80 sentences about love with philosophical space
The most beautiful trace is called memory
2023-05-14 01:56:51
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1. True love is afraid of injury, false love is indifferent.

2. Love without love will never go bad.

3. Because we can't fly in the sea.

4. It's no harm to love me lightly, but to woo me for a long time.

5. We are in business now, not in love.

6. Just because I feel that you look back, I think about your morning and evening.

7. If loving you is wrong, I would rather be wrong for a lifetime.

8. I am lovelorn. How can you lose me.

9. To love someone is to love a habit.

10. I can't change your momentary gaze for my lifelong waiting.

11. It's hard to love someone, and even harder to give up the one you love.

12. It doesn't matter. Love you so long. Both. So it doesn't matter.

13. Beauty can stimulate people's feelings, and love can purify people's hearts.

14. Ignorance may not be forgotten, but it must be estranged.

15. A man pretends to be strong, but is afraid of being found weak by a woman.

16. The white looks like an open wound, naked, so it hurts.

17. At that time, love had not been diluted yet, and the heart was old.

18. For you, I have unconditionally surrendered. Please sign the love contract!

19. The clown mask is happier than everyone, but it can't hide those red eyes.

20. When kites are tired of the sky, will they fall into the sea without hesitation?

21. Sometimes, tears do not mean vulnerability, but really hurt.

22. If you want to go faster, please walk alone; If you want to go further, please go together.

23. It is worth it if it is short to walk the last part of life with the person you love most.

24. Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.

25. In the world of love, there is no one who is sorry for others, only those who do not know how to cherish others.

26. Loneliness is not born, but begins when you fall in love with someone.

27. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.

28. It turns out that there is really nothing that is perfect enough for us to stick to with our lives.

29. One day you can go to my mind, and you will see that it is all your grief.

30. In love, I am not a diviner on the square. I can't tell you how much you love to hear.

31. Mature people don't ask about the past; intelligent people don't ask about the present; open-minded people don't ask about the future.

32. People can live happily, but we choose complexity and sigh!

33. The most contradictory part between lovers is to imagine each other's future, but think about each other's past.

34. It's better to leave with a warm heart than a pale truth. Pure things die too fast.

35. Husband is a woman's occupation. Without a husband, she is unemployed, so we should firmly hold this job!

36. The feelings that really impress people are always simple and unadorned. They are silent, unobtrusive and deeply buried.

37. When you are in a circle, the world is very big. When you go forward bravely, the world is very small.

38. We smiled and said: We stayed in the same place of time, in fact, we had already been swept away silently by the torrent.

39. After breaking up, I found my feelings for you. I can't leave you. Let's not leave again, OK?

40. To love someone is not to get her, but to make her happy. This is your best love for her.

41. Love is madness, and two people support all dreams; If you don't love, you will be strong. One person will carry all the injuries.

42. True love does not pay attention to bustle, ostentation, prosperity, and howling.

43. If you let a person know too much about himself, it will become his fatal weakness and make himself vulnerable.

44. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you as much as they can.

45. Don't imagine what he should be like. What we really love is often far from what we thought we would love.

46. I want to send my missing to the scattered stars. I hope that the little stars can shine into your window and sleep with you.

47. Marriage is unpredictable: an optimistic man plus an optimistic woman sometimes equals two pessimists.

48. Your beauty attracts me. Your smile is as sweet as the dew after the rain. But when I confess to you, you meditate.

49. After leaving, I don't want you to forget one thing: don't forget to miss me. When you miss me, don't forget that I miss you too.

50. When I stood in the crowd, I felt sad as if I had lost my top. My tears were dripping down big and big on the red carpet they walked on hand.

51. Most people who first love don't understand love, so they fail in first love. Less successful. We should find an unmarried person when we get married, because everyone likes the original clothes.

52. I miss the time we spent together and your smile! I miss you so much! I only blame myself for not cherishing! Give us a chance to go back!

53. Don't sleep with others casually, or you will regret what you did when you met a man who really loves but who is clean and principled.

54. If a man loves a woman, he will love her no matter how she treats him. It is also good to be gentle, and it is also good to be shrewd. If you don't love, everything is wrong.

