Reflections on "Let the Sun Grow Wings"
I'm here to hold you on the other side
2023-09-14 06:08:55

Today, when I first read the poetry anthology "Let the sun grow wings", I was attracted by the fresh lines and deep maternal love. Every poem in this book is like a symphony full of fantasy. I know that this beautiful music has already melted into my heart.

I like Listening to Spring best. "The snow on the eaves melted, and the spring girl rang the rain bell. The sky flew over the formation of wild geese, and the lake water opened its eyes. I heard earthworms working, dandelions planting, eggshells cracking, and birds calling to their mother." I could not help feeling: What a beautiful imagination! A childlike innocence hidden in the poem gradually emerges.

Jinbo's poems always remind me of those wonderful memories of my childhood! The song "Listening with Eyes" just wrote that my mother asked "I" to look at others when listening to them, so as to show politeness. Although this poem is very simple, it contains mother's deep love and hope. The words in this poem are simple, but the meaning is profound. Silence of a Green Leaf tells us that a green leaf has become a small tent, and there is a small beetle living in it, enjoying the beautiful scenery in the rain. The sound of the rain also dropped into my dream. I dreamed that I had become a small beetle. How strange these dreams are. In the minds of adults, they may have been impossible for a long time, but in the minds of children, they will never be the only ones.

Jin Bo's poems are not always naive and simple, but also profound and sad. For example, Listen to the songs of crickets in autumn. "Cricket's song is like a sigh, like an intermittent moan." This poem fully shows the sad scene of crickets. But the cricket is like a hopeful soul in late autumn, waiting for spring in silence.

Pure and beautiful words nourish the soul. Behind the pure and beautiful words is the enlightenment of wisdom.