Houyi Shoots the Sun 400 words after reading
A small leather hammer
2023-11-05 23:05:58

During the winter vacation, I read a fairy story book called Hou Yi Shoots the Sun. The article describes Hou Yi's determination to shoot at the nine suns for the safety of the people all over the world.

But after some inquiry, I realized that it was impossible for Hou Yi to shoot for nine days. Because the distance between the sun and the earth is 150 million kilometers, it can be imagined that it will take eight minutes and twenty seconds to reach the sun from the earth, even if the sun travels 300000 kilometers per second; The train with a speed of 200 kilometers per hour will take 85 years. Then, let alone the arrow that can't be flushed out of the atmosphere. In 1991, the European Space Agency (ESA) and the United States jointly launched the solar polar research satellite Ulysses. It took four years to enter the orbit around the sun. Therefore, even if Hou Yi was extremely powerful, he could not shoot his arrow to the sun. (Detailed and convincing data!)

In fact, like the ancient "Hou Yi Shoots the Sun", the "Thousand li Eye" and "Shun Feng Ear" of the second general of Hum Ha, they only represent the perfect yearning of the ancient people. However, advanced modern science and technology have given wings to human beings who have dreamed for thousands of years: on April 21, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin went into space for the first time on the "Dongfang-1" spaceship; On July 20, 1969, Armstrong successfully landed on the moon by Apollo 11, fulfilling the people's dream of flying to the sky. Today's artificial satellites, telephones and televisions have replaced the former "clairvoyance" and "downwind ears"; China's "Long March" series of carrier rockets have also successfully sent many man-made satellites into the predetermined orbit

With the continuous development of science and technology, ancient myths have gradually become reality.