A good sentence about hiking (45 sentences)
Let go
2023-04-13 10:33:31
Complete sentences

1. Walking on foot can broaden your mind.

2. Life is a process, not an end.

3. Hiking is flourishing. My heart is like a wild horse. Where is the south mountain full of chrysanthemums.

4. Bitterness and sweetness come from the outside, while happiness comes from the inside.

5. When walking on the road, autumn wind is the most important thing. He has a white head with maple leaves.

6. Walking on the road, the body does not move, and the heart goes far! Ps. Self comfort

7. Unable to avoid the decline of waiting in line, we walked to find the best time.

8. Every time I travel, I can go by myself and take care of myself.

9. You always think too much when you are quiet, and then you are inexplicably unhappy.

10. Go forward bravely towards happiness. Who hasn't fallen a few times when he was young.

11. She has been walking on the road, with a back, out of their own world.

12. Think of each day as the last day of your life, and you will be at ease.

13. To those who love and pester: If you don't like each other, your infatuation is a burden to others.

14. There are flowers in spring and moon in autumn, cool wind in summer and snow in winter. If there is nothing to worry about, it is a good time in the world.

15. Sleep away yesterday's fatigue, forget yesterday's troubles, open today's eyes, open today's beauty.

16. A journey that takes place at will is either due to happiness, stability and abundance, or due to powerlessness, helplessness and escape

17. Life is like a hiking trip, through thorns and marshes, we will eventually usher in the most beautiful scenery.

18. Although everyone walks on the road with his life behind his back, most people only need to meet him once.

19. A traveler walks the world on foot. The writer has the world in mind. Readers see the world. The scholar governs the world. The warrior conquers the world.

20. If you want to be a sun, start with dust; If you want to be a big river, start with water drops.

21. I don't try to smile or cry late at night. I just try to live the life I should live and walk the road I should walk.

22. Prepare baseball caps, travel bags, blue umbrellas and hiking shoes, and I will take you on a trip to dream dreams that have never been realized.

23. Who unknowingly sighs, sighs that unknowingly old, and who still listens, knowing the beauty of autumn. Old Wolf "Moonlight Falls over the City"

24. When everything is over, the years to come will let you know that some people can do without it; Some love is very shallow.

25. On the street corner at night, I can't see a familiar figure, as if I was the only one left in the world, slowly walking on the road alone

26. Maturity is not to learn to express, but to swallow. When you learn to restrain a lot of things bit by bit, you can control life well.

27. Because of the power of walking, I am crazy to see such pictures on the road. This can also be a dream in my heart, and I will try my best to achieve it.

28. Life is so short that it should be wasted on beautiful things. Like people who should not like, hate people who should not hate, are all consuming life and punishing themselves

29. After being cheated, it is difficult to talk about trust again. It has nothing to do with whether to change or not. But no matter what he says or does in the future, the first feeling is suspicion.

30. When you become extravagant on the road, it is probably because you are accidentally trapped by the city and everything attached to it, and you have a strong desire to jump out, but not enough courage

31. I wanted to cry, but I said to myself that I enjoyed it and was happy to continue walking on the road. I kept moving forward, to the destination, and to move forward with clenched teeth.

32. Life is a hiking trip. If you find a bedbug lying in front of you, you must not cry out because you may find a toad after a few steps.

33. Flowing in the colorful ocean, umbrellas come and go one after another, and the darkness of the evening covers the tired faces of everyone dragging their bodies on the road.

34. The greatest glory in life does not lie in never falling, but always rising again after falling. I appreciate this kind of flexible life state, happy experience wind and rain, laugh at life.

35. I like life. I listen to all the beauty of nature with my heart. I like traveling, walking on the simple road and watching what I can see. At this time, I walk with freedom.

36. I dodged an arrow that pierced my ideal, but turned my head and ran into a monument engraved with reality. Walking across the darkness, the moon shines in my heart. At this moment, I am a fearless copper pea.

37. Everyone is the protagonist of his own life, and others are dragons. However, no matter how many wonderful stories a person has, once the camera is zoomed out, nothing can be seen. A few meters

38. Knock the last end of the thesis, and the college career has come to an end. I have seen my growth and my shortcomings over the years. In the future, I will continue to walk on the road with my original belief.

39. Walking on the road is to reach the destination. When I was a child, I secretly wore my mother's high-heeled shoes, thinking that I would grow up quickly, but now I know how to feel at every age. Don't worry, I will eventually arrive.

40. Maybe you are used to the day when people pick you up and send you away. When you follow one person but can only walk, please don't blame him. Maybe he has given up the seat of the only car for you, just to prevent you from walking alone.

41. The truly meaningful hiking is to explore the essence of a place. So when collecting this list, we value not only the route, but also the footprints that can explore the history and culture of a place.

42. Smile with you and stay here forever. The poem like lyrics from Park Shu on Jupiter tell of people walking on the road for their dreams. Even if you are covered with dust and mud. It's not late to return today. I just want to be a teenager.

43. Don't take everything too seriously. It's the happiest to be confused. There are many pains in life that need to be endured; There are many words in life that need to be endured. Life is like a hiking trip, through thorns and marshes, we will eventually usher in the most beautiful scenery.

44. In the morning of Monday, there was a routine traffic jam and tension. The fresh air after the rain could not wipe out the diffuse Monday syndrome. I hurried on the road, with an indifferent expression on the street, letting the light rain fall on my face.

45. I would like to keep my mouth shut and heavy for a long time, but still concentrate on it. It's like a long practice. I travel alone without feeling tired, but I want to know more about it. I sail on the calm sea and try to find the person who may walk in the vast sea. Obviously, I will never see him again, but I have to be disappointed