Sentence of low-key declaration of pregnancy Unexpected pregnancy Complex euphemism
Plain white skirt
2023-02-09 04:33:11
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1. The crystal of love finally came lucky.

2. Being pregnant is the most beautiful moment in your life!

3. Thank you, excited, and wish your baby well!

4. With you, it's really hard and happy.

5. Pregnancy makes me the happiest person in the world!

6. I am about to enter the next stage of my life.

7. Congratulations on my coming to the next stage of life.

8. It's not easy to vomit every once in a while.

9. Pregnant, the belly is high and bulging, which represents the beauty of motherhood.

10. There is your taste in the air, and sweetness fills the whole heart.

11. The child was still beating and kicking in my stomach.

12. The baby boy's fetal movements are frequent and accurate. I have been moving until my birthday.

13. I was so happy when I knew I was pregnant.

14. When the baby punched and kicked in the stomach, he was really happy.

15. My armor, my weakness, welcome your arrival and company.

16. You are growing up, and I am not old. This is the happiest state of life!

17. Although pregnancy is a bit hard, every fetal movement is very happy.

18. When I am pregnant, I will buy a juicer and drink a glass of juice every day.

19. The navel and eye protruded. Both babies protruded in the late pregnancy, which should not be allowed.

20. Mom is really great. Thank you. I am pregnant now, so happy.

21. I am pregnant. In the new year, God gave me the best New Year gift.

22. I really feel that the world is very, very difficult and great when I am pregnant!

23. When you are pregnant, you can see that the whole community is full of pregnant women, but usually they seldom come.

24. After zero, you can be cute. I am a post production man, but Mao cannot be cute.

25. You'd better get to know me early. Don't fall in love with me until I can't make you pregnant.

26. The pregnancy in October is hard and happy, but everything is worth it. I look forward to your arrival.

27. Well, he slept with me today. I said what to do if I got pregnant. He said I would marry you if I had nothing to do.

28. I have never felt hard since I became pregnant. I feel happy when I feel the baby's fetal movement.

29. The pregnancy in October is the hardest and most beautiful in the world!

30. Thank women, thank women all over the world, let mankind continue, let men become fathers.

31. After 28 weeks of breech position, the baby will be strengthened from birth to birth. Cesarean section, ten women and nine hips are not allowed.

32. Pregnancy is really not easy. Bear's paw and Fat Yaya can't believe it. I hope it won't be more serious.

33. I dreamt last night that I was pregnant, twins and two daughters. I flew up happily.

34. Now when the old man sees me, he thinks I am pregnant with twins. How fat he is that he doesn't recognize me.

35. Accurate fetal dream! Black snake, black fish, meteor, male baby chicken, and so on had many male baby dreams.

36. I used to be neurotic. I was even more pregnant, but now I am neurotic. Is it my problem!

37. Someone said that I was pregnant, but I felt that I was pregnant, and I always felt my stomach involuntarily.

38. Women, love is a person, marriage is a person, pregnant and become another person!

39. The happiest time for a madman is when he is accompanied by a fool, while the best time for me is when I am with you.

40. I am pregnant and want to break up with him. I am afraid of influencing him. I cherish you when a girl who has the same experience as me comes out.

41. I ran away from home for him, but he is another hero now. But when I am pregnant, he turns a deaf ear to me.

42. Looking through the circle of friends that I sent when I was pregnant, I was silly every day, but I didn't know that I was really happy at that time.

43. This time of pregnancy, I really suffered a great sin in the third trimester. My body went wrong one after another, and I suffered three times!

44. That day, he said to me that if we were pregnant, we would be unable to kill us. I was silent. Why would you want me if you couldn't give me a home.

45. Pregnant women are the most beautiful women! Because a woman who is pregnant means to be a mother. At this time, she will exude the charm of motherhood.

46. I finally realized that being a mother is not easy. Is it because I am not good enough for my mother? God punishes me and makes me feel so bad when I am pregnant!

47. It's not easy to be a mother after pregnancy. Sleepless every day, I finally fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night every day with pain. I can't bear the waist pain.

48. People nowadays are afraid of exams. They should prepare for everything in advance. Pregnancy is a normal thing. What are you ready for.

49. From the time of pregnancy, there is a new individual who is closely related to you in life. From that moment on, life is complete and has a new beginning and meaning.

50. If a girl is accidentally pregnant, her first reaction is that my mother must kill me, but the child in her belly is also thinking that my mother must kill me.

51. I suddenly felt very uncomfortable. I recalled that we had taken care of our children from marriage to pregnancy to childbirth. You were always absent, and work was an excuse!

52. From the reaction of vomiting in the first trimester to the cramp in the third trimester, I have suffered all kinds of hardships that have made me collapse and lonely, but now I recall everything in the whole pregnancy is beautiful.

53. I am a little anemic. I feel very tired during my pregnancy. I have not adapted to it since the beginning of my pregnancy. Before pregnancy, you can sleep as you like, but now you can only face to the left, which is really uncomfortable.

54. In retrospect, the real dairy period was the hardest. I couldn't sleep well, blocked the milk, had a fever, and had to work with a breast pump. I was tired and ugly, so please be tolerant. It's not easy to be a mother.

55. The baby has been in my belly for nearly a month, and we finally feel the fetal movement. Finally, we can really feel the baby. Let us deeply touched the magic and greatness of life, really good happiness.

56. Pregnancy is really a pain for me! From pregnancy to now, no one has ever felt comfortable and uncomfortable. No one can help us with this kind of discomfort. People around us need encouragement, but they don't even say a word or act. Can only bear everything silently.