82 sentences of marriage blessing for cousin
Flying flowers like dreams
2023-05-15 00:09:42
SMS Collection

1. Congratulations on your happy marriage, a long marriage and an early birth!

2. The white heads and eyebrows are matched by mandarin ducks, and the green sun is full of luck.

3. I wish my brother an early birth, a full house of children and grandchildren, and happiness forever!

4. Happy newlywed brother! I wish you and your brothers and sisters happiness and longevity!

5. I wish you a long and happy marriage! Happy newlyweds, sweet!

6. Love each other and be happy forever, and be happy together. May your love be deeper than the sea!

7. I wish you a happy marriage, happiness, forever, and a long life together!

8. May your home be as beautiful and harmonious as the Garden of Eden, on the earth as in the sky!

9. Brother, congratulations on your getting married! I wish you happiness, happiness, eternal love and happy marriage!

10. I hope you two love each other and have deep feelings. Love will last forever in this life and grow with each passing day!

11. I wish my brother a happy wedding! Long life together, happiness and peace! Give me a nephew as soon as possible!

12. He is the word, you are the spectrum, you two are a harmonious song. A match made in heaven makes the phoenix and the phoenix sing together.

13. Your family has become a great force for the revival of the church; It has also become a great contribution of the social country!

14. Let this lingering poem ring the bell of happiness. May you two always be in love and grow old together!

15. Great joy in life, dear friends, on your wedding day, let me sincerely wish you a happy wedding!

16. May the LORD bless you from the most holy place, and may you see the good of Jerusalem, the holy city, throughout your life!

17. Your family has become a major force in the revival of the church; It has also become a great contribution to society and the country!

18. Millennial years are bound by a thousand years, and a hundred years of body and sleep together. Natural talent and beauty match, only envy mandarin ducks, not immortals.

19. May love permeate your sweet life, and let every day in the future be as glorious and joyful as today!

20. May the LORD bless you from the most holy place, and may you see the good of Jerusalem, the holy city, all your life!

21. The day is the day when you get married. On behalf of my family, I would like to congratulate you and wish you both happiness and longevity!

22. I wish my younger brother a sweet love, a happy marriage and a happy family, and also wish my younger brother and daughter-in-law a smooth work, love, health and happiness!

23. The highest level of mutual happiness is to be relatively never tired of each other. Wish the new couple true love and make an appointment forever! Congratulations on your wedding!

24. You were born right and made a pair. Now you are together. In the future, you need to be tolerant and take care of each other. Bless you!

25. I hope you will listen to the Bible all your life, respect your elders and love your neighbors; So that you will be blessed a hundred times in the world and rewarded greatly in the future!

26. May the fire of your sincere love, like the rising sun, grow stronger with time; Let the water not be extinguished and the flood not be submerged!

27. You are a pair made by heaven and earth. Now you are together. In the future, you need to be tolerant and take care of each other. Bless you!

28. May your love be more beautiful than beauty; More fragrant than ointment; Sweeter than honey dripping from the hive; And more precious than extremely expensive treasures!

29. May you two hold each other with love, understand and care for each other, and share the pain and happiness in the future. Best wishes for a long marriage!

30. In this beautiful day of spring flowers, you two will always be friends, which is called "born with the earth"! I wish you two love and grow old together!

31. Love means that someone cares about you, someone cares about you, someone wants you to be happy, and someone misses you all day long. Brother, you finally got your wish today.

32. At this time of celebration and blessing, may God guide your marriage like a river flowing back to the sea, becoming a body, no longer a body, but also surging and endless!

33. May your descendants be more godly! May you teach your descendants according to the teaching and warning of the Lord; So do yourselves, and do the will of the Lord!

34. May the happy singing accompany you forever, and may your married life be filled with joy and joy, bathing in endless happiness forever. Wish you a happy wedding!

35. At this time of celebration and blessing, may God guide your marriage, like a river flowing into the sea, into one, no longer two, and surging ceaselessly!

36. In this warm spring day when flowers are blooming and flowers are blooming, you two will always get together, which is called "heaven makes a pair, earth makes a pair"! I wish you two love and grow old together!

37. Although the wedding is only a time, love is a lifetime; The spring of the bridal chamber is always here, and the surrounding scenery will last forever; It is each other's face that grows old slowly; What never decreases is the mutual truth.

38. Marriage is set up by God, and perfect marriage is granted by God; May our God give you all the blessings in the sky and in the earth, brother, and have a happy marriage!

39. Although the wedding is only temporary, love is a lifetime; The spring of the bridal chamber is always here, and the surrounding scenery will last forever; It is each other's face that grows old slowly; What never decreases is the mutual truth.

