Feelings after reading the building block house
Swallows are long without trace
2023-09-23 16:45:50
Junior 1
reaction to a book or an article

This summer I read a story book called "Building Block House", which consists of many stories. After reading these stories, I learned a lot about how to behave and do things. Among them, I was deeply impressed by the story of "Little Willow and Little Jujube". The story is that the old man first planted a jujube tree and then a willow tree. The small willow has thin waist and green branches, which are very beautiful. The little jujube tree is crooked and ugly, which is not beautiful at all. The little willow tree laughs at the little jujube tree, but the little jujube tree makes no noise.
In spring, the little willow put on a green coat after germination. The little jujube tree was still bare. The little willow laughed at the little jujube tree, but the little jujube tree still didn't make a sound. In autumn, the little jujube tree produced red and big dates. The children ate happily, but the little willow tree produced nothing. Xiaoliu thought that Xiaojube would laugh at it, but instead of laughing at Xiaoliu, Xiaojube said a lot about the advantages of Xiaoliu.
This makes Liu Shu feel ashamed! In the story.

Little willow is proud and can only see the shortcomings of others; Jujube is modest, it will see the advantages of others, and when laughed at, it can still work hard to move forward according to its own goals.

In fact, everyone has strengths and weaknesses, strengths and weaknesses. We should not compare our strengths with the weaknesses of others. We should see the strengths of others, face up to our weaknesses, learn from each other, learn from each other, and make common progress.
I believe that Xiaoliushu's "embarrassment" must be a recognition of his own mistakes, and he will sincerely apologize to Xiaozaoshu and correct his mistakes. In the future, they will be good friends!