Very fashionable and incisive writing
Elegant and indifferent
2023-02-27 11:30:30
Complete sentences

1. Don't break the lies and illusions easily. Maybe that is the last self-esteem and all persistence of the other party.

2. Money can bring people the most valuable thing in the world, that is, it doesn't ask people.

3. There is a kind of illusion that I am passionate in my mind for a while, and I will consider that I have tried hard. Another kind of normality is that I want to do something big before going to bed to change the world. I can't sleep excitedly, and I can't even get up early the next morning.

4. Today may be majestic, tomorrow may be overwhelming.

5. If you don't work hard, you will wear fake shoes in the future.

6. At the age of 30, he is fond of playing and making things, but at the age of 30, he is helpless. The helplessness of thirty years old leads to the inaction of forty years old. The inaction at the age of 40 laid the foundation for the failure at the age of 50, and finally produced a lifetime of mediocrity.

7. All night review is because I haven't listened to class at ordinary times, trying to lose weight is because I can never control snacks, and I began to regret after breaking up because I didn't pay enough attention before, so others began to admire your diligence and sympathize with your experience, but only if you understand that your pain is deserved.

8. If you always meet people who are similar to yourself, it means you are fooling around.

9. Some people say that there are two tragedies in life, one is disillusionment, the other is complacency. But I think the bigger tragedy is that some people are complacent at one moment and disillusioned at the other.

10. Give up is 15, insist is 16, insist is only a little more than give up, so dear, why don't you insist?

11. Life is always full of accidents. I hope those bad "accidents" are just false alarms, and those good things that have been expected will always come as scheduled.

12. If one day, you no longer look for love, just love. You no longer desire success, just do it. You no longer pursue growth, just repair. That only shows that everything really starts.

13. Learn to dance with the wind in windy days, and hold an umbrella for yourself in rainy days. Life is full of expectation and unexpected joy.

14. Everyone can't refuse their true happiness. You can't help spending time on things you like, and unconsciously put 10000 hours there. After a long time, you will be different.

15. You don't have to be brilliant or have any special significance. You just need to be the little you and love with your heart.

16. It takes a thousand words to make a friend. It only takes a few words to break up with a friend.

17. Life is difficult, I hope you can go all out to be the best yourself, independent and courageous, lovely and kind, full of expectations for the future.

18. You have no one to miss every day, so please work hard to make money!

19. The heavy snow may be the beautiful scenery you expect, but it is cold and suffering for some people!

20. The most painful thing is not that I failed, but that I could have

21. Our whole life is to get rid of others' expectations and find our true self.

22. Only dreams can make you uneasy, and only actions can relieve your anxiety. There is always someone who wants to win. Why can't that person be you.

23. The stupidity mostly lies in that the hands, feet or tongue are faster than the brain.

24. Today is the youngest day in the rest of your life. Only by being better than you were yesterday, can you become a better person than you are now. Success is self-evident.

25. Eat less meat today, and you will show off tomorrow. Drink less soup tomorrow, and start the day after tomorrow.

26. Don't fight with anyone. Those who love you don't have to fight. Those who don't love don't have to fight. There is always an answer to anything. It is better to let nature take its course than to worry about it.

27. Maturity does not lead to complexity, but to innocence.

28. There are too many boring gentlemen and too few elegant hooligans. The greatest benefit of maturity is that we don't want what we didn't get before.

29. The upward road is not crowded because most people choose comfort.

30. As long as there are interests, there will be contradictions, which cannot be avoided.

31. Unless we change the books we read and the people we associate with, you will be exactly the same in five years.

32. All empathy is false. Only personal experience can tell how painful it is.

33. The meaning of hard work is that when you look at it, it is all the people and things you like?

34. People always tell the person they like not that I like you, but that I miss you. Don't say I miss you to the person you want to see, but say whether you want to have a meal together. What you say is totally different from what you think. This is the so-called implication.

35. The easier it is to refuse, the better. It is clear that others need their own help. Explain how much you owe others for a long time.

36. What you are turning over now is books, and what you will count later is money.