Composition on the Origin of the Dragon Boat Festival (18 refined articles)
Happy everyday
2023-08-14 04:02:15

Composition on the Origin of the Dragon Boat Festival (1)

Today is the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, which is a traditional Chinese festival - the Dragon Boat Festival.

Early in the morning, my parents took me to the supermarket, and they burst out fragrance. The shelves are filled with dumplings of various flavors. I asked my mother, "Why do you eat zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival?" My mother told me, "During the Warring States Period, there was a great patriotic poet in the State of Chu. His name was Qu Yuan. He loved his country very much. Because he was framed by treacherous ministers, he threw many zongzi into the Miluo River on the fifth day of May to show his patriotism. In order to prevent fish from eating his body, people packed many zongzi and threw them into the river. In memory of Dr. Qu Yuan, we eat dumplings every Dragon Boat Festival. "

My father also said to me, "Every family should hang wormwood at the gate of the Dragon Boat Festival for peace. And on this day, they will eat a lot of yellow food, such as eel, cucumber, yellow croaker, yellow rice wine, etc. There are dragon boat races in some places!"

Wow! There are so many customs on Dragon Boat Festival. Today, I not only tasted a lot of yellow food, but also learned a lot of knowledge. I'm really happy!

Composition on the Origin of the Dragon Boat Festival (2)

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, and every household has the fragrance of zongzi. Now there are more and more varieties of zongzi, including red bean stuffing, jujube stuffing, and meat stuffing

My parents and I talked while eating delicious dumplings. My mother asked, "Who knows what festival it is today?" My father and I scrambled to answer, "It's the Dragon Boat Festival." "Then why should we eat dumplings on the Dragon Boat Festival?" My mother asked again. I shook my head. My father then told me a wonderful story: "Once upon a time, Qu Yuan, a doctor of the State of Chu, advocated to unite with other countries to resist the State of Qin. Instead of listening to the advice, the king of Chu exiled Qu Yuan. Later, the State of Chu was in trouble. Qu Yuan was very sad all day long. Soon, the poet who had never met before threw himself into the Miluo River with sand and stone in his arms. When people learned this news, they went to look for Qu Yuan's body, but they didn't find it. Afraid of being eaten by the fish in the river, they wrapped rice dumplings and threw them into the river to feed the fish. Since then, in order to commemorate Qu Yuan, people have designated the Dragon Boat Festival on the fifth day of May every year. On that day, people eat zongzi and race dragon boats. "

I was deeply moved by Qu Yuan's story. His spirit of dying for his country is very admirable! In the future, I will eat more rice dumplings on the Dragon Boat Festival every year.

Composition on the Origin of the Dragon Boat Festival (3)

Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon. In today's composition class, the teacher took us to make sachets.

The teacher gave everyone a small bag containing a piece of cloth, a roll of thread, a bag of wormwood, a needle, and a blue tassel. The teacher taught us how to make sachets. First, thread the thread on the needle, then turn the cloth in half, start sewing, and leave a hole. Then pour the wormwood into the cloth, put the tail of the drop into the sachet, and seal it. In this process, we were both nervous and excited, looking at the beautiful sachets, happy.

Xiangbao, also called purse, students brought their own bags to discuss the fun of the Dragon Boat Festival with their partners.

The Dragon Boat Festival not only makes sachets, but also makes dumplings. Every year on the Dragon Boat Festival, Grandma makes many dumplings. Our family likes to eat jujube stuffing, sticky rice, sweet dates and beans. Delicious dumplings and homemade sachets add a lot of fun to the Dragon Boat Festival.

The Dragon Boat Festival has a long history, but every year, it does not lose its special charm. We feel happy in the festival with its fragrance.

Composition on the Origin of the Dragon Boat Festival (4)

There are many traditional festivals, including Spring Festival and Tomb sweeping Day, but my favorite is the Dragon Boat Festival.

Do you know why there is Dragon Boat Festival? It is in memory of the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan. In his early years, Qu Yuan was trusted by King Huai of Chu. Qu Yuan advocated Zhang Mingfa, appointed the best, reformed politics, joined Qi to fight against Qin, and was later framed by treacherous officials and exiled to Hanbei. In 278 BC, the State of Qin destroyed the State of Chu, and Qu Yuan died with a big stone in his arms.

