The latest collection of sweet love messages (65 selected sentences)
wild stock or floating clouds
2023-04-24 23:44:47
Blessing words

1. Big love and small affection: the love of parents is embedded in the bottom of my heart; Lover's love, put in the heart; The love of loved ones melts into the blood; The love of children grows into flesh and blood; The love of friends is engraved in my heart; My love, store your heart!

2. Less and less time, more and more trivia, more and more busy, more and more confused, more and more worried, more and more difficult to make money, more and more distant is youth, more and more old is appearance. I hope you are happy!

3. Just like an ordinary day, on this Valentine's Day, all I have is love for you.

4. I always think that water is the story of mountains, the sea is the story of sails, and the sky is the story of clouds. You are my story, but I don't know if I am your story. The wind blows gently, and the moonlight shines on the falling leaves.

5. It is not as hot and intense as the sun, as surging as the sea, or as tangled and lingering as the stream. There is only one heart that loves you and never stops, and has no regrets for doing everything for you. Honey, I miss you!

6. Every day is a festival for a loving person. A word of cold and warm, a line of noise; A word of exhortation, a note of legend; An Acacia, looking forward to one heart; A love, love for life.

7. Because I miss you, my fingers won't move; Because I love you, tears will not flow; Because I hope you, time will not go; Because when I waited for you, I dared to say something. I've been in love with you for a long time! sweet talk

8. When you touch my cheek in a dream, gentleness makes the whole universe tremble for it. So I would like to turn into a little dust and dissolve into the dream that never wakes up.

9. The passing meteor is the heart of Acacia; The fallen cherry blossoms are waiting like dreams; The scattered fireworks are the witness of romance. When the weather turns cold, I would like to greet you who are the most concerned in my heart. Remember to dress when it is cold, and I will guard you all my life.

10. If I were a wind, I would wipe away your worries; If I were a leaf, I would shelter the sun for you; If I were a ray of light, I would light up your future! But I'm just your good friend, I can only send you blessings!

11. Chocolate is not as sweet as our love; Flowers are not as fragrant as our love; The diamond ring does not represent our love; I don't need commitment, just need to spend a lifetime together, plain and true!

12. Lovers must suffer a lot of pain, the pain of missing, the pain of parting, even when together, there is also the pain of jealousy. But even if it hurts so much, we should love each other. Because if we don't love each other, although it won't hurt, we will never be happy again!

13. What is the most beautiful thing in the world? It's a smile! What is the most moving expression in the world? It's a smile! What is the most attractive magic in the world? It's a smile! What is the happiest baby in the world? It's you who are smiling and reading SMS!

14. Fashion matching, small flat head with wavy head, I use short hair to set off your elegance; Canvas shoes with muffin shoes, I use simple foil your beauty; Casual wear with pleated skirt, I use loose to contain all of you. Kiss, I miss you!

15. Fallen leaves tell the earth: I miss you and I miss you, just like mice miss rice, birds miss worms, sheep miss leaves. Mice can not eat rice, birds can not eat insects, sheep can not eat leaves, but I can not miss you!

16. There is a very precious gift that I want to give to you. That is my pure heart.

17. My left hand is engraved with me, and your right hand is engraved with you. My heart is full of love. When we are palms to palms and hearts to hearts, everyone will see - I love you!

18. The so-called love is that fools meet fools and attract the envy of countless people. Through ups and downs, it was so flat that when the children and grandchildren filled the hall, the fool was still around the fool. Just like this, I will fall in love with you forever!

19. I like to bask in the white sheets, see your beautiful smiling face in the morning, hang romance in the blue curtains, dream of your gentle language at night, dear, I love you day and night.

20. Every birthday has gifts and blessings. No matter how many wishes and dreams you have, my gift is my heart and will accompany you to grow! Happy birthday!

21. Waiting for your birthday at night, when the bell rings, I will share your day with you, and my heart will be with you.

22. I like to be watched silently by you, and also watch you silently; I long to be deeply loved by you, and also deeply love you.

23. There is nothing I can't say for you, nothing I can't do for you, as long as you say you love me, the stars can pick a few for you.

24. If life can make people tired and weak, but friends can make people recover. There is no doubt that you have this magic power. If one wish can come true, I hope all good things will come to you. Otherwise, I can do nothing.

25. The night is silent, the stars are shining, the street lights are shadowy, and I am lonely in the cold window. I miss you very much. May the Night Goddess pass my thoughts on you, and may the stars shine my wishes for you. Long distance Acacia, wish you all the best.

26. I think, I want to, I wish, love you is like this, can you? Give me a reason why I can not love you, but it seems that you do not, and it seems impossible for me not to love you!

27. The rising sun reflects the rosy clouds at the beginning of the day, and the evening glows with the stars and the moon. I look forward to you day by day and night by night; The wind covers the red and buries the fragrance in my heart. When I look through the horizon and see the clouds, I think of you when I sit and when I walk. A love song goes with the letter. I hope you will know each other soon.

28. I love you more than myself. You are the sun in my heart. If you shine, I will be full of vitality.

29. Threads of lovesickness keep cutting; Entangled and lingering, light thoughts piled into smoke; Every day and every night, drunk eyes see you in love; You and I hate to meet each other too late. Love you and spoil you, life will not change!

30. This familiar number, left in the memory I look forward to, seems to be a predestined encounter, so that we have a tacit understanding. No one can replace the sweetness you and I have had. Sorry, please forgive this late sentence, I love you.

31. I stack a paper crane every day in order to save 1000. I make a wish that you will be happy every year on your birthday. All my worries, all my thoughts and ideas, everything, past, present and future, come down to one voice: I love you.

32. We are the sun and moon in each other's hearts! All the waiting, just for today, embrace you! All eyes are amazed for us! Dear, I love you! A thousand years! Ten thousand years! Forever and ever!