Smile to cover up sad sentences A very cruel and sad copy (108 sentences)
Walk on the clouds
2023-07-16 08:33:05
Complete sentences

1. After the pain, we still have to cover up the pain and give ourselves a smile.

2. What is happiness? It is to cover up your sadness and smile at everyone.

3. Years later, I learned that it was not you who didn't come, but you went to another intersection.

4. A good life is not blind thinking, do more, want less, smile more, know contentment.

5. Life is like a play, too happy, too sad, because live too into the play.

6. Do not want to face him to leave, escape is not a good way, but it is the only way.

7. It is pointless to complain about a person who is not here. It is more important to complain about the enemy at hand.

8. He just sent you a withered flower. Maybe he happened to guess your truth.

9. You should eat enough and go to bed early. Don't rely on your beauty, so you can stay up late at will.

10. At the right time and place, he is the right person, that is.

11. I don't want to think about whether I can succeed. Since I have chosen to go far away, I only care about trials and hardships.

12. The biggest obstacle to our learning is the known, not the unknown.

13. Although you are sprayed with cologne, I can still vaguely smell a scum smell.

14. Before you speak, you are the master of words. After you speak, you become the slave of words.

15. Smile is a spring, which spreads cool in summer; Smile is a kite, flying freely in the sky.

16. You are like a sun. I can't live without you, but I can't live without you.

17. As long as one has unlimited enthusiasm, one can succeed in almost anything.

18. Be good at motivating yourself: the greater the degree of self expectation, the greater the achievement will be.

19. Because there is nothing we can do, let nature take its course. Because the heart has nothing to rely on, so take things as they are.

20. So you should have your own life, learn to be alone, learn to be quiet and do your best.

21. It is impossible to smell Shaole without knowing the meat flavor in March. It is impossible to smell any music without knowing the meat flavor in March.

22. Decorate with a smile when you are in a good mood, and cover up with a smile when you are in a bad mood!

23. People really need to strive for success. As long as you make achievements, the whole world will be happy.

24. There is no one in the world who can't live without someone. Even a fish can be roasted without water.

25. Trust is like a piece of paper. If it is wrinkled, even if it is smoothed, it will not be able to restore the original feeling of life.

26. If you start early and increase income and reduce expenditure, your millionaire's dream will come true sooner or later.

27. If you hate a person for a lifetime, you will be sentenced to a painful life imprisonment.

28. Who is lonely but not looking forward to a dream companion? They are close to each other and love each other beautifully and warmly.

29. In fact, any kind of relationship that requires you to make every effort to please will not last too long.

30. Unfortunately, Bai Ling said, if I fall, I will fall; Happiness said, "Down, I am here.".

31. If you want to become a strong force, you must not bypass the thorns in the way or avoid the wind and rain.

32. When you miss someone and think of him, it means that he has evaporated in your life.

33. Lies are like fog; Big talk, like thunder; Empty words, like clouds; Only the truth is like drops of spring rain.

34. It is said that people go to high places, but high places are extremely cold. The water flows to the lower place, who knows that the lower place can absorb hundreds of rivers!

35. The most important thing in life is not how many times you breathe, but how many moments you can't breathe.

36. The curtain on the stage of life may open at any time. The key is whether you are willing to perform or choose to hide.

37. One hundred and one people who are really quick are not only quick in doing things, but successful and effective in doing them.

38. When she has time, she goes to do skin care. Men and women are the same. It's too late after 30.

39. There is no beautiful appearance and no one will care about your beautiful heart. This is the reality.

40. No loss, no gain, so we never hesitate when we need to pay.

41. No matter who is sorry, the crack is like a double-edged sword, one side hurts others, and the other side hurts itself.

42. Time is money in the secular world, so thieves who steal other people's time should be punished obviously.

43. Attention everywhere is opportunity: people are always used to seeing things far away, but often ignore things around them.

44. When you are afraid, focus on what you must do. If you have been thoroughly prepared, you will not be afraid.

45. Love is never a simple matter. It can stand whether to love, leave or wait.

46. Beauty is the original demon. In troubled times, wealth is the curse. Animals are easy to deal with people's difficulties, but they are more willing to deal with animals than with people.

47. Vulnerable people will lobby for their own misfortunes, while strong people will only become stronger and stronger quietly.

48. If you lack the courage to break through the ground and fight against the wind and snow, the future of the seed is no more wonderful than that of the fallen leaves.

49. One hundred is for quality rather than quantity, and one hundred is for high-quality products rather than inferior products. The highlight is to make the finishing touch rather than to add more to the superfluous.