There are many customs of the Dragon Boat Festival, such as eating zongzi, dragon boat racing, hanging wormwood leaves. Among so many customs, I like eating zongzi best! My mother took me to the supermarket to buy dumplings, and then came home to cook dumplings. Put the dumplings in the pot, steam them for 30-40 minutes, and then cook them. The small Zongzi is like a Buddha looking forward to his legs, sitting on the plate. I picked up a zongzi and tasted it carefully. Take a bite of bean sand and fill your teeth. It's sweet and delicious. It's delicious! I ate a lot of dumplings. They are really delicious!

I love delicious dumplings! I love Dragon Boat Festival! I love the traditional festivals of my motherland more!

Composition on the Origin of the Dragon Boat Festival (5)

In the evening, I asked my grandfather to tell me about the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival.

My learned grandfather used his old voice to travel through the distant time and space and bring me back to the state of Chu long ago.

In the Chu State, the imperial court was corrupt and incompetent, officials killed people and people complained about it. Chu went into decline.

At that time, there was a great patriotic poet Qu Yuan, who had great political ambitions. He wrote memorials to the emperor for several times in succession. But the emperor not only failed to adopt Qu Yuan's correct opinion, but also detained him In desperation, Qu Yuan fought to death and resolutely jumped off the rolling Guluo River.

Qu Yuan's patriotism touched the people. People came one after another, rowing bamboo raft canoes along the river to find Qu Yuan, but the search failed for many days, so they had no choice but to scatter some rice in the river, hoping that the fish would not eat Qu Yuan's body.

But the rice grains are too small and easy to disperse. What should I do if I can't eat fish? So someone came up with the idea of making dumplings.

Roll the reed leaves into a sharp tube, fill it with glutinous rice, wrap it with thin herba nasturtii, and throw it into the river, so that the fish can eat enough and won't eat Qu Yuan's body In order to commemorate Qu Yuan from generation to generation, people regard the fifth day of May every year, the day when Qu Yuan jumped into the river, as the Dragon Boat Festival.

Later, people will always remember Qu Yuan by eating zongzi and racing dragon boats. Hearing this, I couldn't help shedding crystal tears

Composition on the Origin of the Dragon Boat Festival (6)

When I was a child, Grandma would always be at the bedside, holding a needle and thread, sewing dried wormwood into a colored bag, and giving me a beautiful sachet. The wormwood in the sachet emits a fresh and long smell, which is both fascinating and intoxicating.

When wormwood is fragrant again, the world is full of joy and joy.

The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in China with a long history and civilization. During the Dragon Boat Festival, children will tie colorful ropes on their hands and wear sachets under their necks to enjoy the beautiful Dragon Boat Festival. But this Dragon Boat Festival we will make a sachet ourselves. Take out the materials, and the wormwood fragrance that comes to my face makes me linger. First, I took out the cloth, folded it in half, took the thread and passed it through the eye of the needle, sewed around the cloth, leaving an opening. The threads around were dense and regular, as if they were like a string of notes, playing music on the cloth. I tied the peach wood ball for warding off evil spirits on the line, and then sewed a blue tassel under the sachet. This sachet was completed.

The sachet also contains a ray of spring wind, two drops of summer rain, three autumn leaves and four winter snow. It is made into a colorful gift box, which is the infinite love of parents for the elderly and children.

Composition on the Origin of the Dragon Boat Festival (7)

The Dragon Boat Festival on the fifth day of May is to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan.

Early in the morning, Grandma came to the table with a steaming plate of zongzi, steamed stuffed buns, garlic, eggs, and rice nuts, telling us that this is the food that must be tasted on the Dragon Boat Festival, which means "five sons enter the imperial examinations".

I have tasted everything. Each food has a different taste. It is a multi flavor bottle with all kinds of flavors.

My favorite is eggs, which was cooked by Grandma with wormwood leaves when she got up in the morning. Eating eggs, smelling a faint fragrance of wormwood. What I don't like most is the taste of garlic, which is cooked directly with water. It tastes pungent, hot and hard to swallow. But Grandma told me that garlic will count, and I don't believe it, ha ha! Mother told me that garlic can kill bacteria, forcing me to eat one.

After that, Grandma brought us a bowl of red realgar wine to put on. Although I was more resistant to the pungent taste, it had a powerful function. realgar wine could dispel five poisons, drive away mosquitoes, and even poisonous snakes would avoid it. I had to give in.

This Dragon Boat Festival, we ate "Wuzi" and wiped realgar wine, which is very delicious and unforgettable!

Composition on the Origin of the Dragon Boat Festival (8)

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. I ran home quickly to learn how to make zongzi with my grandma. When I got home, I saw my grandma was already washing rice. I hurried to do my homework.

