Reading after tearing down the wall of thinking
The blue sky and white clouds
2023-08-28 23:08:44

Reading after tearing down the wall of thinking

After carefully tasting a famous book, everyone must have a lot of feelings about life or things, then it is necessary to write a review! But how to write the feeling after reading? The following is a review of the wall of thought that was removed for everyone. Welcome to share.

I wonder if you have such a common feeling: many people read books, but after reading them, they were not distracted, and asked you to sum up, but could not summarize. Some people read books very slowly, and he felt that every sentence in the book was a treasure for him. Some people remember a story when they read a book, and these stories will affect their study, life, work and love. Others read books, wait and think, because they know that reading is easy, but life is not easy.

My favorite sentence in Forrest Gump: Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to eat next. No one can know what your future road will be like. All roads are the result of your own choice. If you choose, take it. In class, I always give students examples: there is a classic line in the movie Spider Man - the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Make your own choice and be responsible for it.

Recently I watched the classic teacher's "Tear Down the Wall of Thinking". In fact, I have heard of this book many years ago, which can be said to have a great reputation. But it has never met Lushan Mountain. When I had a chance to see it, I felt like a spring of thought and my heart was surging. An insight into life, human beings are so great that they can record and express their feelings through writing, which is great, and human civilization progress is just like this.

This book is about career planning, life, dreams and the future. Although there is a lot of bedding, it is also necessary to see. The classical teacher wanted to explain some truth, which can be summarized in his own words: the world we see is what we want to see, and what we don't want to see, our entire brain system will be automatically blocked. So we will fall into the wall built by ourselves or the environment. If I can't break the wall and come out, my life may be less exciting.

The book tells us not to follow blindly. The 28/20 rule is universal in this society. Bill Gates can succeed not only by his own efforts, but also by his mother's relationship with the IBM executives and prominent financial support; Buffett can succeed without the support of his parents' background; Li Ka shing's success was also due to his uncle's ability to lend him 430000 yuan in 1950 as a start-up fund. Just imagine, what is the concept of 430000 in 1950? Most of us are ordinary people, without prominent family affairs, strong financial resources and strong network of contacts. Then we should make plans and do things according to our own strength and ability. Life needs a long-term goal, which should be chosen according to your own interests. When there are doubts and difficulties on the way, thinking about the goal may help us overcome difficulties. Any question is only a matter of time. Life also needs short goals. These goals should be set according to your own state. Every time you reach a goal, it is the greatest blessing for your self-confidence.

I read about two-thirds of this book. I think this book has another inspiration for me. It makes me look at myself from a different angle, discover the world and think about problems.

After changing my new job, I was very happy because I found myself constantly having new exploration and experience of myself. Maybe this is also progress. Gradually, I can find my own rhythm and no longer live for others. I have a lot of time to do things I like - to deal with students, chat with them, help them answer questions, travel with colleagues, read books, play football, learn music and practice calligraphy that I have always wanted to learn. I like this state, like my present self. I didn't understand what work is before? What is career? I think I have found my own career in this kind of work.

There are thorns and sunshine on the road of life. We can't change the environment, but we can change our hearts. The world is beautiful after all, as long as you are willing, they will make way for you.