50. The world is too big and life is so short. It's right to live it as much as you want.

51. To be a very simple person, I don't expect sudden good luck, but I hope all my efforts will pay off.

52. When the fireworks fly, the flame falls into the sea. Forgetting, like remembering, is the best gift for each other.

53. Mind your own mouth. You should understand that the secrets you tell now are the knives that others will stab you in the future.

54. The pain that can't be covered up with a smile, and some people tear it from time to time to remind you, don't forget the pain! Hehe~

55, 100 Smile to cover up the pain, to cover up the vulnerability. Some tears can only be in the heart, be the strongest yourself.

56. I hope you can understand one truth: slow life is self-sufficiency with confidence, rather than being lazy.

57. There are many things that have become old before you know how to cherish them. There are many people who have become old before you have time to pay attention.

58. Even if you are covered with scars, you should still smile. Just how bright a smile is needed to cover up the tears and pain?

59. Every day is a new beginning. Being happy every day is the best gift. Seeing your smile every day is my greatest wish.

60. When I was young, I even wanted to be sentimental, but when I grew up, I learned to be more calm and silent as I felt more painful.

61. People always leave without reason and quietly, which is normal. Naturally, the tide rises and falls. You don't have to feel guilty about what you did wrong.

62. Encounters are always caught off guard, and departures are long planned. We should get used to everyone's ups and downs, and look down on everyone's progress.

63. When getting up, smile at the early sun; Before going out, smile confidently at yourself in the mirror; After going out, smile at the people around you.

64. Only a few people understand that life is beautiful because of imperfection. To be a wise man of destiny and miss the sun in the daytime, we should look forward to the stars at night.

65. I hope you will be loyal to yourself. Don't ask others if they are good at what you like. Like is better than all truth, principle can't equal my pleasure.

66. Pour a glass of wine, drink it and have no worries. The maple leaves are red all over the mountain, the bell in Gushan Temple is ringing constantly, the birds are returning to each other, the flowers are melting into the mud, and the new branches are opening and closing.

67. Only by working hard to smile can we cover up the pain. Only by working hard to be excellent can we get closer to your favorite. May life be full of positive energy and beauty.

68. Only two words of life are hard and tired! This is the way to go. If you want to cry, hold back and smile to cover up your pain.

69. No one cares how you cry in the middle of the night, or how many years you have to endure tossing and turning. Outsiders only look at the results and support the process by themselves.

70. I smiled and looked coldly at everyone around me. It was a hysterical smile, the intersection of two extremes. I have forgotten how to cry.

71. Smile is a kind of temperament, which benefits from cultivation; Smile is a kind of state, which depends on practice. When we meet, we will laugh away our gratitude and hatred, and the peach blossom will still smile at the spring breeze.

72. Smile is a spring breeze, so it will blow away the haze accumulated in the heart; If a smile is a touch of sunshine, it can warm the injured and depressed heart.

73. Each of us should recognize our current self, find our own position and take our own path. We worked hard, cherished, and had a clear conscience.

74. There are some unacceptable parts in everyone's character, even the most beautiful people. So don't be critical of others, and don't blame yourself.

75. There are too many places where people need money to protect their dignity in this life. Before you earn enough money to reassure yourself, please make more efforts and less affectation.

76. Ghosts are better than people without money, and water is better than soup without salt. People in the Jianghu will gradually find that a good mouth is better than a good heart.

77. You can love a scum three or five times wrong, but you can't love a scum three or five times. The wrong way may be bad luck, but the IQ is not high when you always jump into a pit.

78. I thought I was strong enough to arm myself, but I always woke up in my dream and hugged myself tightly, and I was weak and defeated. A little smile, a little persistence

79. We are often deceived by what we persist in; We are often hurt by those who stick to us. So we should learn to let go and look down on everything.

80. The sun shines on her face. Her originally frowning eyebrows gradually loosen, and there is a sparkling light in her eyes. In an instant, she raises a bright smile, which is very touching.

81. Learn to smile. If you don't think you have any advantages, let's smile from now on, because smile is sunshine, which can eliminate the winter color on people's faces.

82. Open your sleeping eyes, tidy up your clothes, be energetic and stride forward. The morning light is shining, the sun is shining, the youth, for the sake of ideal, the heart is toward the blue sky. Smile, a new day. good morning.

83. I have seen a lot of people, but I can't tear them down at will; Hate a lot of people, but can not easily upset. Sometimes, life is to force oneself to become submissive and not surprised.

84. When you didn't come, I tried to grow up just to see you; When you arrive, I greet you with a smile, just to make you happy; When you left, I gave up everything just to catch up with your steps.

