Talk about the funny circle of friends who get wet in the rain (55 sentences)
Never give up
2023-02-13 00:19:34
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. It's raining. Your umbrella is on her head. And I, alone in the rain, you never know.

2. I saw rain today, but I didn't see thunder. Why did I see all kinds of explosive heads all the way.

3. I hate rainy days. My dear, you should show up soon, or I will tell Mommy that you stole my hand.

4. Girls always like to run out in the rain when it rains, because no one will know that they are crying.

5. I like rainy days. Business is too good at ordinary times. I don't have time to rest. I can only rest when it rains.

6. Stubborn youth: don't hold an umbrella when it rains, don't wear more when it is cold, don't take medicine when it is sick, and don't put down when it is loved.

7. It's raining. Do you feel my missing when you are not around? The rain drops into my heart with my missing.

8. The baby said that his mother would light mosquito incense. The mother said that there were no mosquitoes in rainy days. The baby said that Austrian mosquitoes were afraid of water.

9. Look for her in the rain, cry in the rain, wait in the rain, run wild in the rain, in order to wait for her in the rain.

10. When the rain hits the windowsill, it beats the most sensitive nerve. I just want to say, why are you all over my head!

11. The thin rain slowly drifted down from the distant sky, and the leaves under the windowsill were dyed green by the rain.

12. Where on earth are you invisible? Is it right that I can reach it only by following the petals falling in the rain.

13. Let me stay in the rain until I meet my favorite umbrella and the rainy day that can match me.

14. Don't let my world be left with the sound of rain hitting the windowsill. I know that you don't like the silence.

15. It began to rain last night, and now there is no sign of stopping. I hope it will clear up soon.

16. The rain slowly flows down the eaves, first drop by drop, and gradually forms thin lines.

17. Whenever it rains, I will still think of you and those pictures that even my breath hurts.

18. The sound of rain gurgles like living by a stream. I would rather rain every day, thinking that you won't come because of rain.

19. Encounter the rainbow after the rain, Yaotian holds the sun and sees the real dragon. When the golden peak is propitious, draw the long bow and accept the posts to lift the cover and embrace the pretty face.

20. In the rain, the passing of a light miss, once the rain peer, but has already become a thing of the past.

21. What did the rain wash away; What does the sun bring after rain. No, nothing.

22. The sky is going to rain, and sorrow begins to gather! The sky is going to rain, I begin to doubt myself!

23. The rain is because the sky cannot bear its weight, just as tears are because the heart cannot bear its pain.

24. Methods to prevent men from being struck by lightning; Don't go out in rainy days. Don't swear to your wife easily.

25. The rain soaked air, the tired sadness, the fairy tales in my memory, began to slowly melt.

26. Think that time is a good medicine that will dilute everything. Who would expect that it will become more unforgettable as a poison.

27. Is there such a person who can also tell me. It doesn't matter when I feel bad and want to get wet.

28. Gradually I knew that I was just being sentimental to you because your heart was not on me.

29. Zhang Ailing said: The sound of rain murmurs like living by a stream. I would rather rain every day, thinking that you won't come because of rain.

30. I like rain because it is comfortable; Like the rain, because happy; Like the rain, because it is as sad as me.

31. But the annoying rain kept falling. I stood alone in the rain with an umbrella, but my hands were unable to hang down.

32. It rains because the sky cannot bear the weight of raindrops, and tears cannot bear the pain of the heart.

33. You are a rain in my dry years. You come here heartily, and I can't afford to get sick.

34. You say you like rain. I try to find out all the beauty in the rain; Although, I don't like rain.

35. There was a strong wind outside, and the branches were disorderly placed, and the dust on the ground was flying, which made people unable to open their eyes.

36. Turning around and leaving, I found my face already wet. I thought it was raining, but I didn't think it was raining in my heart.

37. I don't know why. I really like rainy days. Maybe it's because I can wash my painful heart.

38. Remember, one rainy day, you said you would hurt me very much. Now, it's raining again, taking away all our vows.

39. Rain is like a shining heart. I don't know when the years begin and where they can end.

40. Rainy air, tired sadness, the fairy tale in my memory has slowly melted.

41. A gust of wind swept through, bringing a shower of rain. The filaments were thick and straight like iron bars, and fell down from the sky.

42. I like rainy days best. Even if I wander aimlessly, it is very pleasant.

43. The most regrettable thing in life. Nothing better than: no umbrella when it rains, no bowl when eating.

44. I saw rain today, but I didn't see thunder. Why did I see all kinds of heads on the way.

45. Kids who dare to play computer games when it thunders and rains, are you not afraid of a lightning strike and you will pass through?

46. Your eyes are raining, wetting all my pride. Recommend when you are in a bad mood in rainy days.

47. No matter it's windy or rainy, no matter you cry or you laugh, no matter what others say, there will be only you in the eyes.

48. Why does the voice of lovelorn become familiar, and the silent scene is your substitute to accompany you to watch the rain.

49. The sky after rain is like a huge sapphire, set on the top of the water sky, so crystal clear.

50. The rain before the steps is rootless, and the sweetheart is hopeless. The rain in the sky is the rain in the world, and the people in the horizon are the people they miss.

51. When the rain came across my window, the glass was also in tears. People on the street looked happier than me.

52. Be fascinated by your taste. Just don't know how long your taste will stay on me.

53. It's thundering and raining these days. Is it the Jade Emperor who has come to catch the seven fairies who stole from the mortal world.

54. The rain really hurts when it hits my face. I am caught in the rain with a different mood. The rain is a sad memory.

55. The rain soaked air, the tired sorrow, the fairy tale in my memory has slowly melted.