23 sentences of personification sentence
Say goodbye to each other
2023-06-26 04:36:49
Anthropomorphic sentence

1. The wind blows the willow, and the willow begins to dance.

2. The wind gently touches the water like a loving mother.

3. The wind caresses the leaves, and the leaves make merry laughter.

4. The north wind roared, whistled and whistled all the way.

5. The north wind pouted its lips and blew air conditioner into the world.

6. Outside the window, the wind caresses the green bamboo, and the green bamboo whispers.

7. The wind blew gently, and the wicker stretched its muscles.

8. The wind blows the leaves, and the leaves are pushing each other with a rustling sound.

9. The wind did not know what joke she told the grass, so she was happy.

10. The willow twigs its waist and legs by the lake, swaying and swaying with the melody of the wind.

11. The wind kept beating a beautiful dance, and the grass swayed and sang with the wind.

12. The branches of the willow trees were moved by the wind, like the long hair of the beautiful girl swaying in the wind.

13. The tender willow branches, like a shy girl, waved their sleeves in the wind and danced.

14. Outside the window, the wind caresses the green bamboo with a soft hand, and the bamboo gently shakes her waist and hums a song.

15. The wind was walking quietly, and the grass could not help following the wind's footsteps.

16. Outside the window, the gentle hand of the breeze brushed the green bamboo, and the bamboo leaves could not help but send out the rustling laughter.

17. Outside the window, the wind blew, and the slender figure of green bamboo swayed gently, and the clothes were light and rustling.

18. The gentle warm wind gently blew over, the graceful willow twigs moved for a moment, and lowered his head shyly.

19. The wicker is like a fairy's skirt, fluttering in the wind; And like a gentle girl, she danced a gentle dance.

20. The wind kept blowing, and he could not stop his steps. The grass swayed back and forth, dancing for the wind.

21. The wind, like a lover's hand, gently sweeps through my hair and fiddles with sensitive nerve endings, making me feel like a spring breeze.

22. The wind comes dancing with light steps, and the willows slowly sway their long hair in accordance with the rhythm of the wind.

23. A row of willows by the river. A breeze blew, and the branches of willows danced with the wind. Their graceful dancing movements attracted the insects along the road to stop and stop to enjoy the beautiful dance.