Extract to describe childhood (3 popular articles)
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2024-05-05 09:23:24

Extract to describe childhood (1)

Childhood is the first autobiographical novel trilogy created by Gorky based on his own experience (the other two parts are in the world and My University). It tells the childhood life of Alexa (Gorky's nickname) from the age of three to ten, vividly represents the living conditions of the lower class people in the former Soviet Union in the 1970s and 1980s, and writes Gorky's understanding of suffering and unique views on social life. There is a growing desire and strength between the lines.

Good words in childhood

Dim; tremble; fear; Agile; Frequent; Chanting; Still; Cowardice; steam whistle; Depression; Flaunt; Mild; Clarity; Tremor; Barge; fluent; kitchen god; Silence; Shroud; Suddenly it comes; Erratic; of intense interest; Shining

Excitation; anger; Forgetting; Collection; Vagueness; Collection; Gorgeous; Nostalgia; inspire; Ecstasy; Air; Oblivion; Carol; Exultation; Open face; Unforgettable; Beauty; Innocence; Happiness; Nostalgia; Play; Frolic; Liveliness; Cute scenes; swiftly; Join in the excitement; Sweet; Hot baking; Ferocious; Hypnotic music; Cannot be wiped off

Young and ignorant; Colorful; deja vu; Naughty and mischievous; Sweating heavily; Memory disturbance; Childish and ridiculous; be overwhelmed with joy; naivete; do as one wishes; ebullience; be light of heart from care; Many regrets; Colorful; as if wakening from a dream; bright spring days; colourful; be jubilant

Good Sentences in Childhood

1. Everyone has experienced childhood. Childhood is wonderful, happy, happy, and memorable... Gorky's childhood is so horrible and tragic that I dare not recall it.

2. Childhood, carefree childhood, heart open like a cloud; The dream flies like a butterfly; Laughter blooms like a string of songs; It reverberates in people's memory like an old song

3. My childhood is golden, it once let me put on the ideal wings to fly.

4. The foolish grandfather Kashlin of this family is irascible, surly, greedy and selfish; The two uncles, Mikhail and Yakov, were also rude and selfish philistines, and even the children joined them warmly. Only the kind-hearted, kind and emotional grandmother gave him a little comfort to live in this environment.

5. Poor Gorky lost his father when he was three years old. He followed his mother and grandmother to his grandfather's small dye house. Since then, the dark life has come to Gorky's head. Grandfather's temper was very irritable, and he often beat Grandmother and Gorky, which made Gorky's young heart appear shadow.

6. Childhood is a dream, yes, when we have a golden childhood, and then open up the motley memories, one after another, when the wisps of nostalgic past reappear in front of you, you will sincerely feel that childhood is really like a dream.

7. Gorky's childhood has nothing to remember except some education and friendship! In joy, in sorrow, in love and hate intertwined, his childhood passed in such a hurry. In reading, I found his love, pondered his hatred, and tasted the dark light in the dark.

8. Childhood is the most beautiful pebble in the long river of memory, which makes people love it; Childhood is the sweetest fruit on the evergreen tree, which gives people endless aftertaste.

9. Childhood is like a cup of strong coffee, warm to your heart, childhood is like a cup of light tea, let you aftertaste; Childhood is like a rainbow of storms; Colorful, gorgeous; Childhood is like the afterglow after sunset, so let people miss; Like the winding path, let you grow.

10. Everyone has their own colorful childhood. Childhood is the most precious thing in life. It is the beginning of your life. If you have it, you will have your life. We should cherish it.

11. Later, Gorky got to know his intimate friend Kooka, and they talked about everything and formed a deep friendship. However, good times are not always good. Poor little Cigang was killed by two ferocious uncles. Gorky lost his good friend. Yakov and Mikhail are demons. Ou beats his wife and tries to divide the family property every day. The brothers are not united at all. Sasha, the two sons, is also taught bad and plays tricks on Gorky everywhere. After that, Gorky got to know the carpenter again and became a good friend. Golgi was driven away by his grandfather. Golgi got a stepfather, who often hit people fiercely. A few years later, his favorite grandmother died and his mother died, so he was driven out to pick up garbage for a living.

12. Childhood is innocent and childish. Childhood is always full of funny fantasies and interesting stories. Childhood is so charming and carefree. The golden childhood has left many beautiful memories and innocent pictures.

13. Childhood is a song, a song of joy, echoing in my heart for a long time. Childhood is a piggy bank, accumulating happiness every moment

14. Childhood is full of joy. Childhood is warm everywhere. Childhood is a camera worthy of memory. Childhood is full of love. Teachers are eager to impart knowledge. Students discuss with each other. We are like young trees, receiving the nourishment of spring rain - absorbing more and better knowledge, and growing strong. In this sea of knowledge, we ended our happy childhood and began to mature.

