cobbler's awl. The more you use it, the sharper it becomes. Later, it can be as sharp as a sewing needle. However, the scope of his ideas will be increasingly broad, just like a person's mountain view, the higher he climbs, the farther he sees.

33. A scholar is like an eagle that spits out food to feed birds; A thinker is like a silkworm. What he vomits is not mulberry leaves but silk.

34. There are few people who are proud of their human feet, and there are few people in this world who can give satisfaction to life.

35. The ideal person who is most suitable for enjoying life is a sincere, leisurely and fearless person.

36. There is a bosom friend in the world.