55. Those who show love are animals, and those who are loved are plants. If love is rejected, it is of course the animals who leave, because plants will not give birth to feet to run.

56. When yearning blooms in a dream, the wind blows gently, and the bright moon in the sky, who bends Acacia? A hook like memory in a dream?

57. Your heart is my cape and horizon. I can't go farther. We go to the ends of the earth in this life, not half the earth, but the world.

58. True love should be two people who understand each other, respect each other, do not entangle, do not hinder, do not possess, and then go through a long journey together.

59. What is charm? Charm is not beautiful, beautiful women may not attract me, but I like dignified and elegant women. So you don't have to worry about not being beautiful enough.

60. When you love someone for a long time, it is natural and necessary, just like breathing. Love is always so strange. It obviously cares about everything, but in the end it forgives everything.

61. There is nothing wrong with childish people and childish people together. There is nothing wrong with mature people and mature people together. There are more problems with mature people and childish people together.

62. If predestined, time and space are not distances. If not, we can't get together all day long. Don't care too much about everything, let alone demand, let everything go with the luck?

63. Why should you forget someone so painfully? Time will naturally make you forget. If time can't let you forget the people you shouldn't remember, what's the meaning of the years we lost?

64. Because love is often unpredictable, its disappearance is often not based on our will. If we have loved deeply, love will never be forgotten.

65. You have your personality, and I have my temper. Well, let's join hands to be different. Let's praise each other, flirt, and fly into the starry sky.

66. Some people will always be engraved in their lives. Even if they forget his voice, smile and face, the feeling will never change when they think of him.

67. Some people say that it is one-sided to find someone who likes you in love and someone who likes you in marriage. What do lovers dislike about themselves? How can my wife live a lifetime if she doesn't like it?

68. If you really love someone, you will never care about so much, nor will you care about the judgment of the world. Because in your eyes, she has the advantages that the world cannot see, and has the beauty that belongs to you.

69. Some women let their boyfriends spoil themselves when they fall in love. After marriage, they still want their husbands to spoil themselves in every way, but they forget what they should do as a woman. Such a woman doesn't know love.

70. I may not love those who love me. I will never love those who do not love me; Even if love, also give yourself a time limit, the time limit to give up. I'm so good alone. Why do I suffer from a hopeless love?

71. Love is supposed to be a happy thing. The lover is a trusted partner. If it turns into an intrigue, a secret and anti secret mistake, what is the meaning of love?

72. The infatuated person always holds the idea that even I am moved by myself, why can she not be moved by me? But persistent pursuit can only prove that you are a persistent person, that's all.

73. Don't be complacent about a pursuit that lasts for several years. See how often he calls you or comes to see you. If more than one week, please pay attention! He doesn't pursue you because of his so-called love, he just fulfills his own dream.

74. There are many excellent men and beautiful women in the world, but there is only one feeling for you. Never change your love because of others' eyes, never lose yourself because of others' eyes, and never be greedy.

75. When you cannot help shedding tears, open your eyes wide and never blink! You will see the whole process of the world from clear to fuzzy, and your heart will become clear and clear at the moment when your tears fall

76. Some of the mistakes that have already been made are due to lack of time, some are due to deliberate avoidance, and most of the time, they stand aside in a daze. We made mistakes again and again, but never learned from them and did some introspection.

77. When love has become a thing of the past, letting go is a fulfillment. Not all love must blossom and bear fruit. Love does not need to die to express its ambition, nor does it need to hold the wound and lick it for a lifetime. Wise love is to forget the pain after getting rid of the scar: I will remember you and love others.

78. The most sad distance in the world is that two people were far away from each other, but suddenly one day they met, fell in love, and became very close. Then one day, they no longer love each other. The two people who were close to each other became far away, even farther than before.

79. Many people miss a person because of loneliness, but more people miss a person because of loneliness. It's not that I don't love you enough, but I'm not sure whether this love is the most correct. We can love each other, but we are doomed not to be together.

80. Knowing that they will lose their freedom, knowing that this is a lifetime contract, they are willing to make commitments in order to get the other party and make the other party happy. love? A process of pursuing freedom. When you complain about being too free, you don't love him.