Singles talk about 79 mood phrases
Work hard for the future
2023-05-27 11:57:28
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. When my love came to the edge of the cliff, it turned around.

2. It's too lonely in the afterlife. I always have to find someone to serve me.

3. Give you my heart, why do you give me loneliness?

4. You live in my heart and tell me what is missing.

5. No one to accompany me on Valentine's Day. Can't I sing Happy Break up?

6. It seems that you and I are left this year, my bed!

7. Everything is my fault, so I can only smile and feel sad.

8. Being single is because someone in my heart can't support a second person.

9. It turned out that our Han Gou was only once in this life.

10. Where can someone like loneliness, but do not like disappointment.

11. I also want to be alone, but I have always been alone.

12. Men always love clean women, but they always dirty them.

13. When one person is afraid of loneliness, when two people are afraid of constraints.

14. Today I will do push ups. Today I will lie down first, and tomorrow I will do it again.

15. Don't tell me happy Valentine's Day unless you want to spend it with me.

16. If there is no next intersection, whether we will come to the end.

17. Missing is like a door that cannot be closed tightly. There is happiness dust in the air.

18. I haven't been on Q for several days, because no one has ever asked for me.

19. When someone asked me how to celebrate Valentine's Day this year, I said: Skip it.

20. Now, I will still look at your name and burst into tears.

21. In those years, I missed too much. Dry your tears and cherish the present.

22. He is the sun. He will shine. I reach out and embrace him, which will hurt me.

23. Because of loneliness, it is ambiguous, because of ambiguity, it is more lonely.

24. Some people used to say everything, but in the end, they had nothing to say.

25. Sacrifice the remaining memory. Look back and taste the only feeling in your heart.

26. It is always said that if one person has enough to eat, the whole family will not be hungry. Being single also has the hardship of being single.

27. Those who won a quarrel with their girlfriend are basically single now.

28. The person who misses has changed his belief, erred in what he remembered and forgotten.

29. I rejected everyone's favor, waiting for your uncertain future.

30. I had a crush on him for a long time, but he could not see me until I walked in front of him.

31. I leave all my expectations to myself, which is my best love for myself.

32. Only when you are good enough can you begin a good love.

33. If you don't want to, you should quit as soon as possible. I don't have to grow old together.

34. When the world makes an appointment to rain together, let's make an appointment to clear up in our hearts.

35. I can always play your supporting role with a smile and suffer behind your back.

36. I am very satisfied with my life now. The only regret is that I can't have you.

37. Feed loneliness, lock memories, embrace warmth, and make peace with loneliness.

38. People who touch their mobile phones on the first thing when they wake up have a person who can't put them down before going to bed.

39. In fact, the single life is also good. Finally, I have time to take care of everything.

40. There are reasons for being single. I can't find my favorite umbrella, so I have to walk in the rain.

41. Time goes by, and one day we will all say goodbye to being single!

42. When all is left is the past, I can't get out of the memory.

43. If you are single for a long time, you don't want to fall in love. You will feel that friends are becoming more and more important.

44. If you love the wrong person, every day is April Fool's Day; Love the right person, every day is Valentine's Day.

45. Promise me that when I leave, I will forget happily and not touch me again.

46. It may not be your enemy, but the person closest to you that makes you indifferent.

47. You are single not because you are not good enough, but because no one is worthy of you at present.

48. People who have been touched by true feelings will be moody, and it is inevitable to worry about gains and losses because of too much effort.

49. I love you in my worst way, but my heart is not left for you.

50. Play with life. Don't be too serious. Anyway, no one can leave the game alive in the end.

51. The world of a person is very quiet, and you can hear your own breathing and heartbeat.

52. When I am good enough that you will not leave me, I will no longer belong to you.

53. The remaining memories should be kept in the bottom of my heart, because they are just my distant hopes.

54. On Valentine's Day on the Double Seventh Festival, when you see that the streets are full of lovers, in fact, being single is the most popular.

55. There are many things in the world that I cannot help myself. For example, I miss you so much, but there are too many reasons not to.

56. Don't ask me how to spend Valentine's Day this year. I cowardly admit that I am very sad.

57. Have you ever used your spare light to secretly look at someone who obviously likes him.

58. Now that I have learned to let nature take its course, I don't want to keep anything. I believe that what should be there will not go.

59. Even if you travel all over the country, there is a place that I will never reach. It is in your heart.

60. It's Tanabata. I'm still single. I'm old enough to fall in love. I don't have a boyfriend yet. I feel lonely.

61. You know why you are still single now, because your vision is in place and your strength is not keeping up.

62. Search her QQ, but never add her. I just want to see her mood and how she is doing.

63. When we face each other again, you are no longer beside me, but my heart still has you.

64. Someone asked me if you would still live alone on the Double Seventh Festival next year? Nima, can I become a dog.

65. I love you not because of your appearance, but because you can give me a feeling that no one can give.

66. The more wrong love is, the more brave it is. Love must be persistent. Every single person must see through it. If you want to love, don't be afraid of pain.

67. Record this moment. When you meet him, give him a slap. Why can't I come to me alone.

68. The thought of an animal holding my future daughter-in-law's hand walking in the street on the Double Seventh Festival made me angry!

69. When others asked me how to spend the Double Seventh Festival, I said frankly: "Laugh it off"

70. A woman has ambition to give up a man who can't keep up with her. It is unjust for a man to give up a woman who can't keep up with him.

71. It's not that I said I didn't love you, but that I stopped pestering you and let you find your own happiness.

72. Women leave more tears in their beds than anywhere else. Men tell many lies in bed in any place.

73. Time has taken away youth, innocence and many things. It only leaves two things: one is mature and the other is lonely.

74. On Valentine's Day, hire some children on the street. When you see a man, call him father. When you see a woman, call him mother. If you can take apart a pair, it will be a pair.

75. Have you ever tried to say something against your heart on Valentine's Day and tell him that you don't want to be together anymore. Then I cry myself.

76. Love has always been a matter of thousands of turns. How can you love someone without being abandoned or hurt? Love is a kind of experience. I hope it will last forever.

77. If you are still single on Valentine's Day, don't worry. God is looking at you and says, "I want to keep a special person for this girl."

78. The Chinese Valentine's Day is coming. If you are still single, don't worry. God is looking at you and says, "I will leave you a special one!"

79. On a dim night, there is always a kind of person who will stay quietly in a "corner", not because he likes silence, but because he is used to it.