Talk about 25 sentences of phrases
Rewrite happiness
2023-05-05 10:54:19
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. From the moment I said I liked you, I had no way out.

2. Those things that don't need to be explained, from the moment you open your mouth, you have lost.

3. The feeling of liking someone is probably listening to others talk about love. I only think of you.

4. Since we are lovelorn, we must give up. It is impossible to recover the kite that has broken the line.

5. With you, I lost myself; Without you, I wish I was lost again.

6. I choose to leave, not to complete, not to give up, just want to know you and me again.

7. The paradox of love is that how much you love someone is usually known only when you break up.

8. Life is a movie, pain is a beginning, struggle is a process, and death is an end.

9. Gathering and parting in a hurry, this hatred is endless! This year's flowers are more red than last year's. It's a pity that flowers will be better next year. Who do you know?

10. Everything is clear, but we still miss, because you believe in destiny, because I doubt life.

11. Love is not necessary. Without it, the heart is desolate. Desolate days are hard. Sad is more than love?

12. From joy to despair, I use time to prove that I love you, but you use time to prove that I am a fool.

13. I haven't loved anyone before. You are the first one. I'm afraid I haven't done well enough to make you think love is just like this.

14. Everything should not be too complex, want more headache, think through heartache. Don't hold your hands too tightly. Things will break and your hands will hurt.

15. I am a very lazy person. I am too lazy to walk on the road. However, no matter how many kilometers I walk, I want to go to your heart and live forever.

16. Some people meet each other like meteors, which burst out enviable sparks in an instant, but are doomed to just rush by.

17. Two people are company, one is brave. Don't mind those days when we are alone. Loneliness is the cultivation that God gives us.

18. Time didn't wait for me. It was you who forgot to take me away. My left hand is a vivid firefly, and my right hand is a long meditation for ten years.

19. They miss each other when they can't meet. But once they can meet, once they get together again, they will torture each other.

20. We always fall in love with that person at the wrong time and place, and then we have to spend our whole life forgetting.

21. I am worried about gains and losses every day. I am afraid that you will be liked by others and that you will like others. I know all the truth, but the loved ones are all ancestors!

22. Love, which should be willing to be plain, is not plain; This should be willing to be ordinary, but not ordinary. No longer think about the past, no longer obsessed with the past.

23. Passing through your whole world, you first blushed, and then blushed. After all, it was only a dream. When you woke up, you would go north and south. Maybe this is love.

24. Only love and pain; Through, through, you will gradually understand: love is ultimately a fate, business can not come, the only thing we can manage, only ourselves.

25. Time makes deep things deeper and shallow things shallower. If you look a little lighter, you will be less hurt. When time passes, love will be scattered.