Humorous and funny sentences popular on the Internet
Morning fawn
2023-05-05 13:31:36
Complete sentences

1. There is no other half with 100 points, only two people with 50 points!

2. He appeared at the age of 10 and made progress every day at the age of 10. At the age of 20, we are ambitious, and at the age of 30, we are working hard. Basic orientation at the age of 40, popular everywhere at the age of 50. Playing mahjong at the age of 60, wandering around at the age of 70. 80 years old, 90 years old, hang on the wall!

3. Even if it is believe, there is also a lie hidden in the middle.

4. Flowers often do not belong to those who enjoy flowers, but belong to cow dung.

5. The difference between a lie and an oath is that the person who listens is serious, and the person who speaks is serious.

6. It's not the story. The ending is not good enough, but we ask too much for the story!

7. When a mouse is angry, everyone is a sick cat.

8. You are not old enough to visit brothels. Please use Huiren Kidney Treasure.

9. Usually the person who is willing to stay and quarrel with you is the one who really loves you!

10. I'm not a fortune teller in the square. I can't tell you how much you like to hear.

11. I ordered two dishes in the canteen at noon. After eating the first one, I was shocked, "Is there any worse food in the world than this?" After eating the second one, I cried, "It really is.".

12. I want to have puppy love, but it's too late

13. There is no rehearsal in life, and every day is a live broadcast; Not only the audience rating is low, but also the salary is not high.

14. The problem that can be solved with money is not a problem, but the problem is that I am poor.

15. I am an animal when I take off my clothes, and an animal when I put on my clothes!

16. Sometimes, it's not that the other person doesn't care about you, but that you value the other person too much.

17. Go to the pizza shop to buy pizza! The waiter asked me if I wanted to cut it into 8 pieces or 12 pieces? I thought for a while and said: 8 yuan! You can't eat enough for 12 yuan!

18. Ask a colleague: "Did you buy PetroChina?" The colleague said: "Bah! You just bought PetroChina. Your whole family bought PetroChina and Sinopec!"

19. Remind everyone to learn to repair their notebooks, which is very important! Once upon a time, there was a man who could not repair his notebook... Later, everyone knew. (From the Edison Chen incident, no need to say more about the reason)

20. It is not difficult to be single, but the difficult thing is to deal with those who try their best to let you end being single.

21. Love is like a ghost. Many people believe it, but few see it

22. How far is forever? Just go away!

23, "Dear, I... I'm pregnant... three months ago, but don't worry, it's not yours, you don't have to be responsible..."

24. Time is used to wander, body is used to love, life is used to forget, and soul is used to sing.

25. God! My clothes are thin again.

26. When I was lazy in the morning, I took out six coins from my pocket: if all six coins were positive, I would go to class! I've thought about it for a long time, but I'd better not take this risk

27. Listen to your words and save me ten books!

28. When you see me, you will suddenly find - ah, so handsome can also be so specific!

29. The important task after 2008 is to manufacture the products after 2008.

30. True good friends do not have endless topics to talk about when they are together, but when they are together, they will not feel embarrassed even if they don't talk.

31. Men cheat women, which is called flirting; Women cheat men, called seduction; Men and women cheat each other, called love.

32. It is better to talk about QQ for half a year than to read Chinese for 10 years.

33. Gold always shines, but when the ground is full of gold, I don't know which one I am.

34. Others have their backgrounds, while I have only my back.

35. The government wants to collect taxes reasonably, the boss wants to avoid taxes reasonably, and I want to sleep more reasonably!

36. Only women and heroes are sad. Only wives and jobs are hard to find.

37. Since I became a piece of shit, no one has stepped on my head.

38. We have a little disagreement: she wants me to turn dung into gold, and I want her to treat gold as dung.