Famous quotes of patriotic celebrities
Look down on the world
2023-04-08 18:07:39
A complete list of famous sayings

1. Devote oneself to the task and die—— Zhuge Liang

2. Four or five sighs in the middle of the night are often worried about big countries—— Li Bai

3. Time is life, wasting time is sacrificing life

4. Only serve the country with one inch of sincerity—— Lu You's Collection of Rice from Jiangbei Village

5. Who would have guessed that my heart is in Tianshan Mountain and my body is in Cangzhou—— Lu You

6. As the country dies, the sideburns are no longer green—— Lu You

7. The village, lying in isolation, does not mourn for itself. It still thinks that it is the Luntai of the State Reform Movement—— Lu You

8. If wealth comes, don't ask. It's a man who is determined to serve his country—— Yu Qian

9. The old mountains and rivers will be cleaned up from the beginning, and the tower will face the sky—— Yue Fei's The Red River

10. The theory developed by the Chinese should first serve the Chinese people—— Wu Zhonghua

11. People help me, never forget; Don't forget that I help others—— Hua Luogengbest-known Chinese mathematician

12. Workers have no motherland. They must not be deprived of what they do not have—— Marx

13. The main way to love our country is to love what we are doing—— Xie Juezai

14. Unless you can eliminate the patriotism of human beings, the world will never be peaceful -- Bernard Shaw

15. A hero should not shed his tears before the enemy. The man is seven feet tall and willing to donate for the motherland—— Chen Hui.

16. The northwest gale blows, and the southeast war is full of blood. When the wind blows, the iron horse will move and return my old mountains and rivers—— Yang Hucheng

17. Only the soul of the people is valuable, and only when it is carried forward can China make real progress—— Lu Xun

18. The ancients had a patriotic heart of death without regret, and today people have a patriotic feeling of inflexibility—— nameless

19. We are all Chinese, all have Chinese soul, all Chinese are one family—— Shen Baofeng

20. Although Jincheng is happy, it is better to return to hometown; Although paradise is good, it is not a place to stay for a long time. Come back—— Hua Luogengbest-known Chinese mathematician

21. Drive north and south to report the main feelings, and laugh at the grass along the river. Three hundred and sixty days a year, all of them are fighting at once. Military leader famed for combat against Japanese pirate invaders

22. The absolute freedom of a person is madness, and the absolute freedom of a country is chaos—— Roman Roland

23. I die, my country lives, my death is still glorious, my body dies, my spirit grows, my success becomes benevolence, and the great harmony is achieved—— Zhao Bosheng.

24. I love China because he is my motherland, and especially because he is a country with a respectable culture—— Wen Yiduo

25. When you die, you know that everything is empty, but you can't see that Jiuzhou is the same. Wang Shi set the Central Plains Day in the north, and told Naiweng about the family sacrifice—— Lu You

26. If the Germanic nation is not strong enough to defend its own existence, it should die—— Hitler

27. Get rid of the king's world affairs, and win the reputation before and after death—— Xin Qiji, Breaking the Formation, Composing Zhuang Ci for Chen Tongfu

28. Patriotism is easy to understand in the United States; It means being alert to yourself in the way you are alert to your country—— Calvin Coolidge

29. In order to serve the interests of the country and make my life useful, even if it can only be a modest effort, I will also be enthusiastic—— Gogol

30. It is wrong to think that the freedom of an artist lies in doing whatever he wants. This is the freedom of wrongdoers—— Stanislavsky

31. Reading, an ordinary process that we are accustomed to, is actually a process in which people's hearts and minds are combined with the great wisdom of all nations from ancient to modern times—— Golgi

32. The historical significance of every great person is measured by his contribution to the motherland, and his character is measured by his patriotic behavior—— Chernychevsky