800 word composition with reflections on the Red Sea action
Face the sun
2023-06-19 01:05:49

In front of a crowd of comedy, funny, relaxed and fantasy movies, the pure military theme of "Red Sea Action" is extremely "alternative". As the only film with a military theme in the New Year films, it has made a way out of a lot of comedies.

The main line of the film consists of four stories. It tells the story of the Chinese Navy's "Jiaolong Commando" eight member team who was ordered to carry out the task of evacuating overseas Chinese. The commando troops were divided into two ways to rescue, but unfortunately they were ambushed, causing casualties; At the same time, the story of a tragic victory in the shocking plot to smash the rebel armed leader. Attacking pirates, evacuating overseas Chinese, entering other countries to fight, parting from life and death, sniper tit for tat and other scenarios are all unique highlights. 138 minutes later, the total investment of 500 million yuan should be nothing left.

Time is pressing. Under the general principle of "evacuating overseas Chinese can fight back when they are attacked, but on the contrary, they must avoid fighting to avoid diplomatic conflict", naval warships and Jiaolong commandos docked at the harbor under adverse circumstances, successfully transferred Chinese nationals waiting at the dock, and rescued Chinese consulate personnel who were pursued by the enemy after the fierce encounter. However, the matter was not over yet. Just as they were covering the evacuation of overseas Chinese, the Jiaolong commandos received the news that the Chinese hostages had been taken by the enemy. Deeply aware of the heavy responsibility, the people launched the rescue operation again without hesitation. The road ahead is dangerous. The Jiaolong commandos will encounter more than hostage rescue.

Some netizens commented on the whole movie, saying that it should not be called "Red Sea Action", but "Boom Hi Action". In the film, the director paid attention to a detail, that is, the issue of foreign guns. There are provisions in the United Nations, which probably mean that when entering other countries for war, guns and equipment provided by other countries should be used. This is why in the film, the Jiaolong team uses European weapons. In addition, Chinese drama only accounts for a very small part of the whole film, most of which are martial arts dramas.