40. My brothers are like Isaac, honest, brave, trusting and obedient, like flying eagles; May my sister be like Rebekah, gentle, hardworking and talented, like a fruitful vine!

41. Truth, kindness and beauty are the qualities you have always had; The right man will accompany you all your life; Brother, you are going to get married. I wish you happiness in marriage and the birth of the right child as soon as possible.

42. Send your heartfelt blessing to Liuyun by the breeze, and let Liuyun offer your sincere affection; The air is full of intoxicating sweetness. I wish my dearest friend that from now on, love will never end.

43. You have finally concluded the essence of love, and I am happy for you here; Today, I wish you to use your true love to create a happy tomorrow; Brother, wish you a happy marriage!

44. Seriousness is your boldness; Truth is your character; True love is your emotion; Sincerity is the essence of your happiness; Brother, I hope you two will take love seriously and live your life sincerely.

45. The flowers of industry are blooming side by side, the lights of science and technology are burning together, the harmonious family is happy for a long time, the love between husband and wife is forever, the pioneers of the times are walking hand in hand, and the trend darling is competing for the first. Congratulate friends on their marriage and holding hands for a hundred years.

46. The husband and wife go hand in hand for a lifetime; Give sincere devotion to each other, and let true love and marriage hold hands for life; Brother, on the wedding day, I hope you and your husband will be true to each other and have no worries all your life.

47. Your wife is so beautiful, like a piece of jade, that you can't put it down for life; Your taste is really high, whether you marry a beautiful woman or a talented student; Brother, I only wish you to be true to each other and love each other for life.

48. The truth is coming to light, and true love has come into being; The true qi keeps flowing, and the real bullet creates life; Younger brother, on your wedding day, you should work hard with real gold and silver instead of suffering your beautiful wife.

49. Lianli has a thousand years of cooperation, and Zhilan has a hundred generations of fragrance. In good times, the zither and the lute play elegant music. Mandarin ducks enjoy each other, and couples are as respectful as guests. We will work together to create new businesses and enjoy Changchun. Blessing: happy marriage for a long time, long life happiness.

50. Think about the childlike years when I was a child, and sigh about the ruthlessness of the years; Brother, on this special day, please use your three true passions to harvest the crystal of love as soon as possible and let true love accompany you for life.

51. May your love life be like the fruit of the fig tree maturing; It is also like the vine blooming and giving out fragrance, as a witness of the sweet smell of Christ, and telling the works and glory of God every day and every night with the whole sky!

52. The red glow of the sun bathes in the golden light, and the newlyweds are twinned at present. The wedding reception is affectionate, and the red brocade tent is full of shyness. The phoenix and the phoenix sing happy songs, and the jay flounder goes to a warm trip together. I sincerely hope that you will stay together forever.

53. Harmony between the zither and the lute, playing the symphony of love, and spreading blessings all the way; Bells and drums sing together, singing the happy tune of the heart, writing the beauty of life; On your happy day, I wish you a long life together!

54. I don't know the true face of Mount Lushan, but I was born in this mountain; Get on the marriage palace as soon as possible and reveal the true appearance of Lushan Mountain; Younger brother, love each other with sincere feelings, and treat each other with sincere faces, so as to live a happy life.

55. You are her son of fortune, and she is your princess; Since then, you have everything. You can't spend any more time. You should treat your marriage seriously and love your wife all your life; Brother, I wish you a happy wedding!

56. May your love life be like the fruit of the fig tree maturing; And as the vine blooms and gives out its fragrance, as a witness of the sweet smell of Christ, and together with the heavens and the firmament, it tells of God's works and glory every day and every night!

57. The truest heart, dedicated to the truest person; The most true love, for you who know love best; My brother, on this happy day, let the light wind gently blow to your side and wish you a happy marriage.

58. The truth is about to be revealed and the future will be more brilliant; Sincerity is used to be relative. Sincerity is a pair of lovers; Brother, the wedding bell is ringing. I hope you will be a real dragon and give birth to a dragon as soon as possible.

59. Today, you are really getting married. Here, I am happy for you and wish you well; Brother, may God protect you, may true love accompany you, and let your husband and wife love and be happy all their lives.

60. It never occurred to me that you two would become a pair of intimate lovers by pretending to be true; Here, I would like to give you the most sincere wishes. My brother, I wish you both a happy life and a sincere life.

61. She is the goddess in your mind, making you care about her all your life; The palace of marriage is willing to accompany you for life; Brother, I'm glad that you have found your destiny. I really love you all my life. Wish you a happy wedding!