Suddenly, I heard my grandmother's cry: "Ding Ning, homework is finished, and I will make dumplings with my grandmother, Pack it up in a decent way: first, pick up a dry bamboo shoot leaf and roll it into a concave bucket shape; Then add a little rice, spread a little red bean on the top, cover one side of the bamboo shoot leaves on the concave bucket, and then wrap the rope around it for several circles, tie a knot, and wrap a rice dumplings. Then, I made several zongzi in the same way. Grandma made zongzi, looked sideways and praised me happily.

When I had dinner, I looked at the plates of self - made dumplings on the table, and I felt inexpressibly sweet.

Composition on the Origin of the Dragon Boat Festival (9)

After Qu Yuan threw himself into the river, the people of Chu State mourned him very much. In order to mourn the great patriotic poet, every day on the fifth Dragon Boat Festival in May, everyone drives a boat and brings food to the Lei Luo River to sacrifice Qu Yuan.

In this way, a year or two has passed. Unexpectedly, one night, people suddenly dreamed that Qu Yuan came. He was wearing a high hat, a long sword on his waist, and some pearls and jade on his body. His face looked bright, but somewhat sad. Everyone was very happy to see Qu Yuan and saluted one by one. Qu Yuan said to everyone, "Villagers, I appreciate your kindness to me, and Qu Yuan is very grateful to you." When everyone saw that Qu Yuan was still very thin, they asked him with concern, "Doctor Three. Have you eaten all the rice we sent you?" "Thank you!" Qu Yuan said excitedly. However, he then sighed and said, "All the rice you sent me was eaten by the Shui people, such as fish, shrimp, turtle and clam." Everyone was very angry and said, "That's for you. They can't eat it!" Everyone asked, "What can we do to prevent the Shui people from eating the rice?" Qu Yuan said, "If you use light bamboo leaves to wrap rice and make corns with sharp corners, the Shui nationality will think it is water chestnut and may not eat it."

The next Dragon Boat Festival, people did as Qu Yuan said. However, after the Dragon Boat Festival, Qu Yuan entrusted people with a dream, saying, "Thank you for sending me corns. I ate some, but most of them were still eaten by the Shui people." People asked, "What else can I do?" Qu Yuan said, "Yes, when you send corns by boat, you can dress the boat as a dragon. Because all the Shui people are under the control of the Dragon King, they dare not eat any of the rice when they see it is sent by the Dragon King. "

Since then, people have followed this pattern year after year. As a result, the custom of eating rice dumplings and rowing dragon boats came into being on the Dragon Boat Festival.

Composition on the Origin of Dragon Boat Festival (10)

The annual Dragon Boat Festival is coming again. At this time, everyone has wrapped up Zongzi, and our family has also started to make Zongzi, in response to this traditional Chinese festival.

I followed my grandmother's example, holding two rectangular zong leaves in my hand, folded them into a funnel, and then put glutinous rice in it, but I put a little bit of it, a little bit of it, a little bit of it. Grandma smiled and said to me, "Your funnel is really leaky. You must wrap it up." After listening to Grandma's words, I folded the leaves of zongzi like a sharp little funnel before giving up. Once again, I put glutinous rice into the leaves of rice dumplings, and finally there was no leakage. After putting the glutinous rice into the leaves, I added a sweet jujube, and then I took a piece of rice dumplings to seal the big opening, and finally wrapped the rice dumplings with a thread. I looked at the dumplings made by my grandmother, like a powerful and upright general, and then looked at my dumplings, like a withered old woman. In a second or two, I fell on the ground and began to sleep.

Alas! It's too difficult to make dumplings. It's convenient to buy dumplings in the supermarket! I thought silently.

Composition on the Origin of the Dragon Boat Festival (11)

The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is a traditional festival in China. The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, is said to be the day when Qu Yuan, a great patriotic poet in ancient China, threw a stone into the river.

During the Warring States Period, Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet of Chu, heard the news that his country was about to perish. He was filled with grief and indignation. He took a big stone and jumped into the river. In order to commemorate Qu Yuan, everyone rowed a boat to throw rice into the river on the anniversary of his throwing into the river, but later they found that all the rice thrown into the river was eaten by fish. So people thought of a way to wrap rice into four corners in a long leaf. When fish saw it, they thought it was water caltrop, so they didn't dare to eat it again. This is what we often eat later.

Until now, people eat zongzi and race dragon boats to commemorate the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan when they arrive at the Dragon Boat Festival.