15. Childhood is a pure dream, like a rainbow weaving a beautiful future. Everyone has a childhood that is worth remembering. Everyone's childhood is so colorful, colorful, time flies, and never comes again. Who doesn't want to record their golden childhood in the memory of life, and become an eternal memory?

16. Childhood gradually fades away with the wind. Before I can taste the taste carefully, it leaves me in a helpless world, gradually turns me pale, and makes me live and die.

17. We live in a socialist country full of humanitarianism. There is no whip, no fist and foot beating, no hatred, no greed, no grumpiness, and no endless atrocities and scandals. People here are kind, pure and optimistic, so our childhood is full of happiness and joy. Gorky can become a famous scholar in such a tough environment. We must also study hard to realize our life ideal.

18. Childhood is like a flower, beautiful and moving, fragrant; Childhood is like a colorful treasure box full of small secrets; Childhood is another poem with endless aftertaste.

19. Everyone has his own childhood, which is beautiful. It is like a small river flowing in our hearts. It will never dry up and we will never forget it.

20. My childhood was spent in happiness, happiness, and carefree all day.

Extract to describe childhood (2)

2. One or two street lights are also leaking from the cracks in the trees, which are listless and are the eyes of people who are eager to sleep.

3. The fallen leaves dance with the wind.

4. Naughty raindrops love dancing on umbrellas.

5. The sunset clouds climb over the mountains early and hang in the mid sky. The moonlight seems to have a cool feeling, driving away the waste heat left by the cool sun.

6. In this beautiful scene, we rushed into the embrace of nature, blowing willow flutes, weaving willow hats, digging Maomao roots, catching grasshoppers, dragonflies... Have fun!

7. As soon as the bell rang, I just stepped into the threshold of primary school and flew out of the classroom like a small swallow, running on the playground, chasing on the slide, or quietly squatting beside the sand pit looking for the colorful stones.

8. Life is like a long journey. There are smooth paths and detours in the journey. You can face the team every day with a calm mind, challenge yourself, persevere and go forward as always towards the destination. When you arrive at the terminal Guque Path, you will find that the journey of life is full of joys, sorrows, smiles, tears, and even gains and losses. All these have constituted the whole journey of your life.

9. I remember once I played hide and seek with some children. I saw a pile of straw on the threshing ground, so I went in. After a while, I fell asleep and didn't wake up until Grandma found me.

10. Red pomegranates hide among the branches like cute smiling faces of little girls.

11. All the lotus in the pond are shyly blossoming.

12. In the light of the setting sun, these flowing clouds turn into a layer of silver gray, orange, blood red, and purple in a flash, just like a beautiful fairy shaking colorful brocades in the air.

13. When the sad water flows into the stable mountain, the sad water also reminds the mountain of its sadness, so their hearts are broken together; The water buries the head underground, but the mountain collects the pieces of the heart one by one.

14. I suddenly took a step forward, grabbed the goat's horns with both hands, and pressed down hard, while it raised its head vigorously, so we were frozen.

15. Crabapple shakes its round face and nods at you

16. I looked around and saw no one. I slipped into the teacher's office, opened the teacher's drawer, picked up the "little red flower print", and printed four small red flowers in a row on my notebook.

17. Spring is still shallow, but several plum blossoms on the top of the mountain struggle to spit out red buds.

18. The radio keeps talking every day, which makes the neighbors very annoying!!!!!!

19. The dream is like a snowflake floating in the air, trying to catch him. He has melted

20. On the hillside, along the road, at the entrance of the village, the hazel leaves are all red, red like fire, burning people's hearts.

21. The huge waves stretched out their arms to lift me up.

22. The breeze gently blows and caresses my face.

23. In order to eliminate this group of "villains", I gritted my teeth, closed my eyes, and quietly extended the bamboo pole into the beehive, poking it toward the middle with a "snap", then came a "buzz".

24. I jumped into the river and reached out to catch the nearest star in the water. However, as soon as my hand touched the water, the star immediately turned into many pieces of silver and spread around.

25. The spider dragged the flies around. When the flies were exhausted, the spider enjoyed the meal happily.

26. The river is as clear as a transparent blue silk, lying quietly in the arms of the earth.

27. The spray from the bow of the boat is singing a joyful song.

28. Autumn is coming to us with steady steps. Go away quietly.

29. I remember when I was very young, before I could read, I picked up a book and "read" it seriously, which made my father and mother laugh.

