Dandelion's aesthetical writing
What's the pain
2023-05-06 12:03:33
Complete sentences

1. Dandelion is the most peculiar flower I have ever seen. It is not so bold and unrestrained, nor particularly beautiful. It even blows away and is just attractive.

2. As long as there is a gust of wind, dandelions will release their seeds and go with them. No matter where their offspring will go, they will not design a path for their offspring, give them wings and let them fly.

3. Dandelion in summer, is plain and pure white, is a quiet and elegant color, is the color of white clouds. The white is very bright in the green grass. The pure color is reflected by the sun, emitting golden and white light, and the feeling of comfort suddenly comes to my mind.

4. When summer comes, the whole earth is covered with golden dandelions, which seems to be covered with T-shirts. Although dandelion is not as gorgeous as peony or as fragrant as clove, it attracts me with its simple beauty.

5. In autumn, the dandelion withered. Pick a dandelion at random, blow it gently with your mouth, and take the parachute like seeds with your luggage to find a place to live.

6. The longer the wind lasts, the farther the dandelion flies. No matter how remote and desolate the place is, the dandelion is willing to stay there. This is how selfless love for the world.

7. In the afternoon, I happened to meet a dandelion. Its lightsome posture slowly flew in front of me. Like a small floating cloud, quiet and beautiful.

8. The upward slanting dandelion seed slowly moves along the path of the sun, leaving only a bare dandelion flower path. It seems to be waving a blessing or crying goodbye. In fact, the farewell of dandelion seed and dandelion does not need much farewell words, just silently waving goodbye.

9. The fluffy thing sneezing, but the dandelion dancing in the air is the softest place to touch people's hearts.

10. When we hear the word "dandelion", we naturally associate it with its petite and light posture. Dandelion has been in constant pursuit and search since its birth.

11. It is not as gorgeous as roses; It is not as eye-catching as violet; It is not as charming as lily just by its fragrance; It does not need fertilizer to cultivate, does not need a fixed manor, they are dandelion, a group of fragile and very strong plants.

12. Looking up at the sunshine outside the car window, it seems that there are thousands of dandelions flying towards the blue sky under the sunshine. They smile and wave goodbye, but they are determined and lonely but brave to fly up.