Composition on the Origin of Dragon Boat Festival (12)

Qu Yuan was a great poet in history. He was upright, worried about the country and the people, and devoted himself to the reform of the country. However, Qu Yuan was attacked and persecuted by villains, as well as King Huai of Chu, who was ignorant and ignorant of loyalty and treachery. Finally, Qu Yuan threw himself into the river and died on the fifth day of May in grief, anger and despair. The people of the State of Chu were extremely distressed and went to the riverside to pay homage to him. The fisherman took out the rice balls, eggs and other food prepared for Qu Yuan and threw them into the river, hoping that when the fish, shrimp and crabs were full, they would not bite Qu's body. Later, the custom of eating rice dumplings and racing dragon boats on the Dragon Boat Festival came into being to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan.

Qu Yuan has left us many beautiful poems in his life, such as the "foot has its own length, and inch has its own length" we used to perform mathematical dramas, the "road is long, and I will go up and down to search" I saw on the stone tablet of Sichuan University, and the "birds fly back to their hometown, and the fox will die on the head of the hill" in the "Songs of Chu"

My Dragon Boat Festival is just the last holiday before the final exam, so we are simplifying everything and preparing for the final exam. After reviewing my lessons, my mother bought me colorful ropes and tied them to my wrists. I hope I am safe and healthy!

Composition on the Origin of the Dragon Boat Festival (13)

"Dragon Boat Festival, make dumplings, eat five red~~" I kept saying. Mom smiled and said, "You are such a greedy cat! You can eat five reds later." Hearing this, I could no longer restrain my excitement. I asked my mother whether the food was cooked or not in a few minutes, and asked her again in a few minutes. "Dinner is over! Little greedy cat, come and eat 'five reds'!" I jumped three feet high and said, "OK! Come on!" My father asked me, "What do you mean by' five reds'?" I said, "It's not difficult for me! 'five reds' means: roast duck, salted duck eggs, rice eel, lobster and amaranth. Let me taste the' five reds'.", I began to eat. Mother said, "After dinner, let's make dumplings." "Good," I replied. When the table was cleared up, my mother and I began to make dumplings: I held a funnel shaped leaf in my hand, put rice into it, and then "sealed" it with a piece of leaf, then tied it with a rope, and finally, cooked it! My mother praised me and said, "The package is good, but it's not as good as me. Ha ha." I smiled and ate my own dumplings, feeling sweet.

Composition on the Origin of the Dragon Boat Festival (14)

Dragon Boat Festival is coming. Do you know origin of the Dragon Boat Festival? Let me tell you!

The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year. The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional folk festival in China, which is also called the Double Boat Festival. There is also a children's song about the Dragon Boat Festival: "On the fifth of May, it is the Dragon Boat Festival. Insert wormwood leaves, wear sachets, eat zongzi, sprinkle sugar, and launch a dragon boat happily."

But today's Dragon Boat Festival is more to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. It is said that the dragon boat race was to save Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet who died in the Miluo River. Zongzi was thrown into the river to prevent fish, shrimp and crabs from eating Qu Yuan's body. Here, I will tell you a story about Qu Yuan. It is said that during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, Wei, and Qin were the main powers in the Central Plains, and their countries fought for land, making the Central Plains a fiery war. At that time, Qu Yuan was a leftist official of the State of Chu. He advised King Huai of Chu to govern benevolently and not to listen to slander. But King Huai not only refused to listen, but also listened to slander and dismissed Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan, sad and indignant, wrote immortal poems - Li Sao and Tian Wen. In 278 BC, the State of Chu was defeated by the State of Qin. Qu Yuan's spirit was greatly hit. In the face of the country's destruction and the people's suffering, he could do nothing. So in extreme disappointment and pain, he threw stones into the Miluo River in the east of the Yangtze River. Upon hearing the news, the people of the State of Chu rowed to the river to retrieve Qu Yuan's body, and brought zongzi into the river to feed fish, shrimps and crabs, so that they would not eat Qu Yuan's body. Two thousand years have passed, but the image of the poet Qu Yuan still remains in people's minds. Nowadays, on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, people will row dragon boats and eat zongzi to commemorate this great poet.

Of course, the customs and habits vary from place to place, but they all need to eat zongzi, insert wormwood leaves, wear sachets, and race dragon boats. In addition to the above, we also have the habit of sending and eating mung bean cakes.

Dragon Boat Festival is my favorite festival. Not only because it can eat rice dumplings and mung bean cakes, but also because it is a memory of the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan.

Composition on the Origin of Dragon Boat Festival (15)

The Dragon Boat Festival has been a custom in China for more than 2000 years. Why do Chinese people celebrate it? There are many legends here. The most famous is Qu Yuan, a great poet who commemorates Chinese history.