62. Love is like a high fever. Those who are in love are having a fever. Those who break up are having a fever. Those who get married are using each other as antidote when they have a high fever. True love is not a lingering period, but a dull life. Love is together, I wish you happiness!

63. The road to love is long and lingering, friendship is sublimated, love is long, and marriage lasts for a lifetime. Friends wish you: love birds flying together, love flowers blooming. We should learn from Dong Yong'ai Fairy, and never give up.

64. Thinking of your childlike innocence, I feel that the years have really passed quickly; In these innocent years, my brother, I wish you and your husband could be true to each other and live a peaceful life; Generations are inseparable.

65. Since then, the double wings have been added, and even now there are branches. The zither and the crowing mandarin duck live together, and they are tied together forever. Form and shadow together all day long, and immortals envy good friends! Bless you: happy marriage, sweet love and happy marriage.

66. You are on the way to love, and you are the real person in marriage; In this real world, there is no need to think about any illusory things; Brother, fall in love with a good, serious treatment of your beloved woman; Happy wedding!

67. Love is like a high fever. Those who are in love are having a fever. Those who break up are having a fever. Those who get married are using each other as antidote when they have a high fever. True love is not lingering for a while, but dull for a lifetime. Love is together, I wish you happiness!

68. Bring your sincere wishes, knock on your door, send red envelopes, and say your wedding greetings. Dear brother, there will be someone around you who will wait for you, worry about you, and work for you. You are a happy person.

69. A drop of grace will surely be reported by the eternal spring; Those who love each other must be sincere; Sincerely for a lifetime, happiness connects generations; Brother, after marriage, the husband and wife should care for each other and love each other. They really live their lives.

70. True or false, false or true, you have entered the door of marriage; Real people and things, do the big things that should be done; Younger brother, get married today and make the man who should be made good, treat the lover sincerely all his life, and don't let her have trouble or worry.

71. Today, the magpies sing on the branches, and my younger brother becomes a handsome groom. The elder sister is in a foreign country, so she can't wear red clothes for her younger brother. I am sending you a heartfelt blessing. May your brother have a sweet future, a harmonious family, good luck and good health!

72. You are a real man. I believe that true gold is not afraid of fire; In the marriage life, you will certainly create your happy life; Brother, I wish you to be an upright man and love your lover.

73. Bring your sincere wishes, knock on your door, send red envelopes, and say your wedding greetings. Dear brother, there will be a person beside you who will wait for you, worry about you, and work for you. You are a happy person.

74. Marriage is not a joke. You have to fight hard all your life; So you should be ready for life; Never be like a child again. It doesn't matter what you do. You must stay together for a lifetime. Brother, bless you.

75. The mandarin duck weaves and wants to fly together. One phoenix and one phoenix celebrate their wedding. The two flowers blossom with one heart, and the two pools reflect the moon. Guests from all over the world come together to love you. Three salutes invited Xiangyun, and happiness came into the house. Wish: Happy wedding!

76. There is no need to be so formal. This kind of thing does not need to ask others. It is the most sincere that you think out and say it yourself. The words are not important, but the heart is the most important. Your sister will be moved if she knows you are so attentive.

77. The magpie is making trouble on its branches, and the good news comes again. The newlyweds are all here today. The salute went into the sky, and the singing continued. The bride is pretty, and the groom is happy. The wedding is white headed. I only want to be with you in this life. Wish you a happy new marriage!

78. Brother, today is your wedding day. I'm sorry that my brother can't go home to attend your wedding. But I believe that my brother can understand my brother. I sincerely wish you and your sister-in-law a happy life and an early birth!

79. Brother, today is your wedding day. On behalf of our whole family, I wish you both happiness and longevity! May love permeate your sweet life, and let every day in the future be as glorious and joyful as today!

80. New bed, new quilt, new house and new appearance. The house is full of joy and splendor, and the bride and groom are happy. The family and friends make the bridal chamber, and the lively talk is noisy. Red dates, lotus seeds and peanuts indicate that babies will be born in the coming year. I wish you a long life and an early birth!

81. The firecrackers are roaring in unison, and the newcomers are welcomed with joy. The spring breeze is warm, the mandarin ducks are warm, and the bright moon is shining. Endless shyness worships heaven and earth, and gladly thanks guests. I am attached to my life and love each other all my life. I wish you a great wedding and love, led by Prime Minister Bai.

82. We met each other among thousands of people, neither earlier nor later. What kind of fate makes us know each other until we grow old. I wish you a happy family in the future, a good marriage for hundreds of years, a long marriage and an early birth. I wish my brother-in-law would always regard my sister as a treasure in his hand.