Words that moved my friends
make progress every day
2023-03-27 07:03:19
Complete sentences

1. Sister, love the only you in the world.

2. Men are nothing, but sisters are the king

3. If you don't work hard, how can you stand up to your flawed self

4. Hum, hum, hum, skim, and move my sister.

5. My best friend, my different sister. We will never leave!

6. You are not worth much in my heart. You are a priceless sister.

7. Don't be sad, my dear good girl. There are sisters here

8. I don't want other people's embrace because there is no smell of you

9. Sisters can never be torn apart, and others can't tear us apart.

10. Today is my best friend's birthday. We wish her a happy birthday and make the friendship bigger

11. Girlfriend, we should be a girl with depth, a rascal with temper, and a lady with education.

12. As long as there are friends together, it's called "Hi!"! I want our friendship to last forever.

13. Between us, from the beginning unfamiliar, become so close friends, in retrospect will hang a smile.

14. When I can't see you, I have a lot of things to say to you. When you are around, I feel it is good to lean against you quietly, even if I don't speak

15. Sisters walk together all their lives. There is no longer a sentence in those days. One lifetime love, one cup of wine. Sisters have never been alone. Sisters, you will understand that there are still injuries and me

16. Who are you busy with running around for? Have you ever remembered! In this golden autumn season, I wish you a more attractive and sexy body! Wish you a good body, happiness and health forever!

17. Looking at the happy report of the invitation, listening to the laughter of firecrackers, thinking about the bustle of the bridal chamber, looking at the charming new couple, shouting the slogan of blessing, I wish you love each other for a hundred years!

18. If you have a dream, you will have a dream at night; Take good care of yourself, don't have a cold and runny nose; If I sneeze occasionally, it means I miss you. Wish you a good mood every day!

19. My best friend, my different sister. We will never leave! What other words are suitable for such touching words? Here are some words that I collected for you to move your friends. Welcome to read them!

20. Send you a warm, two greetings, three beautiful, four ignorant, five noble, six promising, seven elegant, eight tender, nine fortune, ten sincere. Happy holidays, happiness and health.

21. Although the residence is small, it is good to be warm. Although the ant tribe is bitter, it is good to have dreams. Although prices are high, it is good to economize. Although there are many worries, it is good to look on the bright side. Although you earn little money, you will be safe. I hope you will let go of your worries and wish you a happy birthday!

22. You are always accompanied by happiness, good luck every minute, and health day and night. You will be happy and happy every year, and you will be happy all the time. Happy birthday, may you always be happy.

23. The viscera need enough energy, the lungs need fresh air, the kidneys need a lot of tea, the stomach and intestines need adequate nutrition, the limbs need to be fully stretched, and the brain needs to rest quietly. Take advantage of the weekend to reach the standard, and wish you happiness!

24. The wind sends fragrance, the bamboo dew drips clear sound, sends out the cool in the evening, opens the window and lies leisurely, calms the mind, suddenly listens to the sounds of nature, the happy birthday song, sings for you, happiness follows your heart, happiness follows your thoughts, happy birthday accompanies you forever.

25. You have your circle, and may not worry about me too much as usual. I also have my circle, and may seldom think of you. But I want to say that you are my only, my most important, my irreplaceable, really love you, my sister, my best friend.

26. On the eve of graduation, we have to go our separate ways. We are so far away that we don't know when we will see each other again. You said to me, maybe I will never meet someone like you again in my life. I quickly wiped my eyes for fear of tears falling down and being laughed at by you, but I am really the same as you think at the moment.