It is said that ancient Chinese people hated the death of Qu Yuan, a wise minister, and many people rowed to rescue. They [Note: They are afraid of falling behind. When they catch up with Dongting Lake, there is no trace to commemorate the origin of the dragon boat race. They row dragon boats on the 5th day of May every year. They use dragon boats to disperse fish in the river, so as not to eat Qu Yuan's body.

On the Dragon Boat Festival, our family went to grandma's house to eat zongzi. Zongzi is shaped like a triangle, a quadrangle, a pillow, a pagoda, a round stick, etc. There are also many kinds of traps in Zongzi, including bean paste, mildew, dried vegetables, celery, meat, jujube, which taste good. When the rice dumplings came out of the pot, my grandmother brought them. I [Note: near: urgent. I can't wait. It describes my eagerness. I took one, untied the outside rope first, and peeled off the leaves of the dumplings. It's so delicious. I want to eat a second one, but my stomach can't hold it anymore.

Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! The Dragon Boat Festival is really good. I really want to have the Dragon Boat Festival every day.

Composition on the Origin of the Dragon Boat Festival (16)

Speaking of the story of June 1, why do the interesting things happen less on the Dragon Boat Festival

On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, several of our sisters went to our grandmother's house to celebrate the festival. When eating zongzi at noon, the 6-year-old cousin must eat with whom. The winner can let the loser do one thing. I think I am much older than her. Of course, the victory is in the palm of my hand. I thought: This is not a piece of cake.

At the beginning of the competition, I wanted to let her, but I didn't show my strength. I smiled and ate little by little. I didn't know that my cousin was very powerful and had a strong fighting ability. I ate three zongzi... I was still invisible. I really couldn't eat and lost... Ah, I lost Jingzhou.

What did cousin ask me to do as the winner? You can't guess! She wanted me to take her to my school and classroom. Ha ha, my cousin went to primary school in September, and she yearned for school. Of course, I promised to take her to school. Cousin has spent so much time and thought. I want to go to our school. She told me that she especially wanted to go to school and become a monitor, squadron leader and team leader.

I also want to study hard, don't despise my cousin!

Composition on the Origin of the Dragon Boat Festival (17)

"The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated on May 5." There are many customs on the Dragon Boat Festival, such as dragon boat riding, making dumplings, making spicy dishes, drinking realgar wine

It is said that the Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan, a patriotic man, committed suicide by jumping into the river. In order to make fish not eat Qu Yuan's body, villagers put zongzi into the river. If fish eat zongzi, they will not eat Qu Yuan's body.

Last year's Dragon Boat Festival we made zongzi, and this year we made sachets.

Today's evening self-study, Mr. Yuan bought spices, including jasmine, osmanthus, acacia, mosquito repellent, etc. Let's make sachets.

I first chose a more auspicious red sachet with a dragon sewn on it. Now it's time to choose spices. Put the spices into a white bag, and finally put the bag into the selected perfume bag. I put the spices one by one. Finally, I used acacia and sweet scented osmanthus to pave the roof, and filled it with enough. I smelt it, and there was a faint smell of mango.

Then I wrote this diary. On the way to write the diary, I dropped two drops of herb oil on it and smelled it again! How smelly!

My great artwork has been destroyed! Sobbing! I won't paint the lily any more!

Composition on the Origin of the Dragon Boat Festival (18)

The fifth day of May is the Dragon Boat Festival. Speaking of Dragon Boat Festival, I also understand its other name! Such as Dragon Boat Festival, Poet's Day, Daughter's Day, etc.

Eating Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival is in memory of the ancient poet Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan wrote many famous poems and put forward many patriotic political ideas in his life, but the King of Chu refused to accept them. In the end, the land of Chu was occupied, and Qu Yuan jumped into the river to kill himself. In order to commemorate him and pay homage to him, people throw zongzi and many delicious food into the river every year on this day, in order to prevent fish from eating Qu Yuan's corpse.

On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, I asked my mother how Zongzi was made. My mother said, "Zongzi is made of green, fresh reed leaves wrapped in snow-white glutinous rice and honey dates. If there is no honey dates, it can be replaced by beans. To cook it, you need to cook it all night. After cooking, peel off the dark green reed leaves, and you can see white glutinous rice and jujube balls inside. They are delicious, sweet and not greasy. It is not only an appetizer, but also a nutritious tonic.

Dragon Boat Festival is so joyful and interesting! I learned knowledge again and increased my knowledge. It's good to celebrate Dragon Boat Festival!