Reflections on the Biography of Napoleon
Dusty memory
2023-10-15 17:48:36
junior middle school
reaction to a book or an article

Napoleon once said a famous saying: "A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier." When he was young, he set an ideal and dreamed of becoming the leader of the whole country. He also seized the opportunity to make great strides in the chaotic era of the Great Revolution and become a famous emperor. There may also be many people with lofty ideals in life, but they always miss one opportunity after another. Those people always complain about the unfairness of God, but they don't know that the fate is in their own hands. As long as you seize the opportunity, gold will shine, and the yellow sand can't hide your light.
Napoleon was born in a poor family in 1769. Napoleon was obsessed with learning from childhood. He is smart and diligent, and he is also eccentric. He goes his own way. Therefore, when he was studying in the junior military academy in France, he was bullied and rejected by other noble children. But the stubborn Napoleon ignored these things and continued his study and life, hoping to become an outstanding soldier in the future.
When he was a captain in the artillery, many of his subordinates looked down upon the short general because of his short stature. However, Napoleon, who had genuine talent and knowledge, certainly did not pay attention to this little contempt. He calmly commanded the battle in the battlefield, bravely walked in the forefront of the revolution, commanded the artillery to fire at the exact location, and flexibly mobilized his forces. Therefore, in all previous foreign wars, France has been able to win. At that time, France was in the revolutionary period, and Napoleon had repeatedly made war achievements outside, so he was regarded as a national salvation hero by legal persons
From Napoleon's experience, he experienced several changes in his life goals. He tried several times to make Corsica independent, but later he gradually turned into the savior of the fate of France. If Napoleon had been fighting for the independence of Corsica, perhaps Corsica would have one more independent soldier, but France would have lost a great commander forever. Therefore, in order to make the fate in their own hands, in addition to setting lofty ideals, they should also make adjustments at any time according to the changes of the times to adapt to environmental changes. The pace can be changed, but the belief of moving towards the ideal is always unchanged.