Classic Quotations in Real Society
Waiting for the blue maple leaves to fall
2023-07-19 04:06:10
Realistic sentences

1. Dreams must be based on reality, or your dreams will be useless.

2. It is not your position that determines what you can do, but your position that determines what you can do. If you want to achieve something, you must first climb to the corresponding position.

3. The society is realistic, you can only be eliminated if you are unrealistic.

4. Your circle of friends can prove who you are.

5. Love cannot last without bread.

6. There is only one person in the world who will never betray you, and that is yourself.

7. To realize your dream, you must have a realistic foundation. If you can't live well even in reality, your dream can only be an empty dream.

8. If you want to face, you must first learn to put down face. If you want dignity, you must first know how to put down dignity.

9. Any enemy is insignificant compared with your own demons.

10. You must know that if you can't stand it, you can't succeed.

11. Many people laugh only as an expression, not as a feeling.

12. Men's achievements depend on talent rather than appearance, and men's charm comes from strength rather than pompous.

13. You will be very happy if you fall in love with a person who loves you, and very painful if you fall in love with a person who does not love you.

14. The real life will be bitter for a while, but not for a lifetime.

15. If you want to gain a smile, you must smile at others first.

16. You will get what you do.

17. Everything has no if, if the consequences and results.

18. To understand others, you must first recognize yourself.

19. People live in this world. There are some things you want to do, and some things you must do. Only when you finish the things you must do, can you do the things you want to do.

20. When you want to get something, you must give up something. Only when you give up something, can you get what you want.

21. A person who does not fight for interests is a hypocrite at heart, and he may not have found it.

22. The beautiful God of this world will only be left to those brave people to enjoy.

23. You can cry, but you can't give up.

24. Those who love you will not leave, and those who leave you are not worthy of love.

25. Women are great now. Unconsciously, I have a big belly and a baby without a father!

26. When we were young, we used toys as friends, and when we grew up, our friends used us as toys.

27. You can't satisfy all people, because not all are people.

28. If you see the shadow in front of you, don't be afraid, it is because there is sunshine behind you!

29. Time is the best teacher, but unfortunately he killed all the students in the end.

30. Under any circumstances, you cannot play with others. Anyone who plays with others will be played by others. No matter how thoughtful you are, you are not the most powerful one.

31. Spit is used to count money, not to reason.

32. Men's lies can deceive women overnight, and women's lies can deceive men all their lives.

33. We only have one earth, so we should love the earth; There is only one me on the earth, so everyone should love me!

34. The so-called successful women are special women in the daytime and special women in the evening.

35. Don't be afraid wherever you go. The earth is always at your feet.

36. People who are incompetent watch people pretend to be forced, and those who are competent follow people pretend to be forced.

37. You will get tired of some things if you eat too much. Some people will get bored after watching them for a long time.

38. See through, don't tell through, and continue to be friends.

39. A real man has some power in his hands.

40. People are always people, and even the most advanced people have animal desires.

41. There is only one thing that is correct when you fall down: get up.

42. Life is born and live.

43. When you think you are awesome, please understand something about people who are more awesome than you. When you think you are miserable, you should know that there are many people who are more miserable than you.

44. If you want others to look up to you, you must show your strength.

45. When you can't change others, you should be able to change yourself.

46. People come to this world not to enjoy, but to bear.

47. It is not a matter of a day or two to establish real dignity, so be patient when you are young.

48. The current situation is not good, just for the sake of being better in the future, just hold on!

49. If you want to improve the quality of life, you must have the necessary strategies and means to make a living; If you want to avoid being eaten by wolves, you must develop the ability to fight wolves. Wherever you go, wolves dare not eat you.

50. If you want to help others, you should first know how to protect yourself. If you can't protect yourself, how can you help others.