30. Confusion and complexity of the cave, there are a variety of stalagmites, there is a sudden spring at the entrance.

31. It is very interesting to catch a toad. The children inserted the sharpened iron chisel in the front of the sorghum straw, walked quietly behind the toad singing at the water's edge, stabbed it away and stuck it on the toad.

32. The oil flies sing low here, and the crickets play the piano here.

33. In March, the silver pear tree, which had been sleeping all winter, was awakened by the drizzle.

34. On the midsummer night, the breeze blows slowly and the moon catches up

35. The thin snow seemed suddenly ashamed, showing a little pink.

36. Autumn is coming. The golden red fruit on the tree shows a smiling face. She is nodding and smiling at us.

37. My friends and I can play freely, or go to the fields to catch grasshoppers and feed frogs, or sit on the back of cattle and laugh loudly, and sometimes take small stones to float in the water.

38. I bathe in the embrace of nature and let the gentle evening wind caress my sideburns, blowing away all depression and worries.

39. My partner and I slipped out quietly, took a small fishing rod made by ourselves to fish, sat on the grass beside the river, put on the bait, threw the hook, and began to wait.

40. Autumn breaks the rumors of summer with a dancing posture.

41. When I was in kindergarten, it was very cold in the morning in winter. I got up and looked at the window. There was a layer of water on the window. I used my little finger as a pen to write and draw on it

42. The sea is so changeable, calm but fierce, gentle but fierce, like a smooth dress mirror, like a raging beast, like a mother's comfort, like a father's whip.

43. It takes off its old coat and starts a new life; It greedily sucks the fresh and sweet dew in spring, and slowly grows the delightful twigs and leaves.

44. I "stomped" home, turned out a small map, and painted the island where my father was stationed bright red with a crayon.

45. I followed the teacher's example, walked around the "classroom" with my back and hands, looked at this book and corrected that posture.

46. The wind sings a song and wakes the sleeping earth.

47. It was not easy to catch the crow of chickens at dawn, put on new clothes, shoes and socks in a hurry, and then asked the older generation for red envelopes. That should be the happiest moment of childhood.

Extract to describe childhood (3)

2. A happy childhood is like a rainbow after a rain. Many interesting things I have done are like bright stars twinkling in the sky of my childhood. Occasionally, when they are mentioned by themselves or others, they cause a burst of laughter.

3. Childhood is like a ship, full of candy, toys, laughter and happiness. Childhood is like a colorful dream, which makes people nostalgic and yearning. Interesting events in my childhood often bring me into good memories.

4. Childhood is a name full of dreams and colorful, and the life of childhood is unpredictable, colorful and brilliant.

5. Childhood is an ocean of joy. In the seaside of memories, there are countless shells, some are gray, which remind a sad past; Brilliant, reminiscent of childhood fun. I was looking for the most beautiful shells on the coast of memory. Ah, I found them!

6. Childhood, what a beautiful word, contains a process of our growth, both sour and sweet.

7. Childhood is like a bunch of waves in the river. There are calm water like a mirror, slight ripples, and surging waves; Childhood is also like the boiled water that must be drunk in life, which is sweet, bitter and hot. In my childhood, I was full of happiness and distress. Who said that children were carefree, but I had many troubles.

8. At the beginning of the new semester, everything has come back to life: birds show off their voices on the branches and sing wonderful songs, red fish swim around in the pool, and the campus radio is also singing briskly all day long. When I came to the new class, I felt so happy everywhere. All the students are enthusiastic, striving to play with me and be my friends. After class, we played ball games, skipped rope, played shuttlecock, and went fishing on Sundays. What a happy time.

9. Childhood is a dream, a dream out of Grandma's bridge; Childhood is a bridge, followed by the future road; Childhood is the road that keeps us away from childhood. Childhood is the wind, blowing clouds; Childhood is a cloud, turning into the rain of spring; Childhood is rain, nourishing the nascent flowers; Childhood is a flower, accompany me to see the sunset at dusk.

10. The time of childhood is unforgettable, but the troubles in my heart are infinite.

11. Childhood is colorful, like beautiful seashore shells; Childhood is carefree, just like a wave doll playing all day; Childhood is pure and sweet, just like the clear spring in the mountain stream.

12. The golden childhood is happy, and the memory of golden childhood is exciting. Childhood is like a ship, full of candy, toys, laughter and happiness. Childhood is like a colorful dream, which makes people nostalgic and yearning. Interesting events in my childhood often bring me into good memories.

13. Childhood is the cornerstone and lays the foundation for the future of life; Childhood is happy, singing the music of life; Childhood is a coordinate, recording the starting point of life.

14. Childhood is golden and free of impurities. The interesting stories of childhood are the most powerful witness.