85. No one can feel the pain of others, nor can anyone really understand the helplessness of others. There is no fixed pattern of love. Whose love is, it cannot be copied or imitated.

86. We were originally two parallel lines without intersection point. Only because of the change of the track, we had the moment of intersection, but the end was already doomed. After the crisscross, we would only go farther and farther.

87. Everyone who appears in your life has a reason. People who like you give you warm care. The person you like lets you learn to love and pay, and the person who doesn't like you lets you introspect and grow.

88. People, don't always say whether they are worthy or not, just fit them. A $1 lighter can light a $10, 000 cigarette. A dish worth tens of thousands of yuan still needs a packet of salt worth a few yuan.

89. Your life will never let you down. You turned the wrong corner, took the wrong road, shed tears, shed sweat, and left scars. All these make you unique!

90. My sorrow and joy, my pain and joy, my dream and reality, all came to my heart at that moment, and I was more involved. I covered my tears with a smile, and stroked my pain with a smiling face.

91. They may also be sad, but they are used to facing all things on their own and are unwilling to let others worry about themselves. But no matter how strong a person is, there are times when he can't stand it.

92. Good temper comes from grinding, and bad temper comes from habituation. The one who can cure your temper is the one you love, and the one who can stand your temper is the one who loves you. Please remember: temper should never be greater than ability.

93. A friend is a crutch, guarded in obscurity, blessed me with happiness and happiness, and helped me through frustration and pain, either rich or poor, or happy or sad, who is always a true good friend.

94. Many people say that people will lose many things once they grow up. At first, I didn't believe it. But now I have a deep understanding. Those brilliant smiles have long gone. The only thing I got was a smile and no more crying.

95. If you are not good enough, contacts are worthless. They are not sought after, but attracted. Only the equivalent exchange can get reasonable help - although it sounds cold, this is a fact.

96. If something goes wrong in your life, don't be dissatisfied. If you are angry, don't hold your grudges. If you are depressed, you have to face both good and bad, and both good and bad will pass. Anger is punishing yourself for others' mistakes.

97. Red flowers and green willows are the smiles of the earth, blue sky and white clouds are the smiles of the sky, rolling waves are the smiles of the sea, prosperity is the smile of the motherland, and happiness and sweetness are the smiles of life. May 8th World Smile Day, may you smile every day!

98. I am not afraid that you will fall in love with others, but that you will fall in love with one person after another who will hurt you. So I'm too afraid that you will disappear suddenly, then suddenly appear and smile with others to hide yourself, and finally wipe out the pain when you are alone.

99. When people are quiet, they are the closest to themselves. Life is the real master of storytelling: many things that you think you are determined not to accept will be accepted after countless inconspicuous details.

100. Everyone is not perfect. Therefore, don't judge others' appearance, because they don't depend on you for food; Don't judge others' virtue, because you may not be as noble as them; Don't judge other people's families, because it has nothing to do with you.

101. People's greatest rivals are often not others, but their own laziness. Don't expect to get lucky. Luck can't always be on you. You must rely on your ability to eat at any time. You must do your best to be qualified to say that you are unlucky.

102. For a moment, because a person's words are like a basin of cold water splashed on them. They are cold from head to foot. Words are so weak when expressing love, but so sharp when expressing hurt.

103. Life is too short to leave time for regret. If it is not the end, please smile and keep going. What you look for will appear in reality. Your thoughts and feelings bring you into today's life; They will also bring you into tomorrow's life.

104. There is a kind of friendship called hug, which is the care of friends; There is a kind of happiness called beauty, which is the joy of love; There is an expression called smile, which is the subtle blessing. On World Smile Day, I wish you a good mood, a good life and never grow old.

105. If you want to be a better person, you should go to see a bigger world, know more wonderful people and learn more extensive knowledge. You don't need too much praise from others, because you know how good you are. The inner strength is always better than the external vanity.

106. If you are bored, try to smile, and your mood is wonderful; Tired, try to smile, life is sweet and happy; Pain, try to smile, love is happy and harmonious. World Smile Day, always smile, I wish you money crash, cause hot!

107. The busy day is a kind of enrichment and also represents a kind of harvest! In the evening of every city, there are always a group of people rushing home! The setting sun that accompanied the sunset also gradually disappeared, and the street gradually began to be quiet! Every day and every year is the same!

108. Everyone has only ten nights of life. The first night is born, the second night is grown up, the third night is met by people who want to protect, the fourth night is to cherish the people who want to protect, the fifth night is to lose the people who want to protect, and the last night is death. The remaining five nights are only thoughts that cannot be stopped.