There's nothing in my dictionary Impossible
2023-03-23 07:38:56
third year in high school

Excerpts from excellent compositions
1. Life is beautiful, because we can learn a lot from it. My life, I go by myself, my destiny, I control myself, I will make my life more wonderful and better through myself!
2. Life is a gorgeous ribbon, youth is a pearl inlaid in the ribbon, and the knowledge of rich learning and great talent can enhance its brightness and hardness. Walk with the classic and lay a solid foundation for life; Accompanied by famous works, create a beautiful soul! Reading is like playing the wonderful music of life. It has the melody of ambition, the melodious wisdom, the excitement of creation, and the resonance of emotions. Dear teachers and students, if you want to have a perfect and intelligent life, then start from reading!
3. Life is like a magnificent sea. The waves on the sea rise and fall, which seems frightening. In fact, under the sea, it is a magical, beautiful and interesting world. Primary school is just a small station in life. The road behind it is still a long one. Although it is beautiful and interesting, it is full of hardships. Let's carry our heavy bags together and move on to the next station!
4. Looking up at the starry sky, I saw the sky at night. The stars dotted the night, as if the edge had covered the waning moon. Gradually, the thick fog shrouded me, and my hands could not help embracing myself, and my left hand was still clutching the diary you left behind. With his head buried in his legs, a tear slipped from the corner of his eyes, passed his cheek, and dropped on a lonely grass beside his legs. The tears splashed through the moonlight, and only flashed their own light in the long night.
5. I love walking in the rain. I walk slowly with an umbrella, breathing fresh and humid air, purifying my heart and lungs, cleaning my mind, and injecting fresh blood into my heavy body. It seems that I am as light as a swallow at the moment, and I have already reached the cloud in one leap, which is very pleasant!
6. Looking into the distance, I can see the houses, trees and rivers in the distance. What a picture of misty rain mountain villages! The picture is like a thin piece of paper. If the wind is excited again, will the picture be blown away? I will not continue to think about it, because I have already laughed. The bangs in front of my forehead are flying with the wind. No matter how I play with them, I will not stop in peace. Everyone likes a free and unfettered life, and so does his hair.
7. Snow knows that her life is hard, but she still dances romantically for the sky with beautiful dance moves, and dances beautifully for the world with her pure body. Snow always leaves quietly without saying goodbye. She sticks to a pure but painful infatuation with her short life.
8. Life is like a piece of white paper. It's up to you to decide whether it's beautiful or ugly. If life is a beautiful picture and trouble is an ink dot, we can change the ugly ink dot into a beautiful pattern to make the originally beautiful life more beautiful; If life is ugly graffiti, the trouble is a little ink, which will fall on the key position of the whole painting, making the ugly painting even worse.
9. The autumn wind is gradually falling into the soil. The setting sun sprinkles the gentle afterglow on them, and the leaves are golden, giving out the last ray of light. That is the indelible scenery left by them to the dust. Close your eyes and suddenly remember: "Falling red is not a heartless thing. It turns into spring mud to protect flowers."
10. Happiness comes from smiling. Happiness comes from the best nature of every creature. Because of happiness, a white cloud, a clear bird call, all become little stars, scattered in the beautiful world...... Because I am happy, my childhood is full of color; Because I am happy, my heart is full of sunshine.
11. Lonely fleeting years, lonely fleeting years. The flowers on the other side are in full bloom. At this time, I am free from the siege. With the vicissitudes of life, I am lonely and flashy in the countryside, listening to the moonlight playing bleak music for me, and the running water playing bitter tunes for me. I have long been asleep.
12. Whenever I close my eyes, my mind will release the picture of happiness like a movie, just all the pictures I have only touched and witnessed with my own eyes will blossom into a crystal clear and unforgettable scene! I called, I ran to grab the unreal hand, I didn't believe that she had left this world and gone to the beautiful other world!
13. Everyone has an unknown side. The best side is usually shown to everyone. It's a happy and lively side. However, when I am alone, my eyes drift carelessly to the distant sky blue and look at the sky, but I feel my unstable heart has settled down at once, Those emotions buried in my heart are surging in front of me, and I can't help crying.
14. Ordinary is that everyone is unwilling, because their ordinary is equivalent to losing wealth and status. It can be said that there is no one in the world who is not thinking for himself, and everyone is fighting for fame and wealth, but in all these things, there is one thing that is always fair messenger - happiness. It will not make you happy because you are ordinary, nor will it give you because you are rich and famous. Therefore, I want to be an ordinary person and reduce worries and worries.
15. In my youth, I thought that the end of the world was my eternal warmth. I abandoned my yearning and waiting regardless of everything. With persistence and faith, I broke through the fog and cut through the thorns; However, I found that I had already lost
16. Youth is the most important cornerstone in life, which implies our future. Only by constantly building bricks and tiles for it can we finally build a castle of our own. At the same time, it is also a key representing hope, opening the gate of the castle and opening our beautiful future!
17. Happiness, like a priceless pearl, emits silver light in the sun and warms my heart; Happiness, like the spring in the mountain stream, will never disappear; Happiness, like a boat, carries happiness far away; Happiness, like a rose, emits a faint fragrance; Happiness, like a bright new moon, makes us feel relaxed when we see it.